What is your in game rank and name?
SF OPP Master Pilot Alpha
What is your STEAM ID?
Names of both Squadron Leader+ (MAJ+) that gave you permission to apply?
Vice Marshal Skarlet
Acting Marshal Frosty/Senior Commander Frosty
How long have you been in the Star Fighter Core?
I have been in Naval Sense 03/13/23 and join SF 3/16/23
Why do you wish to become a Pilot Officer?
I want to become a Pilot Officer for a number of reasons. These reasons would be: I want to help grow SF back to full members once again, Improve how SF act on-ship and how they uphold themselves around others as well as be a mentor for those around me.
Improving SF Numbers:
I would like to help improve the Numbers that SF currently holds, we are currently at our low for numbers. Every battalion hits this once in a while, I'm wanting to help rebuild SF to where they can have a Full Onyx Squad as well as have a full Roster Count. This is possible if we uphold ourselves and SF the right way, as SF as a while battalion. We need to be showing the community of Imperial RP to how SF operates and what we do, most members don't grasp the full understanding of what we do, there is a lot left out. I wish to correct this, I want to give the experience of what SF is and can do to everyone that way they can see our true potential, by doing this we can help rebuild SF. We can also hold more Trainings and Centered SF flight sims to give everyone a chance to experience how SF operates, this could show them how SF conducts ourselves as well as what we do during Events or in our free time.
Conduct and Upholding SF:
There are some issues with how SF act or conduct/uphold themselves outside and inside the server. Every battalion has this issue at some point, I am wanting to help fix this and allow all SF to have fun while also acting the right way around others. Being a little mingy is okay, but there are times to have fun and to be serious. I feel that this concept not well known amongst SF at this current moment in time, I wish to spread this. Everyone should know when to be serious and when to have fun with others. It would be even better when they can do both at once as well. But there is a time to be a little mingy and a time to be serious.
What are the duties of a Pilot Officer?
The duties of a Pilot officer are the following:
Help Regulate the battalion:
There are to assist the battalion when it comes to events, missions, sims, trainings. They are to help other SF and troopers conduct themselves properly as well as to enforce the rules of SF and server rules. They can also help other members by assisting them in several activities.
Assist the battalion with daily activities/duties:
There is a lack in Active officers right now, so assisting the battalion in activities in duties is crucial right now. They can hold SF Sims or trainings and teach them new flying skills or help them become a better SF member and help them improve themselves as well as to help them move through the ranks the more they learn, they can also help remind others about quota and behavior.
Assist or punish troopers if necessary(Bring it up through COC to punish depending on there rank or severity):
Sometimes there are members that need to be punished of helped in the battalion. I would like to assist in this, there is a line when it comes to punishments, weather it be PT/Talking to/Removal/Strike. Each one depends on the severity and actions of the person. After this happens they need to be shown and helped how they can correct those actions so they don't do it again. Everyone needs help once in a while, I would like to be there for them incase they need anything from me no matter the time or the matter of subject.
How will you assist the battalion as a Pilot Officer?
I can assist the battalion by helping gain new members as well as helping Onyx Squad. I would like to help improve Onyx as much as I can whether this be by adding or implementing new ideas into Onyx by way of suggestion to the command team and or conduct tryouts to those deserving of one. If they fail the tryout I would give them tips on what they could improve that way there not stuck where they are but they keep moving, this is a duty of not a officer but a member of the battalion. You should be there to help one another. I would also like to show others what it truly means to be in the Star Fighter Corps, whether this be through tryouts, events, sims or even missions. I want to show them what we really do.
What qualifies you to be a Pilot Officer?
What qualifies me to be a Pilot Officer is my Experience, Knowledge of SF/Naval and Server Rules, Being Responsible/trustworthy.
I have quite a bit experience in commanding as well as helping battalions. I am current IC VCMDR 1207 Sev, I have spent all my time being a VCMDR as of now to helping and trying to implement new ideas into IC as a whole. I have also been a officer in several other Regiments. But I feel that I have found a home in SF and in IC. Through my experience I wish to help this battalion as much as possible.
I have played this server sense 2020 and with that I have never been given a warn or a ban by staff members. I have also been a gamemaster in this server. I try to know as much as I can involving this battalion and others. I believe that if you know the rules in each battalion as well as the server rules then you can help the battalion quite a bit more than someone who doesn't know the rules at all. Knowing all of this I believe I can help SF quite a bit.
I am a Trusted and Responsible member of the Server as well as this battalion and the Imperial Commandos. I feel that everyone in IC and SF can trust me and knows that I am very responsible when it comes to working on and with the battalion. I take open criticism from anyone on what I could do better, by doing this I can always improve no matter what rank I am.