What you want to see? - Senior mods being able to ban for longer than 12 hours (preferably up to a day)
Why should we add it? - now don't get me wrong, going from being able to ban for 4 hours up to 12 hours is great, however it still isnt really enough for most things. i get that the idea is to have an admin+ extend a ban if one is able to get on the server, however it would be alot better if Senior Mods were able to ban longer than 12 hours and be able to go without an extension for most things, not to mention that getting someone to extend a ban can take longer than 12 hours. Other GL servers allow Senior Mods to ban up to 24 hours so i can't see how PoliceRP Senior Mods shouldnt be able to.
What are the advantages of having this? - Senior mods can go without an extension of a ban or have more time to get an extension.
Who is it mainly for? - Senior Moderators
Links to any content - N/A