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Everything posted by Sulfur

  1. -Support - 87% chatgpt - if you were banned for 6000 years i dont think it was a mistake
  2. -Support - Icer said "hop in mishywishy" - There is a format - Avoid saying a slur in the post?
  3. +Support + Application looks good + JMT
  4. +/- Support + Good staff member - Responses could use some work - Didn't completely answer one of the questions (You didn't describe a situation where you had to make a difficult decision)
  5. +Support + Very good app + Previous Forum Diplomat and JMT + Staff for a long time
  6. +Support + Good app + Very long time as staff
  7. Management stopped development, that was probably the last straw for the server.
  8. Gonna keep it short, didn't really do much as DCOO, and I don't really want to keep holding this position. I lost interest in the server a while ago and just stopped playing. Hopefully scout puts someone better in my position. If you want to play a game just hmu also scout when you gonna play ranked?
  9. +Support i thought that function was to prevent b hopping
  10. -Support theres a format why are random words different colors is this a staff report or whats going on
  11. +Support Previous support member and jmt
  12. -Support can only be appealed with a warn wipe on the store https://store.gaminglight.com/server/PoliceRP/436
  13. +/- support + Good application + Scenarios are fine - what goblin said
  14. +Support Seems practical for staff, no real problems to this. Although I don't see how this could be implemented, the logs and mission board are two completely different systems.
  15. not allowed, you cant reisgn
  16. +Support Don't know what to say, the clips just check out.
  17. +/-Support + Good application - No warns screenshot - No timezone??? (Not sure why you didn't list that you were staff on this server previously)
  18. + Support + Good application + Experience - Scenario question could go into more detail - No poll
  19. +/- Support Very nice application, a big change from the other ones, HOWEVER your response is under the minimum word requirement. Leaning more at +support
  20. -Support - Impractical, defeats the purpose of a bank - You want an ATM but don't list any content for it?
  21. -Support Your application is very confusing, first, you have 6 hours on the server and you're applying for et? Second, the first sentence in your reason to become et just doesn't make sense. You repeated the word event 3 times too much, and I feel like the only good reason you have in there is "I will still be dedicated to the event team". A lot of work can be done on this app. - Low effort - Need more time on the server - I don't think staff experience on roblox counts - 40 minutes probably isn't enough for an event - Gave me an aneurysm reading your app
  22. -Support Reasons above Your warns link doesn't work, you also need work on your situational questions, "hope they learn their lesson" isn't a very good response. Your whole application is like two sentences, I see one period and two commas. I had a stroke reading your response. Wtf does "a couple of years ago ive been playing for a while but for low time" mean?? Also are you a time traveler? You supposedly made your forums account on 5/28/24 but it's 5/19/24 Put a little more thought into an application before submitting it please.
  23. -Support - No Poll - "Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!!!" does not count towards word count (if it does it shoudn't) - Reasons stated above
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