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Senior Admin
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Everything posted by Sulfur

  1. -Support - No Discord ID included - The reason why you want to be staff is literally one sentence - Situations need work - No poll included
  2. you better not reisgn fully
  3. Name: Sulfur SteamID: STEAM_0:1:545705841 Discord: h2o7675 Current Event Team Rank: Senior Event Team (If applicable) Event Team Strikes Received: N/A How many warnings do you have? 2 (not active warns) In your own words what does being Event Team Leader entail?: An Event Team Leader is pretty much someone who supervises events and make sure that they make the player base happy. If there are any suggestions, the ETL should get onto that immediately to ensure the best possibilities for events to take place. The ETL should check up with SET and below and make sure that they know everything, if they have any questions answer them, and just make sure that the event team is having fun and the players are having fun as well. I would also say that the Event Team Leader should make policies that would making events be more convenient for the event team but also wouldn't screw the players over. Being ETL would also mean that you need to make sure that documents are properly updated. Do you have any relevant experience?: I have had experience being an event team lead in one server. It was another SCPRP server but it was a small community. I did have a couple event team though. I've had a lot of event team experience in general as well. I was the equivalent of in between SET and ETM for two Military RP servers, ET for a Backrooms RP, one for CWRP, and one for SWTOR (the old republic) rp. Why do you want to be Event Team Leader?: I want to be Event Team Leader to improve the quality of Event Team and make sure that player reports that are against event team are taken seriously and not put aside. I've gotten a lot of complaints in general about the people in Event Team whether it be that they're doing bad or another reason, I want to make sure that action is taken and that the player base is happy. I don't want to make it look like ET is the worst administrative branch in the server. I want it to be a respected branch that works well with the population. I love updating documents, and I feel like some documents are out of date, I would like to get onto that. I also want to give updates on the suggestions, push them or just give feedback on where they're at. I overall just want to make sure that Event Team is in shape, that reports are being properly addressed, and any problems or points that need to be fixed are fixed. Anything that hasn't been addressed or has been pushed aside because of current leadership (no offense acee). What sets you apart from other Event Team?: I recognize the issues that people have with the current event team. I take into consideration the problems that are within event team and I can and will address them. I also have a lot more experience than most of event team. I also prioritize the fun of the players over the fun of the event team. I feel like event team lacks that mentality right now. I have the determination to Event Team and I want to see it succeed, and I want to make sure that it does succeed. I also have ideas for event team. What is something that could be changed about Event Team. If something could be changed what how would go about implementing it?: The quality of events. A lot of the player base gets pretty annoyed when a mid event is happening so I want to ensure the quality of events over quantity. I would implement it by having a Senior Event Team or above supervise any big or small combat / GOI event and have the SET make sure that the event is going smoothly. The ET will communicate with the SET and saying how the event is going. If there is anything that is going wrong, the SET should be able to correct the way and make the event better or more optimal for the players. Have you assisted or hosted a mega event?: I've assisted in the Thanksgiving day mega event, I think one other that I don't remember, and all of ET is planning another one. How active are you on a weekly basis?: I am on pretty much every day. If I'm not on then I'm at school (until 5pm) or I'm out on a special occasion. If you need to contact me I'm always available on discord after 5pm est
  4. waa_wa_wa_waa_waa_waaa.mp4
  5. Sulfur

    D-5 Application

    During NLR, you have to wait the timer at the top of your screen, you forget any information you may have had in your past life, and does not just apply to a specific place
  6. Sulfur

    Versa WO APP

    +support you are goob good history cool guy experience is nice
  7. -Support - Respectfully, I have no clue who you are - Scenarios could have some more detail
  8. me getting trained by comet for gensec and immediately getting demoted for going to lower d block
  9. First branch i joined was research, i left that for ci rnd
  10. +Support I thought Cat God was medical command already (you could use some work on your scenario questions) Cat God would make a great command, have had good interactions with him.
  11. - Support Did not reach word requirement, didn't put in SteamID either.
  12. goodbye knee, you were one of my favorite gensec
  13. -1 hes too good of a command member +Support
  14. In-Game Name: Sulfur Steam Name: [GL] H2o SteamID: STEAM_0:1:545705841 What is your staff rank and the server you work in?: Senior Moderator, SCPRP How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community?: Since 6/27/2023 How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight?: 39 Days How often are you online on the forums?: I check it pretty much 1 or 2 times every day Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?: I feel like I'm qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat because I check the forums frequently and have a good knowledge on what to do in situations related to what forum diplomat does. I've had past experience with things similar to this, and I can effectively do my job. I already have a basic understanding of what Forum Diplomats do and can navigate easily throughout the forums. I'm familiar with the permissions that come with the rank, such as lock, hide, etc. If there is anything I do not know or understand, I can learn very quickly and retain any information relayed to me. If I make any mistake, same thing, I can learn and not do it again. Overall, I think I am qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat because I check the forums frequently, I've had past experience, I'm familiar with the "commands", and I can learn quickly if there is anything I did wrong or I don't know. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?: I would say that I have good judgement. Here's the situation. Skelly made a report against Cintal for FailRP and said that he "did afk to get out of cuffs". I asked him if he had any clips and he said no. But when I check logs, I don't see anything of the sort. So I inform skelly that I don't see anything like that, however, I did see Cintal player dissing Skelly so I warned him for that. I believe that this was a difficult decision because the report was not on Player diss, but there was going to be a report on that later on so I thought I would warn him to save the extra report. Cintal makes a warn appeal and it's denied so I believe I was in the right here. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?: If the spam is anything harmful like sensitive information or something that breaks the rules, and it's being spammed over and over again, I would just lock the post to prevent any more spam and slowly delete the spam. Then I would request for a warning to be issued / a suspension from the forums. After this is complete obviously unlock the post How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?: I would give the threat a "Forum Diplomat Message" and let them know to stop arguing. If they don't and continue arguing, after clearly seeing the Diplomat message, I would request for a warning to be issued, and if I can, restrict the two from messaging in the forums for 24 hours.
  15. In-Game Name: Sulfur Steam Name: [GL] H2o SteamID: 76561199051677411 / STEAM_0:1:545705841 What is your discord username?: h2o7675 What is your staff rank in GamingLight?: Senior Moderator / ETT How often are you on TeamSpeak?: Teamspeak is like the 4th thing I open on a daily basis How often do you use Discord?: Everyday, discord is like the first thing I open up Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?: I would like to be a member of the support team because I enjoy helping people out when they need something. I am proficient in problem solving and just helping people in general. I have a fast reaction time and am able to take tickets quickly. Already being a Senior Moderator I have knowledge on how to solve most problems that people have. I have a good amount of experience with staffing and taking tickets; I have a basic knowledge of how Teamspeak works and have an excellent knowledge of how Discord works. I can navigate easily through both systems. I don't mind spending a chunk of my time helping others. I have a lot of free time to spare. As long as they're satisfied that's all I need. I am very active on Teamspeak and Discord and I monitor them both actively. Overall, I want to be apart of t he Support Team to expand my experience and just see what support team is about. Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team?: I've played for quite some time and I don't plan on leaving the server since I've gotten to a relatively high position in rp and in staff and that shows that I'm a trusted member. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?: Hi! What can I do for you today?
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