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Everything posted by Panic

  1. +Support -Extremely Active -Great Leader -Has leadership experience -Great Candidate -Cares about her battalion that she’s apart of Good Luck Lucy!
  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : IC DML VCMDR 1262 Scorch 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Commando (Boss) 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be the Commander of this branch because I have been with IC since Black Friday of 2020, In the time I’ve been IC I’ve been through two Boss’s. I want to be commander for IC because I’ve seen the progress of the battalion, the good and the bad, and I want to help bring IC on a path to a bright future. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 2 weeks. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander within the confines of the Imperial Army, is to be there for their troops, as a leader and a friend, A commander needs to build trust with their troops because if there is no trust there is not unity, and Imperial Commandos along with multiple other battalions, well they’re brotherhoods, families, some members may have problems with one another but that’s normal, what’s important is that they’re always there for one another, and a commander should be one of if not the strongest links in bringing the battalion together to be strong as a unit. Besides unifying the battalion it is also the responsibility of the commander to check in with the battalion see how everything is doing, to encourage activity from their troops by hosting sims and trainings, they also need to be able to settle differences as an arbiter and to make unbiased decisions that will benefit the battalion and put the battalions concerns over their own personal gain. It is also the duty of the Commander to “show off” how great their battalion can be to encourage recruitment. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I should be trusted to be commander because I’m dependable, when someone asks for something if I am able to help, I will offer my service. I will always make sure that every IC recruit has had proper training and has gone over the R&R of IC. I will always be vigilant and keep an eye on Roster updates for IC making sure that everyone is up to date on the roster and making sure there are no errors like duplicate placements on the roster. I will always be attentive to the server and keep an eye out for the command meetings and I will always keep an eye on the IC to make sure they do what they are supposed to do. I will take action on making changes necessary to improve IC. I will also make sure punishments are handed out to those who deserve them. I will always make sure that the IC official Documents are up to date and are approved by High Command before releasing them to the rest of IC, same goes to any changes made to said documents. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be on every day besides for Wednesdays (until the 14th of April) and Thursdays with a few exceptions but I will get on if needed. even if it’s only for a couple of hours as school and real life matters will take priority but I will make sure to hop on the server daily. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have 0 warnings.
  3. Job Name: Imperial Commando Demolitions Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Add to Kit: (cc2018_dc17maa) (weapon_swrc_det) Remove from kit: (rw_sw_t21) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: Imperial Commando Scout Sniper Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: I would like to see this Job slot upgraded from 8 to 15. Add to kit: rw_sw_valken38x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: Imperial Commando Trooper Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: I would like this Job slot upgraded from 10 to 20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: Imperial Commando Officer Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: I would like this Job slot upgraded from 5 to 10. Add to Kit: (cc2018_dc17ms_red) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: Imperial Commando Project [𝞨] Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: I would like this Job slot upgraded from 5 to 10. Weapon Kit: (sniper cc2018_dc17ms) (Shotgun cc2018_dc17msg) ( Rifle cc2018_dc17m_red) (Pistols cc2018_dual_dc15p_red) (weapon_swrc_det) Remove from kit: (cc2018_dc15p_red) (cc2018_dual_dc15p_red) Add to Kit: Jetpack under entities menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: Fixer Add to Kit: (weapon_squadshield_arm)
  4. + He is really Dedicated to Havoc.
  5. Panic

    ISD Name [Denied]

    +Support It'd be nice to be on a named ISD
  6. Job Name: Scorch Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: The Scorch job is missing the binoculars and the cross arms in front, It's not a big deal, but Scorch is the only one in IC command that doesn't have these items. Cross arms (infront): cross_arms_infront_swep, Binoculars (White): rw_sw_bino_white
  7. + Support - Active - Knows how to lead - Decent Application - Nice guy, and keeps a cool leveled head under stressful and tough situations.
  8. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : IC DML COL 2342 Panic (Just promoted 1/17/21) 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Commando (Scorch) 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be a vice commander of this branch because I see IC as a family. I’ve been a part of it since Black Friday 2020 and I’ve met some wonderful people in the battalion and I want to help out as much as possible. I want to help turn IC around from the dark path it’s heading down. I want to help form the current and future IC into something that’s more respectable than it is already. I want to help out with the roster work. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 1 week. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander within the confines of the Imperial Army, is to be there for their troops, as a leader and a friend, A commander needs to build trust with their troops because if there is no trust there is not unity, and Imperial Commandos along with multiple other battalions from what I’ve noticed on the server, well they’re brotherhoods, families, some members may have problems with one another but that’s normal, what’s important is that they’re always there for one another, and well a commander should be one of if not the strongest links in bringing the battalion together to be strong as a unit. Besides unifying the battalion it is also the responsibility of the commander to check in with the battalion see how everything is doing, to encourage activity from their troops by hosting sims and trainings, they also need to be able to settle differences as an arbiter and to make unbiased decisions that will benefit the battalion and put the battalions concerns over their own personal gain. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I should be trusted to be a commander because I’m dependable, when someone asks for something if I am able to help, I will offer my service. I will always make sure that every IC recruit has had proper training and has gone over the R&R of IC. I will always be vigilant and keep an eye on Roster updates for IC making sure that everyone is up to date on the roster and making sure there are no errors like duplicate placements on the roster. I will always be attentive to the server and keep an eye out for the command meetings and I will always keep an eye on the IC to make sure they do what they are supposed to do. I will train anyone who wants to be a demo, as I do anyways. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be on every day even if it’s only for a couple of hours as school and real life matters will take priority but I will make sure to hop on the server daily. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have 0 warnings.
  9. I've only been on the server since late November, But Vicious, you were the best Commander I've served under in all of my time playing on gmod, It was an honor to be under your command. I'm gonna miss you Vicious, I hope you have a good life and I hope you return someday. You're not the first Commander I've lost but this one hurts the most. You'll always be Boss in my eyes. IC will fight on strong for you. o7 1138. (P.S) This fucking hurts a lot wtf...
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