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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. French is A great guy and super funny and chill, would be great staff,
  2. Koopa is a great guy and a medical RP wizard
  3. +/- support Never seen you on the server before Has previous warns Low forrums activity + good app good MRDM answer
  4. Its Buck

    Unban- Denied

    Yea so a SMT (senior management team) member banned you, if that happens there was probbably a valid cause for the ban. SMT are very smart with their choices aswell, I can’t find any warns or previous bans. Some context on this situation would be nice. Until then -support @Mag1c You know anything regarding this?
  5. It also would give Naval some more stuff to actually check on rather than just passive RP in the pits
  6. +support This was horrible and I had way to many issues with it
  7. @Riley Reid Paranoid.gg You must fill out this form in order to be considered for a unban. Steam Name: Ingame Name: SteamID: Ban Length: Admin that Banned you: Reason for Ban: Dispute:
  8. Carl would be a great VCMDR, he has come so far from when I first met him, good luck Carl
  9. -support Whilst it may have been an accident that doesn’t excuse the fact that you said it It’s only a 1 week ban I would give a +support but I don’t know context behind how it was said, so until then I’m gonna stay with a -support Edit: thanks will for moving to correct location
  10. Changing my -support to a +support MRDM is 5 days tho but I would be ok with a Lower ban time from your current
  11. -support Archer you are a great guy and do help when you can but RR7 is more active and in the end that’s what will help DT in the long run. I also know that you have a lot to do irl and maybe commander might not help.
  12. MRDM is already a 5 day ban, let alone trying to cause a crash because you wanted your CC? -support
  13. I’ll give this a +support Good app overall You seem to have a good understanding of how to handle a situation. Good forrums activity. (Idk about in game because I rarely play, So that’s for The PoliceRP staff to comment on) Wants to help the community. Has good qualities for staff
  14. You say you were staff on police RP? What happened to that?
  15. Yea no You just player dissed a member of our community for a pfp? Smh
  16. I’m leaning towards +support but I wanna know how many warns you have on 682 before I make a final statement
  17. +Support square is in 501st and does well, staff has not had problems with him Deserves second chance
  18. I’m with Zero on this, whilst you may have matured but you have a bad history of bans and warns. -Support
  19. River is a great guy and always helpful would be a great commander —DT SGT FF5
  20. +support ARC needs more health the CR2 is not overpowered and is decent As for models getting capes I’m not sure about that one.
  21. I’ll give this a +support I do see you on the server and can confirm you are active, You have been trusted with GM the app was a little rushed but overall it deserves a +Support
  22. -support You are a huge minge and are constantly getting in trouble, the Racism is a valid warn and ban aswell.
  23. +support There is so much evidence against pop bottle he also deleted his responses after receiving backlash for them. The fact that you also tried to blame Talila is sick, talila has done so much for purge and the community with support, I believe that a full staff restriction is necessary, aswell as a ban for the Racism
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