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Posts posted by Tactical

  1. So its not actually 1 year but im 3 days off thought i would show you guys my first ever Screenshot and my most recent screenshot so enjoy
    This is my first 
    and this is my most recent 

    i would like to say i have had a great time in all of my time in gaming light it has been really fun and i cant wait to see where i can get to. i remember all my funny moments with people and cant wait to make more, big thanks to the community tho you have really helped me through some tough times.

    • Gaminglight Love 2
  2. -support
    from my point of view i felt like you just didnt care and if you did u might have thought twice about doing any of this, i do believe in not holding grudges and people do change but personally its way to early to attempt to appeal it, i would say leave it for a while and then appeal it at a later date.

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