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Loki Himself

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Everything posted by Loki Himself

  1. 90/100 Overall Grade 25/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 20/25 Presentation 20/25 Writing 75%-100%=Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: N/A
  2. 100/100 Overall Grade 25/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 25/25 Presentation 25/25 Writing Extra Notes: Fucking Perfect
  3. 95/100 25/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 25/25 Presentation 20/25 Writing Extra Notes: Great touch on the video log, Did the date wrong
  4. 65/100 Overall Grade 15/25 Lore 20/25 Creativity 15/25 Presentation 15/25 Writing 50%-75%=Meets Expectations Extra Notes: Wrong SCP class (Fixed after I told him in ts) Format for the date was still there (Fixed after I told him in ts) Left the format for the audio log Left Observation 1-A empty. Hypothesis wasn't a hypothesis. 1048 doesn't attack his own creations. 1048 cannot be bribed with food
  5. 100/100 Overall Grade 25/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 25/25 Presentation 25/25 Writing 75%-100%=Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: I really thoroughly enjoyed that. Amazing Lore, Awesome Format, Great use of language
  6. 95/100 Overall Score 25/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 25//25 Presentation 20/25 Writing 75%-100%=Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: N/A
  7. 95/100 Overall Grade 20/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 25/25 Presentation 25/25 Writing 75%-100%=Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Cool format
  8. 95/100 Overall Score 25/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 20/25 Presentation 25/25 Writing 75%-100%=Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Very creative test, good job
  9. 85/100 Overall Score 20/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 20/25 Presentation 20/25 Writing 75%-100%=Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Good Job
  10. 100/100 Overall Score 25/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 25/25 Presentation 25/25 Writing Score: A Extra Notes: Extremely easy to read, very good, very in depth great job!
  11. 95/100 Overall Grade 20/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 25 /25 Presentation 25/25 Writing Score: A Extra Notes: EXTREMELY Good Job!
  12. 90/100 20/25 Efficiency 25/25 Insight 25/25 Presentation 20/25 Writing Additional comment: N/A Overall: A Extra Notes: N/A
  13. 85 /100 Overall Score 20/25 Lore 25 /25 Creativity 20/25 Presentation 20/25 Writing Extra Notes: N/A Test quality: Exceeds Expectations
  14. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13FXlltKanql3rGJ1Xa0o4NcpircR9D2vN333Ak8Bn8I/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Your In-game Name: Loki Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:456144926 The admin's name in-game: Pillercat What warning did you receive: Failrp as 912 When did you receive this warning: 5 hours ago Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: Not listening to MTF/Gensec as 912 (Watch video) Why do you think this warn was false: MOTD backs up the fact I am not required to listen to MTF/gensec espically if im doing nothing wrong Evidence the warning is false: MOTD on 912
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1daPqP3PpeMbTnNHF71t_-qQV9LCNiMV4Pla4EEgzkyk/edit?usp=sharing
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rZxYYcMs5WmpsISia_1wdEPOqNfOc1gkzCNX6TjjJ4c/edit
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hhlymhp85jUR4b9QzSoXF8AkMZiTcdBQZ5FC9XkY7Ew/edit?usp=sharing
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1btmasASRflhB7Uy0M9qVnVjCLNCahrYdu6YuZzVaCBU/edit?usp=sharing
  20. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TXeFfWPduq3P-5366DGmcJaG5VXi8mL2uH2f4_dM6f0/edit?usp=sharing
  21. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13FpHJ0YwYO5XHtz-D0_PwJ23xAFHB2IGJ5y0EInzp2Y/edit?usp=sharing
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