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[GL] Protec

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  1. you quit the community and haven’t played in weeks so I feel like your input isn’t relevant here -support haven’t really seen you on much and I’m on at least 4 hours a day
  2. -support havent seen you on PD as much as other Captains that should be promoted
  3. it’s so obvious that you and “Average” from the other thread coordinated your posts considering you posted at the same time and then you commented on their thread… I could believe one racist changes but two racists coming to request unbans at the same time, both perma’d for racism? highly doubt you both have any intention to RP -support
  4. it’s so obvious that the two of you coordinated your posts considering you posted at the same time and then you commented on this thread… I could believe one racist changes but two racists coming to request unbans at the same time, both perma’d for racism? highly doubt you both have any intention to RP -support
  5. -Support too new to the community, only made a forum account to apply for staff, no poll, edited application
  6. please stop, this might be the worst application I’ve ever seen
  7. he got promoted so all y’all that -supported sure got egg on your face now
  8. LOL talking to SMT like that will definitely not help your case -support
  9. so you’re telling me a multi-billion dollar media company whose website is used to upload hours and hours of video every second is “fucked” for you? 1. Try being more specific so someone can actually find out what’s wrong (if there’s anything wrong and you aren’t just lying to avoid posting evidence or hiding that you have no evidence) 2. there are literally dozens of video hosting websites to choose from even if, by some crazy situation, the most reliable and accessible video hosting site out there isn’t working for you… you are straight up digging yourself into a deeper hole
  10. YouTube exists for this reason… it’s so obvious that you don’t even have any video evidence or you don’t want to make it public because it incriminates you -support
  11. punishments exist to encourage people to be careful and not make careless mistakes like this +support
  12. Wow that was not at all helpful, former staff especially should know to write a better reply than this.
  13. If you can’t even spell Trial Mod correctly, showing a severe lack of attention to detail, then you don’t deserve to be one yet
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