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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. On 11/14/2021 at 12:42 AM, Donovan 1973 said:


    again it was just a mistake he didn't know you could get banned for saying it and it was just a funny mistake that he will now learn from

    -Watch what you say next time
    -you were aware it could ban you

  2. On 11/11/2021 at 1:34 AM, CAO Penguin said:

    My events haven't been up to par since coming back to GMs idk why I feel like I'm letting you guys and the GM team down 

    My passive have been meh at best and shit at worse 

    I'll try to get better events soon.

    Just need to think of something. 

    Again sorry. 

    There fine, even so i have like seen 3/4 but outa those you preform and plan them fine

  3. On 11/9/2021 at 1:18 AM, Jaeger. said:

    + Support

    - There is Proof, the proof show gamma threatening someone, telling someone I Hope you fucking die, is a threat and is permanent a ban.

    - Didn't even know what the Staff HandBook was as a Senior Moderator

    - Made a sit, and during that sit, hoped on staff take a sit that was a GM sit, during his own sit was still up and goes AFK. (Not even a GM)

    - He has been really disrespectful in game lately.

    Overall Gamma/Crysto should not be a Staff member,  and should be removed.


  4. 16 hours ago, MedicManSilver said:

    + Support

    - The answer "cuz i just do" is valid when it comes to shock as we are supposed to hold it when we are guarding brig, or have our arms crossed

    - the admin that warned him even states that they shouldnt have been warned 

    -Admin is willing to support to take away that warn


  5. 16 hours ago, M A N D O said:


    Despite his limited time on the server and short app, he seems to really want a shot at this.

    + Professional on his Naval job

    + Have not seen him minge, nor have I heard of him minging

    + Has solid activity

    - next time Archie, make your apps longer... this one is short AF.

    Why not give him a shot, seems to be genuinely interested and keeps coming back...


  6. Battalion Name: Inquisitorious Purge Trooper 
    Job/Class Name: Purge Combat Specialists [T2]

    Weapon Kit 
    -Current Loadout:

    Add rw_sw_iqa11c
    Add rw_sw_dlt19
    Add rw_sw_dual_rk3

    Job/Class Name: Purge Trooper Brawler

    Weapon Kit
    -Current Loadout: 


    Job/Class Name: Purge Trooper Heavy

    Weapon Kit
    -Current Loadout: 


    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):
    This job has had 0 activity since it’s rework. Adding these changes would encourage more people to hop on the job. Spicing it up with new weapons would be a great idea to pull more purge into this class. Reason for removing both the flashbangs from Brawler, and heavy is due to the incorrect misuse of the flashbang with it inflicting blindness to people through walls. The flashbangs are never used and never will be along with the incorrect use or use of it anyway leading to severe punnishments. I would just remove it as its useless.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Jaeger. said:

    + has 11 Hours on the server ( He is extremely new to the rules)
    + Should have been given a verbal warn before actually warning the person

    New players should be given the chance to learn and gain knowledge instead of being warned, and not giving a verbal warn, is not very good because in the end the day they haven't learnt anything and will affect how they  see the server, as it will show that people are not very friendly to new players, and they will avoid hoping on the server.

    Note for the staff member who warned him - { I Suggest you give it more time and actually explain stuff to people before you warn people and do a verbal warn instead, because I've seen you, do the same thing to other people and most the time they dont understand why they are being warned.  } 



  8. +Support 
    -Known within the staffing community
    -Knows the ULX Commands
    -Is willing to get involved within the team
    -Overall i am willing to have him join the GM team

    -Event ideas could be better, along with having more detail

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/14/2021 at 4:15 AM, MrPickle said:


    -This could be a great thing to bring in money to the server while also providing a fun new experiences for people who buy this.

    -Personally I dont see why not to add it we like it says have a Frying Pan, Golf club, and now even a Hammer!

    -Overall though the decision is up to SMT but I think this could be something new and that is funny and cool too.


  10. 1 hour ago, Shery said:

    -/+ Support 

    - The last question is not a good explanation as to how you should handle a MRDM situation. (The handbook gives you a detailed explanation as to what you have to do.)

    - In the application format it says... (make sure you have understood the handbook.) In the application you state that you have read a part of it. Meaning you don't fully understand what comes with staffing. The handbook is too long is no excuse to not reading all of it. The applications are always open so there is no need to rush.

    + Support
    -does seem like a nice guy willing to give staff a go and I would be willing to help him as a trial mod

    Even with this minus support i would still be willing to give him a go and watch him in staff as we do always have newer staff that need the help



  11. +support

    After getting multiple peoples side of what happened and logs i warned the guy but after getting a video from Jamal i was able to see what actually happened and that he didnt actally MRDM and that he only shot that person because they were annoying him which later they started to kill him and he shot back which looked like MRDM on his side when in the clip it showed him defending himself

    Edit: How they were annoying him was that they were running around him and swearing at him and actually did say the gamer word which i did of couse deal with as well but just adding that in on what they actually did with "annoying him". (This was all found VIA the clip)

  12. In-Game Name: Name

    Steam Name: [GL] CollectiveWorld

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:218861100

    What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Admin-GM / Imperial RP

    How often are you online on the forums? Everyday single day

    Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe that i am qualified for Forums Diplomat as i am heavily active on the forums and server. I check the forums every day like 7 times as  i am very dedicated to the GL server. I am willing to help the community by helping out on the forums as i am already Staff as well as being a GM. This will show my dedication to Imperial RP as i would like help as much as i can.

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? I feel i have great judgment and understanding as i am a admin and a member of the Imperial High Command i already worked in as a Commander, being able to deal with tough decisions and ideas that got pushed my way such as grouping together in other battalions and trying to make rules and order in place so that both battalions could work well together without ruining eachothers reputation. I am also able to pick through decisions in staff, having the power to ban people while choosing if i should or shouldnt or if i should give a verbal warning or formal warning. A tough decision would be that when two good active COL's went for a VCMDR position and i had to pick and give decisions with both of  them being my close mates. I strictly gave no favourtism and didnt choose who but rather gave good and bad feedback on what they needed to work on and what they already had, later having another member, one higher then me choose the outcome.

    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?  I would start out by removing the posts that were spammed or hiding them. I would then send them a message saying “Please do not spam posts, on the forums as this is against the forum rules, If you would wish to try appeal your ban please do so in the provided forum section below" and then i would give them the link to go appeal your ban. If they keep going then i would go to my higher ups and get them to choose the actions they wish to give that person such as a warn

    How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? i would do my best to blow out the situation by sending them as message below in that forums post

    Please Do Not Argue Within This Post, Keep Stricly To +/- Support Within This Post, Thank you 


  13. 3 hours ago, CAO Penguin said:

    + Godly Support 

    - This guy dose so much for all troopers 

    - he's respected by all 

    - he's kind 

    - hard working 

    - understand his responsibilities as High command 

    I say Godly Support cause I feel like no one but Bon deserve this position in power.


  14. 11 hours ago, Jintao said:

    +support, despite the small application size I see a fair amount of potential here. You wish to become GM to help take tickets for SIMs and host events, which is a genuinely good reason. Your event ideas are alright, not the best, but definitely events that would be quality on the server. You're a 1SG in Shock, with no bans or warns on record and seem like a good candidate for the role. There are a few issues in this application, but overall you seem dedicated and want to help the server.


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