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Posts posted by Tactical

  1. 3 minutes ago, Phil said:


    Darby is a active member within the community

    knowledgeable on the server rules

    Previous staff experience 

    Great app

    Friendly dude


    For these reasons and more Darby has my +support and deserves a chance to join the staff team

    i agree with this best of luck darby ❤️ 

  2. -support
    bray imma be real now when you read out that application it did not one bit sound like you at all and you also told us it was an app from over a year ago but we later found out it was posted less then a month ago just be honest dude you just did yourself a deep whole and wont ever be able to get out of it, ive tried helping you time after time with pd staff even event team aswell when you applied but you just seem to ruin it, this doesnt mean i dislike you at all you just make silly choices and all you need to do is step back and see what you are doing, people like it when your online its fun and funny seeing you drive into a wall or try a mug someone and fail and you have a laugh about it but you let yourself down almost immediately after dude, just work on some things people have stated and you should be alright head up and push forward 

  3. my side is
    i was in a sit talking to people that were killing eachother in spawn, i had 3 people frozen and you came over so i picked u up and moved you away from my sit as i was trying to deal with it and talk to them, you then pulled your gun out and shot me so i tped you away and warned you for ARDM here is the evidence 

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