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Posts posted by 1stSavagerY

  1. 5 hours ago, State Trooper EvaMocca said:

    + Big Support
    - We need to bring more RP back into the server and with this research or medical can RP conduct test there.

    - It can be used by medical to create ammestitics 

    - RRH Engineer and Analyst can go RP at the Lab for there medical research or REDACTED

    - Research would have more room to test in instead of going to Temp Euclid to set up base

    - Junior Researchers can set up base there and RP doing research

    The only bad thing here is that it will increase the map size and that could lead to more lag. But I would still love to see this come back. Sure no one was using it back then but if we bring it back now it could bring more RP into the server instead of killing each other for fun


  2. What is your in-game name?: 


    What is your steam name?: 


    What is your steam ID?:  


    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): 


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) 

    I was a general admin in a TTT server for about a year before moving over to GMOD, where I have been staff on GL for 6 months.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 

    Around July of last year

    What date did you make your forums account? 

    July 20, 2021

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 


    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc): 


    Are you a staff member in another community?

    Have you read the staff handbook?


    What rank are you applying for?

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    I believe I deserve the rank of admin because of my dedication to the server and my experience I have on the staff team.  With over six months on the staff team, being a Senior Moderator for over four months, and almost 2,000 completed sits, I believe I have shown that I am both extremely dedicated to the staff team and ready to move up to the next position.  As I have been on the staff team for a lengthy amount of time, most Trial Moderators, Moderators, and even fellow Senior Moderators look to me when requesting assistance with more difficult or controversial sits.  They often come to me with questions on the MOTD and rules we have to follow and how to proceed in the more delicate situations.  Moreover, I always make sure to remain composed during staff sits, calmly explaining situations and acting as a mediator during sits and arguments when they arise, always trying to calm everyone involved down first before continuing on with a sit.  Although there are times and situations where I do not know where to proceed, I always make sure to go to a rank or two above me to ask them before proceeding higher up, always doing my absolute best to follow both the staff handbook while being courteous towards other players.

    Scenario questions:

    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    If I bring someone to a sit who has been Mass RDMing and all they do is curse at me, I would first try to mediate the situation and calm them down, trying to see why they were doing what they were doing.  If they continue with this behavior I would mute them so I could explain their punishment.  As they had been Mass RDMing, I would explain that they would be banned for 5 days for the offense before issuing the ban and returning to the RP.

    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?

    First off, I would immediately separate everyone involved, moving everyone to different areas of the staff room before talking to each of them in turn to see what happened.  After talking with everyone involved, I would then move them back together and explain the punishments given if any were needed.  Should they continue to be toxic and start player dissing the other members of the staff sit, I would move them away from the group and give them a formal warning for Toxicity/Player Diss.

    Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving?

    If a player clearly doesn't care about the punishments they are receiving, I would remain kind and courteous during the entire staff sit, explaining to them that if they continue their behavior they would be getting future warns for breaking rules and possibly even a ban should it progress that far.

    Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?

    I would explain to him that although the rule is not specifically stated in the MOTD, exploiting known bugs still follows under the "Common Sense" and "Exploiting" rules, which are still punishable with warns and possibly even bans.  I would give them a formal warning for the transgression and explain that future offenses would result in future warns and/or bans.  I would then let them know that if they feel like the warn/ban is unjust or wrong, they could appeal it on the forums, where I would provide them with a link to said forums page so they would be able to appeal it.

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, [GL] Fryingpan36 said:

    Is that the reason for it getting denied last time? or is it made up. 

    I was told that by someone else although I cannot recall correctly, so I could be wrong, that's why I said "If I recall correctly" and "I believe."  But I do know Valve is very strict when it comes to markets related to their games (ex csgo, tf2, etc etc) and hate third parties making their own markets so I wouldn't find it very far fetched if it was the reason

  4. +support

    Basically what happened is another EOI was the one who metagamed and got maynard to wrongfully reported and banned.  As maynard wasn't supposed to know the information given to him by the EOI and both were offline (they had just left right before the sit was taken), maynard was the one who got hit with the punishment as he was the one who acted and killed the hostage which this incident revolved around and was punished based on the information we had via the server (deah/damage) logs.

  5. On 4/17/2022 at 10:43 AM, Jess1224 said:

    +support I think there should be more of these available, especially now with Nu-7 having a job with the trash collector. They take a while to process the trash and having more recyclers would allow more people to use them.


  6. -support

    sure it can be annoying if you can't buy thermals, i always play on my CC so i dont have thermals.  Just shoot where you think they are and you can usually get an easy kill


  7. 15 hours ago, Demon Dice said:

    I feel like this isn't needed pretty much every DMR got a buff and they all do pretty comparable dmg to one another so if you wanna nerf the g3 then all of them would need to be nerfed aswell, I understand they are strong but this change just happened give it some time for people to get used to it. And besides normal snipers are alot stronger like the barret can 2 tap 225/225 jobs so guns having a high ttk isnt a bad thing in my book if anything I wish more guns killed as fast as the g3 does, sorry for the rant hehe but -SUPPORT



    I had banned you due to exploiting on 682 as you were intentionally breaking your player model and have been warned by other staff for doing this same exact thing before on various other SCP's (343 and 1424; if I recall correctly @Nydekorehad to even kick you at one point as you continued to refuse to rejoin the server, playing with a broken hitbox after being told by multiple staff to reconnect to fix it).  You admitted to intentionally glitching your model which broke your hitbox, the broken hitbox making it incredibly difficult for anyone to hit you.  You then somehow joined the game a day later after having already being banned by me, Coltable noticed this and remembered that I had banned you the day before, stating that he would just permanently ban you (I don't know if this happened or not as we were having problems with the warning system before so I do not know if he went through with this, and I do not see my warning on shugo on the forums although I was the one to give him the warn for Continued Exploiting | NCWS | NITRP).  I would also like to point out that you've been verbally warned by other staff for this before and still tried to talk your way out of the sit  until I told you I had evidence of you admitting to intentionally exploiting inside of chat PM's.

    Should any JMT/SMT have any questions about what happened, I am more than happy to answer them over discord as I am not always available to check the forums

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