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Everything posted by Henderson

  1. Follow the format. -Support tell he fixes it.
  2. Seems like a Joke Application and wasting SMT's Time. also double posted staff application. -Support
  3. Seems like a Joke Application and wasting SMT's Time. also double posted staff application. -Support
  4. Wait your time, this I only going to anger SMTs more.
  5. +Support Also those who are saying he is a staff member, reminder we cannot take our own sits. Also disappointed in being part of Epison 11.
  6. Lore Name: Henderson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102756866 Rank: Experienced Researcher Activity Level: 4/10 (I work during the week)
  7. Looks like FailRP x3 and ARDM. +Support
  8. Watched the video, and yes he did break NLR. +Support
  9. Agree but anything he did cannot warrant a blacklist.
  10. I know this kid back when I was an ImperalRP Main. he'll never do anything of the sort, Even when he is Purge officer.
  11. -Support for above reason, you Nuked the entire server and for a Perma Ban for RDM times 97 and expect us to let you back on the entire server. Surprised you didn't get a community blacklist for attempting to crash the server at this point with all the people on when you nuked it.
  12. Clear evidence of player dis.
  13. Here is what I gathed from it. (Sorry for the bad quality/zoom out I am on my phone) the second image clearly says Warn for ARDM + LTAP.
  14. Edit: Changed to +Support since it been 2 months
  15. Been in the community as a whole and do not know you at all but if this is true that you matured up willing to give it also one for.
  16. Your in game name: Henderson Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102756866 The player's in game name: Faye The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:526962056 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 10/1/2021 12:20ish AM PST What did the player do: FailRP (Try Cuffing me as SCP-131 A, Abusing Security/Foundation Equipment, ARDMx4 an Safe Class SCP) Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/66537253/d13378wTanww?invite=cr-MSxuOXAsMTk4ODgxNzgs https://medal.tv/clips/66537448/d1337aVDyXRJ?invite=cr-MSx0WW4sMTk4ODgxNzgs https://medal.tv/clips/66537609/d1337VTIysMv?invite=cr-MSxwNncsMTk4ODgxNzgs What do you believe should happen to the player: Warning For FailRP Any extra information: None
  17. not suppose to reply to it but want to say what DT does is classified, even know what they do is considered treason. Even though breaks the following Laws: Subsection I. Treason I-05 Spying I-08 Conspiracy I-09 Crimes Against the Emperor all PK able and/or Blacklistable
  18. What is your ingame name?: Henderson What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:102756866 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Ensign What specialty are you applying for?: Security What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Soldier What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? Nothing really to change as Shock is already at its best, death troopers cannot really change anything as it is classified and do not know how it works. Why should you be trusted with this position?: Started to do this application not because I am the rank that it can. Although I made a few mistakes as an Enlisted, Want to become an Officer because people say (in-game) that I did good, I want to do what is best for the Shock & DT and be mentoring those below me. Been active lately and want to prove myself by this officer application, and if they do give me a chance I will help out the officers and Command Team of those branches. working hard and trying to finally get that promotion of a specialty on this server alone. I was a part of a lot of communities before, Even my server that was popular before or the last one that was abandoned. I have many skills including active stuff I am doing in the Navy and SF right now learning all I can to get better on this very server, working my hardest to get better in them; and the server as well. Been to so many different servers, both CWRP & ImperalRP, all the different types of servers out there happen to take interest in this one that I am in the navy with. I am good at what I do, on the server and roleplay, I keep coming back to do more role-playing and have fun doing it. Been busy with all kinds of things but I had enough time out of my day to come out and rank up in Navy and Shock. Why do you want this rank?: What the officers and command need is someone to host training and keep the activity up. I also have to help out maybe with people's applications in terms of proofreading them and help with length, going to be a long road but I can help however I can. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: My main goal is to get them all super active and do the following Of these responsibilities include: Assisting Enlisted Assisting NCOs/Officers. Assisting Command. Assisting the CSO. Hosting/Assisting tryouts Doing quota Distributing promotions. (If able) Attending the weekly meeting. Remaining active within the battalion(s) including Naval
  19. "40+ Warns - Permanent ban issued, By Head Admin+ " you are lucky, they save your butt on this one.
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