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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. MASSIVE MASSIVE +SUPPORT FB1 has been with DT literally forever. Has command experience Active daily. Great person Super helpful. An ideal VCMDR Good luck FB1
  2. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: Phil’s paycheck 2. Link(s) to player models: N/A 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: N/A 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? N/A 5. Why should we add this SCP? It’s a common meme that phill is missing a paycheck so it would be pretty fun to have a SCP for Phil’s paycheck. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: It’s a paycheck/perma prop that can be stolen and used within passive RP. 7. Extra information: The SCP would just be a meme that people on the server would get a kick out of so CI can say they “stole Phil’s paycheck” or research can research on “Phil’s paycheck” of course this will simply be a perma prop that could be picked up
  3. Not much more to add. Good luck
  4. MRDM question could be better. But good luck, from what people have said you seem nice and helpful
  5. Could have answered MRDM question but good app and good luck fire
  6. -support sounds like he had a general understanding of what it meant
  7. +support Has good staff experience loyal to the community good app good luck mike!
  8. + support Has 6 warns that are appealable and very old Good app Was staff. Edit: some things were clarified changed to +support.
  9. Was an Admin on imperialRP and did a great job.
  10. +support active good app Friendly person would be good t mod best of luck sawick!
  11. What do you want to see? - allow Staff to Whitelist to Sub batalions. Why should we add it? - as of right now only VCMDR+ can whitelist for Medical Rescue squadron, so if someone gets trained they have to wait for either a VCMDR or Commander to get on. Same with some 501st jobs. it would make it easier for a lot of people if they can simply make a report and have a staff member whitelist them to the respective battalion. What are the advantages of having this? - easier for people to get a whitelist and not have to wait a day or so for command to respond. Who is it mainly for? - all battalions that contain sub branches Links to any content - N/A
  12. First of all ima say this before forrums diplomat gets here, keep this thread to a +/- support only. second thing: I’m giving this a -support I wanna know who told you to make this a staff report rather than player report. From reading these responses it sounds like you have said worse towards SF, and whilst what was said may have been unkind, this seems like a stretched out attempt towards getting someone in trouble who doesn’t need to get in trouble.
  13. Yea so you made a joke where you said "At least I wasn't exploiting children" https://medal.tv/clips/45625485/d1337OheTIZX I also went to JMT about this and ended up speaking with hotshot about the situation hence me saying that SMT would look further into this. I also asked an admin who is higher ranking than myself how i should handle the situation, he ended up advising me to make the warn for pedophilic jokes. you also have a past warn for Racism. I also was not on the server for the incidents regarding the IF agent nor did i see it in qoutes.
  14. -support Adam is a senior Admin and knows what he is doing You also clearly said that you just wanted the warn and not to talk with us. You were banned for 20 warns not server diss.
  15. What is your in-game name?: Buck What is your steam name?: [GL] Bacon/Buck What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:570251076 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes I staffed on imperialRP and SCP-RP What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around April of 2020 What date did you make your forums account? This account was made on 11/9/2020 However my first account was made on 7/8/2020 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Moderator/Apprentice How many warns do you have on the server? I have no warns on ImperialRP Have you donated? Yes, I donated and purchased apprentice. What rank are you applying for? Senior Moderstor Have you read the staff guidelines at You will be tested on it: Yes I have. Timezone: CST Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I have been with the community for a long time and have been staff on Gaminglight for nearly 5 months and have been a senior Mod on SCP-RP before transferring to imperialRP. I am well known throughout the community and staff team. I have proved myself to be compitent and trustworthy. I love interacting with the community on forrums and TeamSpeak. I will always volunteer myself to help with any situation in game or outside of game. I believe that senior mod is the next step for me to grow within the community even further. I am active on the server daily for extended periods of time and will always claim sits when they come up, I also play on the server late at night on weekends providing support for those who need it and helping keep the server a safe and fun place. I also am always open to support or criticism so I can improve how I am as a staff member. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I would bring the person to a sit and ask them if they knew why I pulled them there. I would wait for there response and see if they did understand why they were there. If they started cursing at me I would simply gag them and ask them to take a minute while I explained the situation and how it is against server rules. I would then check logs to confirm that it was in fact MRDM. Once I have confirmed I will un gag them and ask for their dispute. If they continue to yell and swear at me I will gag them and freeze them, I will then explain that I will be issuing a warning for MRDM | Staff diss and NCWS (Non compliant with staff) | appeal at gaminglight.com , I will let them know that if they feel I have made a mistake then they can make a forrums post either reporting me or requesting a un ban on the link provided, I will continue to explain that I will have issue a ban for my max time length as a moderator . I will then fill out a ban request for an extension to 5 days aswell as ask in the staff chat in game and see if anyone is available to execute the ban. PS. I am still waiting on website tags for my account, this was also sent from my phone so sorry if there is a few grammar mistakes Edit: I’m dumb and forgot my steamId lmao
  16. I’m leaning towards a +support on this rather than neutral or -support because ALT accounts are something that can be easily messed up. You seem like a genuine person who just wants to play on the server. However it is up to SMT to decide. Another thing is if you weren’t talking in game there was virtually no reason to suggest it was an ALT unless evidence is provided proving an ALT +support
  17. +/- support short app. 83/150 word count. Nice, friendly person to talk to. Is a senior mod
  18. There are also many better ways he could have handled this
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