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About Joslin

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  1. What is your in game name? Joslin What is your in game rank? RG VI Are you in shadow guard? No, I'm in Saber Guard How long have you been in Royal Guard? on and off for about 2 years Why do you want to become a Trial Senior? [150+ words] I want to be able to help Royal Guard grow through training and mentorship. I'm very attentive to people in the battalion and I love to help people realize potential that they might not even have known that they had. I have past experience with being an officer in Royal Guard. I would plan on using that experience to help the battalion bolster its ranks as I have in the past. My main focus would be to start doing more trainings and sims, not because they are lacking, but because if we have more of these going on, the more interest there will be in staying in our battalion for those who may be on the fence about making Royal Guard a life. I also want to help the command team by taking pressure off of them in day to day duties. My job would be to be hands on in commanding the NCO's and enlisted and I would not shy from these duties. This being said, I would also encourage the NCO's to handle the enlisted portion as that is their job. I would always be there for my guys on and off the server. Royal Guard has been a passion of mine since I first joined as a Cadet when the server was still on the old map. Throughout my time on this server I have seen the ebb and flow of different commands, play styles and seasons. I've seen Royal Guard on the brink of total inactivity as well as at its peak numbers and activity all while serving at different ranks within our battalion. I know that these valuable experiences will help me to lead in the most effective way that I know how. How could you assist Royal Guard command with this rank? [100+ words] With my command experiences both in and out of game, I know that I will be able to effectively lead in any situation that is thrown at me. With my leadership experience, I would be able to handle problems within the power that I'm granted so as to free up low command and command members within the battalion. I also would like to help train NCO's to be more independent as leaders to help mold them to become future officers themselves. I would also be extremely active in Saber Guard so that I can help increase our ranks and bring us back into another prosperous time. How many strikes do you have? 0 Do you have any prior experience in being an Officer? (If yes, explain) I do. I have been an officer in Royal Guard and Shock. I've also been a Vice Sovereign twice in my time on the server What Qualifications could you bring too the Royal Guard Officer Team? I have previous command experience and I know how the battalion is supposed to be run and what my role should be within it. Along with my experiences as an officer and Vice Sovereign, I have real life experience that extends to being in charge of fellow US Marines in various situations. With all of the experiences I know that I would be a valuable officer who can be relied upon to always do the right thing even when no one is watching. Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period? (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) I understand
  2. + support -knowledgeable about RG -genuinely cares about those he leads -very approachable and easy to talk to
  3. +support -excellent leader -excellent teacher -cares about RG -willing to learn
  4. +support -excellent leader -has proven that he's willing to do what needs to be done -truly cares about RG -will be able to work well with Dragon and Bob
  5. Denied! Unfortunately command has decided that you aren't the right fit for this position at this time!
  6. Denied! Unfortunately command has decided that you aren't the right fit for this position at this time!
  7. Accepted! Please report to the Vice Sovereign or Sovereign for training!
  8. -very energetic -looked up to -very knowledgeable -high activity Definitely a huge +support
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