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Idle last won the day on June 28 2021

Idle had the most liked content!

About Idle

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. -support how did u know u couldnt move if u were blindfoled lmao
  2. Ur very best person have good day

  3. -support I have some bad experiences with u Sometimes u can be immature and disrespectful i dont see u fit for staff
  4. Anyone play SOT??? IF so how much have u progressed in the game??
  5. -support Banned on PRP For DDOS Threats 0 For lore Knowledge Sorta Incorrect Format
  6. Dont have time for state and complety burnt out of PRP
  7. Dont have time for srt and Completely burnt out of PRP
  8. +support Clear Violation Of Staff Handbook.
  9. -Support Blacklisted From Commmunity
  10. Your In-game: Idle The player's name in-game: Unknown [His Steam Name is Vape Patrol] The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:183811171 What did the player do: Reach The 30 Warn Threshhold Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198327888070 What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 month Ban Any extra information: No
  11. POGGGGGGGGG!! Its gonna be amazing working with u snuts.
  12. -Support - High Warns And semi recent homophobia warn - Not good answer for MRDM Question - Edited Application - No poll Overall at this moment i dont see u fit for staff.
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