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Posts posted by 1stSavagerY

  1. 1 minute ago, Nydekore said:

    You're upset about... fences? You're not "useless" now, if you comply with actually RPing there are some ways to escape. You just can't bombrush gensec repeatedly now as it should be as you are A DEATH ROW INMATE. Work on coordinating if you want to rebel.

    I agree with nydekore.  It's still easy to riot if you strategize with your fellow d class, which is what you're supposed to do.  If anything, it helps the server as it makes it so that research are able to do more RP and MTF can feed SCP's; plus it's much more realistic as D Class shouldn't have constant reign over d block, prisons don't work that way.  Also, the point of SCPRP is to... well... RP.  Consider joining a branch if you are looking for more RP and/or PvP.  I also killed too SF today while rioting with the contender, it was fairly easy so I don't know what you're talking about when you say the contender is bad

  2. On 6/17/2022 at 3:36 AM, SnarledBison said:

    He also moves considerably more slowly. As well 106 is already easily contained with a femur, all you gotta do is attempt to get a class d and if that fails just throw one of the many Nu7 in. Not only that but 682s breach time is 20 minutes and he is one of the most dangerous SCPs on site.

    You've always moved slowly as 106 when holding out his swep, which is required when playing the SCP.

  3. On 6/20/2022 at 5:55 AM, Average Pipebomb enjoyer said:

    What about verbally and sexually harassing people in DMs and calling people homophobic slurs? I'm sorry but stuff like that is just unacceptable 


    On 6/19/2022 at 6:06 PM, Piller said:

    You burnt a lot of bridges. We all go through struggles, but you went out of your way to attack people and burn said bridges. The argument could of even been made for a more severe punishment.



    On 6/19/2022 at 3:20 PM, Nydekore said:


    Not enough time has passed for me to believe you’ve actually taken time to reform

    -support The ban was pretty recent so you definitely haven't had time to reform.  That plus the sexual harassment and telling someone to literally off themselves for -supporting you just shows you are not ready to be a part of this community.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    Alternate suggestion. You are given a trial with R&D jobs ONLY. Once that has held for a significant period of time, then progression to the remaining jobs can appealed. I think this is a easy compromise to at least allow you a chance to grow. Also in consideration your last appeal was a week ago, way too short to try again.

    If you can accept that (and if it's possible to do SMT side), you have my +Support


  5. 15 hours ago, Grеg said:

    This isn’t a balance change it’s a QOL change


    The reason 8286 can only use his swep every so often is because it would be incredibly overpowered if he could kill 4 people in a row before being fear rp'ed.  thats not how it's supposed to be played, players are supposed to be tactful when using that scp, choosing the right time to strike and take a new persons identity, trying to work their way up to HCMD/SF ranks.  likewise, 682's charge swep has a cooldown because it would be incredibly op if he could be in a constant state of accelerated movement.  these aren't QOL changes, they would fundamentally alter how people play those SCPs and would result in a change in how they are balanced with any other class on the server that has to deal with recontaining them.  currently, they are already fairly balanced.  106 could use an update though i believe there is another suggestion that looks extremely promising regarding that one.

    Edit, my dyslexic ass read this as a reduction of the timer not as putting a timer on the screen.  Would be a nice QOL change +support

    • Laughing 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Sk8tingbot said:

    proof ?

    There were 2 staff members watching u say it.... that's really all we needed

  7. On 6/11/2022 at 12:06 AM, Zack / Zarl said:

    - Support

    About the permission, there is no way for a command member to be able to tell if this person will have the time to dedicate to another branch, so they would just end up having to guess. The current system where certain branches works well enough to prevent dead players. 


  8. 23 hours ago, Cardigan Backyardigan said:

    nobody wants to have to press a bind 30 times an hour just to turn it off, making a setting would make it 10x easier for everybody and there are no disadvantages.

    it takes two seconds to set up a bind and you're extremely overexaggerating how many times they are hit.  a lot of the time people forget to even touch the code and it usually only changes once every 10 minutes at the lowest

  9. 10 hours ago, SnarledBison said:

    It already takes 20 minutes to breach with 4 warnings. You want it to take 30 minutes with 6 warnings?

    considering the swep update will automatically teleport players in a certain radius of him and makes movement with him much easier and can move around the map pretty fast, yes.  like i said, a huge buff like this should be countered with something, whether that be decreasing hp by a ton to allow him to be taken out easily by the ethereal or increasing the self breach time.

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