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Everything posted by BOx

  1. Name : BOx ET Rank : Trainee Donator Rank : plat How Active are You? (1-10) 7-9 Are you Interested in being an SET : Yes How do you intend to bring more RP into Events? : Yes
  2. +Support -The screen when your shot is un needed and is annoying at times.
  3. +Support -active -Good guy to talk too -Die inside -Can do his Job
  4. +Support - ET - Wonderful command - Trust worthy - Only 2 warns - Playing for almost half a year
  5. +Support - Good Guy - Trustable - Active - ET - Good App - 0 Warns
  6. +Support - Active - Great R&D Command - Has stinky feet
  7. Goomba Stomping wasn't meant to be a thing, but its there anyways.
  8. RP Name: BOx SteamID: STEAM_0:0:197027502 Discord Tag: BOx#9038 Branch(es): Medical Rank(s): EXFM Subdivisions/Whitelists: FTO
  9. Do you think Goomba Stomping is a sport? If so how do you think the system would work.
  10. Look if you roll above a 50, you get good luck, Life's a gamble you know (At least in Gmod)
  11. Too see if you can do a Backflip, Roll a 50+ In Game and you did a Back Flip If you roll under a 20 you die (In game) If you roll under a 5 you get teleported to a alternate dimension where everyone is unlucky (In game) And if you Roll a 1 your far too gone for us to save you. (In game)
  12. +Support -Former Staff on other GL sever -Seems to know what there doing -Only 2 warns -Trustworthy -Been a HCMD on another sever
  13. Wow am sad, Why the good ones. Yohan you were a good team mate, and a even better drunk. I Hope you get lucky.
  14. +Support been banned for 5 months, Should get another chance.
  15. 95/100 Overall Grade 20/25 Lore 25/25 Creativity 25/25 Presentation :25/25 Writing Extra Notes: Great work, I liked it a lot, was entertaining
  16. Roster/IG Name: BOx Rank : IIN SteamID :STEAM_0:0:197027502 Activity [1-10] : Varys a lot, Right now its near 6-8 Suggestions / Comments : Hey Apple are you mad, one more thing. Hey Apple
  17. Grade: 75/100 Lore: 10/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 20/25 Writing: 20 /25 Test quality: Expectations Exceeded
  18. Grade: 100/100 Lore: 25/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Test Quality: 75%-100%, Exceeds expectations (By a lot)
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