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Everything posted by Beanbazzled

  1. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 501st Vice Commander Bean 2320 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 501st Commander 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? There are many reasons that I want to be the Commander of the 501st. Firstly I have loved every second that I have been a part of this battalion. I truly enjoy spending time with the people in the battalion and I am willing to put in a lot of effort so that they can feel the same way about the 501st. Additionally, I believe that I am fully capable of leading a battalion. I really look up to Milford as a leader and believe that I would be capable of filling his shoes as commander. I have many ideas and plans for the 501st to make the battalion the best it can possibly be. I also want to be able to make the necessary changes so that each member of my battalion can enjoy their time as much as I have. In the end I want to make sure that the 501st is always one of the best and most respected battalions on the server. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 6 Weeks 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander is to oversee all operations within their battalion. They are expected to make sure that everyone below them is doing what is expected of them. They are also meant to help resolve any issues and drama between other regiments or members within their own regiment. A Commander should be making sure that all documents are up to date so that there are no misunderstandings of rules or expectations. They are also expected to keep their troopers busy and entertained with things like missions, trainings, and SIMs because that is what leads to an active battalion. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I believe I should be trusted as the 501st Commander for a multitude of reasons. Firstly I have put a lot of time and effort into this battalion already. I am one of the most active members on the server and I dedicate all of that time to the 501st. I am pretty much always on and able to answer any questions that may come my way. I am also very good at dealing with tough situations in a level headed and unbiased manner. I do my best to make sure each rank is doing what is expected of them such as tryouts and SIMs. So far during my time as Vice Commander I have enforced the expectations of each rank as well as I have constantly been keeping the roster up to date. I believe I have shown that I am capable of doing what is expected of me and that I am more than fit to be the Commander of this battalion. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be online everyday for 10+ hours a day. Proof of Activity: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/591184339?servers[4604844]=1M 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I currently have 3 warnings: https://prnt.sc/10qxdpo
  2. +Support - Active - Very familiar with lore - Has GM experience
  3. +Support - Active - Good app - Good event descriptions - Has GM experience
  4. +Support - Active - Nice guy - Responsible
  5. +Support - Active - Helpful to other staff members - Super friendly and respectful
  6. +Support - Active - Knows ULX - Knows lore - Super nice and respectful
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