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Drake Man

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Everything posted by Drake Man

  1. Dang Bro, big sad Ay hopefully everything goes well!
  2. Biggg + Support - Active - Helpful - Show's Great Leadership - Has Experience With Other Command - A Very Good Role Model For Lower Ranks.
  3. I completely Agree With Requis Here, Dark Is Mature, Active, Very Helpful and I have never had a bad time with him. +Support From me
  4. + Support, Your Really Active, Have No Warnings, and I always have a good time with you and have never had a bad experience and I believe you would make a great member of the PRP Staff Team. Good Luck Gunther!
  5. Completely Agree With Magic Here, John Is a Great Guy, Really Active, Not a Minge, and A veryy Good Application so its gonna be a +support from me. Good Luck John!
  6. Well, Fun Working With You While You were Here! Take Care Austinn!
  7. - Support - Immature - Minges A lot - No Poll - No Proof Of Warns - Bad Application - Also Bad Last Question as T-mods can't ban - Haven't Had Good Experiences
  8. Mans Killing It With the Updates! Sheesh
  9. What is your in-game name?: Drake What is your steam name?: [GL] Drake : ) What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:562911266 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No, Gaminglight Was the First Ever Place I have Staffed On What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) About 5 Months Ago What date did you make your forums account? October, 27, 2020. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Moderator/Platinum How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? I currently have 0 Warnings On Gaminglight. https://imgur.com/a/RIPKTXM Have you donated? Yes, 764 Dollars In Total. What rank are you applying for? Senior Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No, I am not. Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: CST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Senior Admin: Alex Raddish, Admin: tEDDY, Austin Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Hello, Im Drake. I believe that I would be a great fit for Senior Moderator as I believe I have had experience in Staffing here at Gaminglight for a while now. I believe that as a Senior Moderator You are to be held at a somewhat of a Higher Standard For maturity on duty as you are seen as a More Trusted Member of the Staff Team which means that you should not be goofing off while On duty at all. I also believe that Senior Moderators should help out Moderator's and Trial Moderator's if they need help during sit's or just situations where they don't know what to do In general. I also believe that I am a very active member on Gaminglight as I am on whenever I possibly can be. I also as a Senior Moderator Would Hold myself to a Very Very High Standard as I should Represent Gaminglight in a Very Positive Manner for all new players and returning players to see so that we can be known as a Very Humble, and Welcoming Community to all new members who would like to join our Community Here at Gaminglight. (Words 194, Characters 1010) How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: I would First proceed to bring the person up to the top of a building and then asking the Person to calm down as they are cursing at me. I would ask them Calmly and Nicely 3 Times then proceed to Gag and mute them as I wouldn't want them to Cuss at me in Chat Or Voice Chat. I would then Proceed to Check the Logs for Proof of the Mass RDM. If I find the Proof of Mass RDM. I would then Proceed to Warn the Player For Mass RDM then proceed to contact a Higher Up for the Ban of 5+ Days for the Player. Thank You For Taking the Time to Read My Senior Moderator Application.
  10. - Support - DDOS Threats are a Very Serious Thing that Shouldn't be Taken Lightly Also Racism is a very serious thing that shouldn't be joked about. Why Would You even Joke about things like that? It's not something that's taken lightly. I understand you might have thought that they were your friends and you were joking about it but still. Those things should not be joked around about. Some Advice for next time. Don't assume People are your friends and say stuff like that. Because they might take it seriously and get offended by it.
  11. Yea that'd be prettty gamer
  12. + Support - Sounds Like a Good Idea - Kinda Want more to Buy Lmao - Sounds Like A Good Way to help support the community
  13. Agreed, He really didnt attempt to hear soul or anyone else out about how they had permission and he just deleted it. + Support from me
  14. I think What frog says here would have done enough at the time since the server was laggy. + Support from me
  15. + Support - Massively Active - Always willing to help - Very Good at Dealing with Situations - Very Mature and Competent and Would Be able to do his job very well
  16. Nooooooooooooooo Frogggggggg Im saddddddd
  18. Drake Man

    100 big Pog

    Finally Hit 100 Lmaooo Like Big Pog
  19. + Support It would Help Greatly for people who might forget the 10-Codes
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