Stormtrooper Corps Model Update
Battalion/Jobs targeted: Stormtrooper Corps Link to current models that are requested to be replaced (if replacing): Models currently on Stormtrooper: NCO, Captain, Vice Commander and Commander. - Content size: Unknown Link to new models:
- Content size: 1,596.316 MB I understand this pack size is absolutely enormous but as is, it includes 17 different models and bodygroups. What this post is suggesting is for ONE model to be extracted and used for NCO, Captain, Vice Commander, and Commander. We currently have three different models for these jobs and although they may be more optimized for the server, this model both looks better and fixes the current pauldron issues with the model. This one model includes: Heavy/Medical backpacks, a weathered variant, 6 different pauldrons, shoulder ammo pouch, E-11 hip holster and a Head Shield. A more in depth explanation and imagery will be included below.
How would this benefit the server (will it help battalion/server activity and how?):
This model benefits Stormtroopers specifically by giving them the bodygroups to more accurately reflect each individual class, as well as, room for expansion with potentially new jobs and RP opportunities. If the new pack is larger in size, do you believe the benefits exceeds the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?:
The contents as is without extraction are too much but selecting the single model and using this to replace 3 different models is, I believe, worth it. The model requested is called " Basic Stormtrooper" in the Q menu.
Something of note, with the stand posing tool, the shoulders do seem to raise which causes clipping with the pauldron and backpack but this only exists during posing. [Shown here]
Weathered and unweathered variant:
Base Model with Heavy backpack, ammo pouch, hip holster and headshield equipped. Front/Back: [Front] [Back]
The next image show a weathered NCO (White), Captain (Orange), and VCMDR/CMDR (Red) bodygroups on the same model.