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About Spoonbwai

  • Birthday 10/04/2002

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  1. My Friend, My enemy, My little brother. I will miss you and hang one more flag for another fallen maintenance.
  2. Bro... I don't even get my own...SMH Nah never forget the truest fittest maintenance there ever was.
  3. Man without you, I would've stop playing cause I wouldn't be having fun on this server. I'm still have fun knowing we gonna do some stupid shit the next week you come back
  4. What am I going to do with my Stolas Kidnapped button?! Gonna miss ya man
  5. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Spoonbwai 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:0:133996858 3. What is your Rank? Technician 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 0 (The one on my profile is a false one) https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/72496-spoons-warn-appell/#comment-499257 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8 7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words)? I believe I am a capable fit to be a member on the command team. I've been a very active member of maintenance and I want to see the branch go further. I always willing to help enlisted with question they have and always down to take enlisted to HCZ if they want to do some good PassiveRP or just to do a patrol for the hell of it. For me this is an opportunity to see how far I can go in maintenance and how far I can take maintenance if I get this command position. I will be lenient but stern, if trouble arises I will listen to both party's and give my judgement. I entrusted my own judgment that I will make rights decisions for other and may lead this branch to a better future. [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this? I would ask them why they don't wanna go back and try to find some common ground. I would then suggest them the benefits of joining maintenance and explain what they doing is bad and escort them back. If they wont listen or decide to minge/rudeness while I try to speak to them I will try to put them on a DNT 8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation? Ask them to stop RDMing each other and suggest better options to do. Like do a patrol with me or show them many PassiveRP options to do when there no breach's or trash gets boring. 8-3. A Junior Maintenance is breaking multiple SOP rules such as improperly using tools and disregarding DEFCON rules, what are your next steps? Give them a verbal warning of what they are doing wrong and explain the point of said tools. If they keep ignoring the warning I gave them, I would move to a strike and a possible demotion
  6. It Hurts man. You were and are still one of the best. May you return and shoot for the stars!
  7. Gonna miss ya Carl. You made me the best medical I could ever be. I will thrive to become like you one day. You taught me the most important rule of becoming medical. MO ARE CRINGE!!!
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