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Everything posted by Catalyst

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J7IXX4rboH300uv7o92BiSc6qcyp_W0tjKpNjF--B_A/edit
  2. Catalyst


    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wcuEVUdx8WJuY34LF8PpNmPqBVOclPW8Ze3VuMxY2Cw/edit (It's not a resignation, just really sounds like one, character arc shit. Enjoy!)
  3. Saying the quiet part out loud, finally, and while this is being brought up, I will not speak much about the current state about donations, revenue, ptw and shit because different servers simply do thing's differently. Servers like titsrp and many darkRP servers don't get much revenue and aren't well developed as a result. Servers like CvR don't get much revenue, but still thrive because of a much more active developer community. Servers like sunrust manage to thrive both economically and statistically, having a massive community that takes feedback seriously and actively seeks to change the balance. Saying gaminglight is pay to win just because a majority of the server is infact monetization doesn't make sense, especially since it's such a low optimization server already. What really drives the stake is the clear neglect from basically all parties. The community wants change but we are still stagnate when we have zero reason to. People that aren't in branches are practically immune from consequence and there is constantly both infighting and outfighting in branches. All this talk about "Skill Issue" and "Just get better" really shows the members of the community who have zero interest in actually seeing both the community and the server grow. It's disgusting. You go to any other community and they would be utterly shocked on how self destructive GL players are, and yet its never fucking addressed because community outcry does nothing. One of the worst things to have in a community is neglect. One day, they made massive changes to the combat systems on the server, and yet nearly 6 months later they still have not even gone close to what the community liked previously despite multiple, and i mean MUTLIPLE, attempts to invoke change. People constantly talk about how poor RP on the server is but having such poorly optimized server system completely devours any hope of even invoking any change within. The server has such poor optimization that we literally cannot enact anything that isn't a straight ripoff from the workshop because almost everything is build like my fucking Xbox one skyrim SE mod load order, where even grazing any part of balance and change spirals the server out of control. We made the massive change to completely rework thermals and stealth classes. We made the suggestion, they made the tools, we play-tested them, and we put them on the server. Why the hell does stuff like that never happen anymore. GL is a massive community and yet the resources we have on the server are so embarrassingly low it puts unity indie developers to shame. We shouldn't be forcing jayden and coltable; the only people that can actually make developer change, to constantly take the blame for neglect when no other community member besides veesus actually takes initiative and fixes the shit that needs attention. If we want this community to thrive again, we need change. Not number crunching, not slider adjusting, actual, malleable, definitive change that gets us out this parasitic limbo of community and management neglect. Case Closed.
  4. In Game Name: Catalyst Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:0:184128807 Discord Name (Ruby#0001): Catalyst#7605 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): November 2021 Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): I've noticed that I enjoy playing GL but many of the branches simply do not feel the same and I don't really enjoy my time. However, I've always enjoyed Nu7 due to a much larger role in Player Vs SCP combat, and their participation in RP. I do enjoy combat, however Nu7 is the best example of the type of combat I enjoy. Hopefully through joining Nu7 I can see a different side of the server and help keep the site secure. If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): The only strikes I have are from inactivity or missed command quota, so I believe its safe to not include them If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): Nu7 SGM E11 LCPL CI PFC R&D Senior Archivist Research ADVR D5 LCPL Medic Maintenance MP IQ Apprentice II 69th PFC Naval PO2 PD SNR Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yes
  5. +SUPPORT if we aren't going to get any updates for the server's combat systems for months PLEASE just give us something
  6. What are you suggesting? Give every humanoid classes the exact same hitbox How would this change better the server? Combat on the server has been stale and stagnant for what seems like ages. Many make suggestions for weapon balancing and TTK changes, but nobody ever addresses the core problems of the current pvp systems. Adding global hitboxes, while a major change, is the first step to adding more inclusive and interactive combat to the server. Let's be honest, it's embarrassing how bad the combat mechanics are these days for such a high end server and an active player base. Exploitative movement and hitbox manipulation has plagued the community for long enough, and the worst part is, we are the only server that still has this problem. This change not only would compensate for latency and performance issues, it would also fix constant contemporary issues such as abusive hitboxes and constant lack of registration. Things can be balanced around combat being more consistent and reliable, rather than trying to make hundreds of band-aid fixes to weapon stats and other issues on the server. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. Since there have been numerous counterpoints to this, i will be addressing as many as i can in this section. >Giving every humanoid class the same hitbox is too much work But the payoff is worth it. This isn't custom tailoring every single model to have a similar hitbox for the sake of balancing, This is just making everything exactly the same. The only hitboxes that would have to be individually altered is non humanoids. For something that would massively benefit and improve the server, effort is not an excuse. >global hitboxes don't reward skill SCPRP is a server with a constant massive player-count, many performance issues, and a ton of unnecessary bloatware on the content pack. To say that current GL combat is "skilled based" is a lame and laughable excuse, especially since the server wasn't created as a competitive pvp environment in the first place. Real skill comes from awareness and practice, and having someone be punished despite having these abilities because they were forced to fight someone with a smaller hitbox is just foolish. It isn't a "skill issue" as many people love to spam these days. It's a lack of consistency that doesn't accurately let players learn. >Tanky classes should have bigger hitboxes No class should be balanced around the size of the hitbox it has. Thinking that classes with large health pools should naturally have bigger hitboxes completely invalidates the point of having a tank class. If tank classes have massive hitboxes that just means that overall they are going to be taking much more damage. Additionally, there are already classes that have a much larger health pool than they should have comparative with their current hitbox (You know which ones i'm talking about) >Global hitboxes aren't realistic Nothing on this server is realistic. Make your choice; consistency, or realism. >Global hitboxes makes models purely cosmetic That's the point, models should only be cosmetic. There are always constant arguments about "x model is broken, x model has no hitbox" and i think we are all sick of the echo chamber. People should choose models for branches and CCs based upon how they fit into the server, instead of simply choosing them based upon their hitbox. It would massively clear up many arguments about model hitboxes; There would literally be nothing to realistically complain about because everyone would already have the exact same hitbox advantage. >There are too many models to change, especially with CC's That is an issue that regards an unneeded amount of models on the server. If there are simply too many CC models to change then they shouldn't have allowed that many models in the first place. Before any point is made about "a major part of having a cc is your own model" there are already hundreds of unused models that could simply be removed and then requested later. They don't constantly add models to the content pack. It's just bloated due to a lack of cleaning out the damn thing once and a while. Who would this change mostly benefit? Everyone. This not only would effect branches globally, but would also massively improve the new player experience and encourage more people to stay rather than the current system that is inconsistent and frustrating. If we truly want the server to be more active, and if we want to reach higher goals, we need to have optimized combat that truly reflects the community that stands behind it. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion I will be editing and addressing any counter points that come along, so please have reason when leaving -supports.
  7. -SUPPORT The community really needs to fall off of this "remove x thing because i don't like it/its too hard to manage" string of suggestions and complaints. Removing one of the only actual interactive things on the server because a few people minge with it is just a bandaid fix that doesn't really help the server at all. Focus less on removing and more with building around instead.
  8. +SUPPORT Honestly i like this idea. Many oldies go on about "the old maps" and it would be interesting to see some older parts of GL.
  10. +SUPPORT Dual berreta's are way too inaccurate to be reliable. Kind of a hard turn off for people to buy diamond since the weapon is a direct downgrade to most other weapons you could use.
  11. Name: Catalyst Activity (1-5): 3 Last Promoted: 5/6/22 Date Joined: 4/1/22 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:184128807 Donator Rank: Platinum Notes: N/A
  12. +SUPPORT If we want PVP and combat in general to feel better, adding more responsive effects is a key to making it more satisfying and giving players less frustration about our combat systems. also yall need to calm down with the replies lmao, this has been a constant problem for nearly a month now.
  13. Test log assigned for grading Please wait 1-3 days for final score
  14. YOU KNOW, EVERY WORLD MUST HAVE IT'S END A great sendoff to one of the great advocates for the golden age of R&D goodbye o7
  15. In Game Name: Catalyst Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:184128807 Squadron you are Applying for: Analyst Current RP Ranks Held: Lead Researcher If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/90320-a-dim-flame-of-hatred/ While not one of my most extensive logs, this document is the first research document i created that wasn't solely R&D focused, and was my first experience focusing on creating a more analytical style. This log details the possible psychological containment measures that could lessen SCP-035 as a threat. https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/89997-we-are-many/ One of my most extensive logs, this was my final research log before my transfer to research, and i'm pretty proud of this one. This log details the origins and history of SCP-7598, and its possible link to an unknown foundation specimen that has gone MIA. How many Warns do you have?: Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: While there are many benefits of becoming an analyst, one of the most influential reasons i wanted to apply is to explore a deeper level of research within the foundation and the SCP universe. Unrestricted access and a helpful team of gifted people means that there is a much greater extent to which i can explore these topics, and possibly help others explore them as well. Additionally, i wish to use analyst as a way to draw my focus on to one focal point due to my recent resignation in research command. Now that i have freed a majority of my command responsibilities i hope to show a greater amount of activity in the analyst squadron so that i may work with the squadron and experience the server in the same way i began to enjoy it. Why should we accept you: A major factor of why i should be accepted is my experience both with research in general and the red right hand program previously. I have been in the analyst squadron two times previously (Hoovy's curse), and during my time on the server i have hope to have proven not only my determination to create quality research, but my ability to persevere through failure and always look for a way to improve. Experiencing all types of role-play on the server, i have shown my way around the block, and i wish to prove to all parties involved that i have the experience necessary for this role. If you wish to do more research on me, you may check my forums profile and look for my previous logs, as well as other topics i may discuss. I hope you take this application into high consideration and allow myself to (once again) join a team of great analysts.
  16. -SUPPORT Since CI is getting nerfed to the ground to balance out the rest of the server, they need a lot more ground to work with. One thing you have to remember is that something like this isn't just about raids. Adding this rule would mean that it severely limits the area on surface that they can work with without it being considered a raid. Lets have an example. SCP-682 is on surface, and CI is trying to track it down. In a last ditch effort, 682 runs into gate B to try and escape. If this rule was enacted CI couldn't pursue any targets that enter this domain. MTF and SCP's do not have a restriction between entering those regions, so it isn't really logical to give CI a restriction that mostly just limits where they are allowed to go during non raid operations.
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PeO6wxsxVxIAdw6ZULhb1qFKGZ7peIc3kUFrPKQ32us/edit?usp=sharing
  18. Grade: 100/100 Lore: 25/25 Format: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Notes: Honestly, there is nothing on this log that i could possibly find that could dock any points. The format is creative, extensive, and informational, the writing still inherits the classic scp style, everything about this log is detailed and concise without being wordy or overbearing. Well Done!
  19. Test log assigned for grading Please wait 1-3 days for final score
  20. Test log assigned for grading Please wait 1-3 days for final score
  21. Test log assigned for grading Please wait 1-3 days for final score
  22. Test log assigned for grading Please wait 1-3 days for final score
  23. Test Log Assigned For Grading Please Wait 1-3 Days For Final Score
  24. Test Log Assigned For Grading Please Wait 1-3 Days For Final Score
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