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Posts posted by Tactical

  1. 2 hours ago, Qxeefs said:

    Hello, Yes Tactical that screenshot is me. I thought I had more then 22 warns. The reason I put that ban reason down is because when I was banned (if i’m not mistaken)  I heard I reached the warn limit (not knowing i was at 22) so i figured that i had 40 warns because I heard that. I’m not sure who VariGood is, i’ve had the same steam account for GMOD since I bought the PC. Should I make a new appeal or can you guys go off of the screenshot that Tactical sent in?

    ye so our perma ban is 40 warns and you defo dont have 40 
    i believe he should be unbanned due to this and the ban reason also but i will 100% say if you do get unbanned please read up on all of our rules as some may have changed since the last time you played

  2. On 1/29/2022 at 8:19 PM, BruceyBoyo said:


    -Extremely long-serving member of staff

    -Mature and professional, knows what he's doing on staff

    -Shows understanding of how support should be done

    Overall would trust MiniEpic to deal with support cases/tickets efficiently and professionally. Good luck!

    +support from me 
    very well known 
    easy to talk to

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