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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. +/- Support
    - Seems to know star wars law
    - loves the GL community and wants to help

    - has zero activity on forums and just made acc
    - really rushed application, could re-edit and fix it up
    - really really short and basic offship event when you clearly state you dont want a boring one where "An off ship event we go kill jedi and rebels on endor" is clearly boring and done 100+ times 

    Overall if its not accepted just spend more time on this app, because you represent the GM Team
    Goodluck Hagrid!!!

    • Like 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, AmbitiousMike said:

    + Support

    I support this man as if your ban was made like 2 years ago, I think that is long enough to have been banned now. You are also doing a law degree so you should be sensible. I think that it is a bit unfair as I have also checked that you have had several ban appeals rejected. I too know how you feel. I was perma banned and not given a reason and every time I appeal its denied as they do not know why. I think it is time for you to go back as long as you behave. We all deserve a second chance. I just hope that gaming light sees the light. I hope Jesus goes with you. Amen brother.    

    Luke 17:3-4 

    So watch yourselves! “If another believer sins, rebuke that person; then if there is repentance, forgive. Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.”



    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3. 2 hours ago, SAINTY. said:

    Kinda torn on this one. Gonna have to -SUPPORT though.

    Here is why: 

    A) Doesn't really make sense why beckett would have to add a whole new part of the map just for an obsticle course a GM could do for you in like 5 mins, just a waste of his time when he could be using it on better things that will impact the whole of the server more.

    B) With a growing in the size of the GM team, they will have more staff on for a wide range of times, have people ranging from US, to EU, to Australia in the GM team so they will always be available to do this for you.

    C) Doesn't make sense why an ISD would have an obstacle course on it.

    Sorry about this, just my opinion. 🙂


  4. +Support
    - Did fasely warn him due to two people having the same name
    - The story behind it was i was told by a super admin to ban someone for homophobia, while i was training someone so i used the steamID suppiled to me and warned the guy only to see it was the wrong one. I Found the right one soon after and banned the correct person and brought This person to direct them to the forums


  5. On 1/2/2022 at 4:11 PM, MrPickle said:


    Coming from a Person whos been here since Purge was Founded None of this is needed at all

    Purge are supposed to fight with atleast 1-2 Inquisitors and a Squad of Purge Troopers you aren't supposed to fight Jedi alone with just Purge.

    Personally This isnt needed along with all the HP Boosts you would be overpowered and basically impervious to normal NPCs


  6. On 12/17/2021 at 5:48 AM, Joint said:

    Dueling these days is either always Aggressive 3 or spinning Pike 3 hilts, would be nice to add in more variety to add a skill side to dueling and not just pay to win, as a lot of people dont have 100 dollars to spend on a sawtooth/Jesus hilt combo and become discouraged from fighting other IQ 


    • Like 1
  7. On 10/13/2021 at 3:25 AM, River said:

    + support 

    This is a very good suggestion not only does this give medical more to do but this can provide more passive rp for events and non events. For example medical could do check ups for a battalion and some troops may need to have surgery and they can go into the surgery room and have a bit more roleplay in doing so. 



  8. 6 hours ago, Coconut Boy said:

    I think it would be good to see our names cause usually when i forget to change my name. It takes like an hour for me to figure out cause the only way to see our names is trough the TAB menu.


  9. Battalion Name: Inquisitorius / High Command

    Job/Class Name:  Grand Inquisitor

    Weapon Kit: 

    - Current loadout:

    - Add:

    - Remove:

    Job/Class Name:  The High Inquisitor

    Weapon Kit: 

    - Current loadout:

    - Add:

    - Remove:


    Job/Class Name: IQ: Field Commander

    Weapon Kit: 

    - Current loadout:

    - Add:

    - Remove:

    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): This is wonderful idea which has been talked about rather frequently between HC. I would like to finally put it out there and give IQ HC the chance to have the arrest and unarrest baton. I would like this added as we are the only HC group that doesnt have these items which are really important in my opinion. I would like to be able to arrest someone without having to argue with a shock about arresting someone or having to put out an AOS with someone that i could have arrested within 5 seconds standing right infront of me that is now being chased for 10 minutes which doesnt even get captured. i would like having to stop using force powers to stop people, hitting our troops trying to slow someone down or chase someone. In my time here i can say having an arrest and unarrest baton as HC is really releiving and important so i would finally like to have one after a very long time of waiting 

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Donovan 1973 said:


    If that is the ONLY song you played I think it would fall under mic spam the song does however say the N-word twice but it wasn't intended as racism so you get my +support on this only because a warning for racism is a very extreme thing that can affect your time on gaminglight extremely however I advise you to be more careful next time

    *edit* I also think he should serve the one week ban as a lesson for his mistakes 

    i did ban him for it as he played it twice in the transport. As light as it is i do believe he still should be banned for it as its not something that should just be left as micspam but then again this message is still said perfectly

  11. On 1/1/2022 at 5:04 PM, Keegan said:


    Bilf did a rp_lookup with the offender's name in a sit. It pulled up the wrong individual and Bilf ended up warning Mr. Josh here before realizing his mistake. As such the warn for Failrp, ARDMx3 should be removed as Josh did nothing wrong in this instance.

    Bilf it might be good to double check which SteamID you are warning first, as I mentioned you can get their SteamID if you click on it in the report!


  12. -Support
    -Logs are a trustable source 
    -The person that banned him wa a Super Admin, a trusted member of the community and did it for a good reason
    -You guys were minging (a whole group of you)
    -I did whitness you both shooting and killing other ST's in MHB before being brought 

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