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Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Tactical

  1. 5 hours ago, Billy S said:

    + Support 

    - Only had 1 warning during the months they have been here

    - Good Application

    - Active in game, Always see them around

    - Friendly, Mature, Would be a great addition to the staff team

    - Good knowledge of how to handle such situation

    ill agree with that they are also fun to RP with 

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  2. Wow from the day we met to now has changed a lot, im very thankful for your time you have committed to not only state but making friends along the way, i have had such a great time getting to know u. i had fun hopping on murderer and killing people. but all in all i have had a lot of fun with you around thanks for your time and the best of luck on your life dude ❤️ 

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