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the recruit-zorovoir

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About the recruit-zorovoir

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  1. What is your in-game name? Sylvy SK480 What is your current rank? SFC How long have you been in Shock? the whole year How much time do you have on the server? 2 weeks Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? I've been a loyal imperial for the empire for 2 weeks now and have loved working under commander zee for quite some time and loved the shenanigans. second i have worked hard to get to this point and it put me into tears letting this opportunity go to waste. i want to mention that climbing through the ranks is what feels important to me and gives me the determination to break through heights and stress I've never been through before. this also will be my first time being an officer in either imperial or scp role play in gaming light and it would mean a lot to me for support and growth in shock and beyond. it is crucial for there to be more officers and i am willing to become and officer if it even means i have to spend more time on gmod and have to spend less time playing other games. Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? as I mentioned i have worked hard to get to SFC and am willing to do whatever it takes I uphold my own set of standards along with the sop to maintain a disciplined mind and clear to be able to handle any situations. I'm a rough guy around the edges but during trainings and missions/events i can get serious and communicate and speak up when necessary or urgently required. i never minge i may arrest the wrong person on accident but never on purpose and i always respect my higher ups. If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? I always keep lower ranks in check and always try to complete zees orders before anything else as I do not permit failure. i also relay situations that some people may not do and i always report to my superiors if its urgent. i always use my explosives and equipment properly as to not minge and prohibit minging and can teach others when and when not to use equipment. Also will report any negetive behavior and will omit to disciplinary action. How active can you be? as much as i can during the holidays and will be active during weekends and summer breaks 4 to 8 on weekdays during active school year
  2. What is your ingame name?: Gordon What is your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:439892230 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: midshipman What specialty are you applying for?: MEDICAL OFFICER What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: admiral pigeon What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? i have experience with being in medical corp before and i have decided to join naval instead this is the best opportunity to join medical and help treat and also know extraction procedures and surgery procedures Why should you be trusted with this position?: i have had a nostalgic history with medical and medical brings back so many memorys when i used to be in medical this postiion will allow me to help the injured and to keep evry body in the game Why do you want this rank?: reason why i want to have this rank is that medical is the life blood of the ISD and with out medical the imperial star destroyer would slowly loose personnel like a plague in the medieval ages Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: i understand What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: keeping evry body alive and insure that evry body is treated and ready for anything that comes in the empires way.
  3. What is your In-Game Name: Gordon What is your In-Game Rank: Apprentice III Are you Purge or IQ: IQ What SIM's or Mission's do you want see in the future: more Jedi vs Sith events Any Improvement's or suggestion you wish to see the Executive command Team's do: more high powered weapons' and/or balance improvements during events especially when the dark entities storm the ship during the previous event
  4. I highly value my current rank to mention that I honor working with my fellow security and its a honor to severe the foundation
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