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Senior Admin
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Everything posted by Sulfur

  1. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1tkON3EjSd6FP0/d1337KKu2Sry?invite=cr-MSxrRDgsNDc5MTc2NDgs
  2. DENIED This application has been denied by Juggernaut Command. After careful consideration and debate and at this time this application was denied.
  3. PENDING Your application does not reach the 100 word limit. You have 24 hours to fix it or else your application will be denied.
  4. 1. Steam Name?: H2o 2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:545705841 3. Roster Name?: Sulfur 4. Current Rank?: CPT 5. When were you promoted?: 8/19/23 6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: Around 4 months 7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: Yes 8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: Yes 9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?: Yes 10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I would like to become a member of Senior Command because I would be able to give my opinion on who should or shouldn't be command members. I would also be more proficient in mentoring Junior Command and give them advice on how to rank up or how to do things since I will have a better understanding of how command works and can give tips on what to do to get captain or major. I am efficient at problem solving and can respond to any problems that may arise in the branch. I will fix the problem when I am able to if it is in my power range and will not just send them off to another cmd member cause that's a dick move. I have past experience of leading a branch and in my opinion I am perfectly capable of being a senior command member. I am ready to take on the responsibility if I do get accepted. Overall, I should be accepted because I want to give my opinion on who should be the next command member, I would be more proficient in mentoring Junior Command, I will be able to give more tips on how to get promoted or how to stand out, I am good at problem solving and am open to any suggestions, I have past experience in leading a branch or a group of people, and I will be able to meet the standards and can take the responsibility. That's all, thanks for reading. 11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: If a security officer keeps on leaving d block I would just remind them that they should only leave d block for reasons like going to medbay or going to the armory. It's an OFC, he's a new member of security and most likely the server, no need to punish him. However, if he continues randomly leaving d block for a bad reason and does not follow orders given by higher ups, then I would remove them and tell them what they did wrong. 12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: If an NCO keeps on leaving d block with terrible reasons first put them on the watchlist and give them a warning to discontinue leaving d block for bad reasons. If they continue to leave d block for bad reasons and the problem persists then I would strike them and give them another warning. 13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into D-Block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: If this ever happens then they are probably EOI, try to release the security and get someone to call out that an E-11 PVT is cuffing random foundation for no reason. If the E-11 private is not an EOI after an interrogation and continues to steal Security, then I would kill the E-11 for attempted kidnapping of foundation personnel and talk to E-11 command about this private. 14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words: Promoting a corporal to sergeant should happen if the corporal shows leadership skills that extend out more than normal corporals, and if the corporal is able to lead other members to complete tasks efficiently. Basically if a corporal is performing better than most corporals or sergeants then that is when you should promote the corporal.
  5. everyone spawns with the nvgs
  6. -Support You were told to leave d block because you were criticizing Gensec, then branch dissed, then proceeded to go out of your way to target me and jones.
  7. Sulfur

    Gran Global LOA

    DENIED You may reapply in 2 weeks.
  8. -Support Server will have more unnecessary lag
  9. -Support How the fuck did you get it all in a quote? The formatting hurts my eyes; seems like no effort was put in.
  10. -support said they used chatgpt
  11. +/- leaning towards + - Who are you? + Good application Btw the server uses SAM last time I checked so the commands that you would be using for the first question are wrong. Instead of !administrate its just !admin, !tp doesn't work and needs a module to be installed into the server. If it is installed then the command is !warp (warp id). !gag -1 is not needed, just gag him without any time, it will automatically gag him indefinitely. I don't believe !sitbring works either, just use !bring or !fbring (freeze and bring). Thats all.
  12. Name (As it appears on roster): Sulfur Rank: MSGT Why do you want to join Nu-7 Command?: I want to become Nu-7 command because I want to expand my command experience. I have some basic knowledge on how to lead and do basic command stuff, but I would always love to learn more. I would also like to join Nu-7 command to possibly open up more experiences for me. For example, I would like to push myself to try to join HSU or other sf's. I also want to give promos to some underrated members. Why would you make a good member of Nu-7 Command?: I am experienced and I know what to do and what not to do. I am able to be chill with the branch but also carry out disciplinary actions when needed. I am a 1LT in Gensec, which shows that I can be trusted with a command position. I am always open to answer any questions that other Nu-7 have and I am just generally friendly, which builds up the reputation of Nu-7. I am willing to give feedback to members who want a bit of help, or just give advice in general. Here's a meme just for you 238a82ebc5b040e038d00b3ebe086ebb.mp4
  13. Sir they put that after I said it, void my -support
  14. Seems like more “i would love to join the staff team” then actual reasons why you should join -support
  15. -support wuh you're a cpl, required rank for apply is sgt+
  16. What is your in-game name?: Sulfur What is your steam name?: H2o What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:545705841 What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): h2o7675 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain): I've been staff in several other servers, but they're small. I was assistant staff manager in a server called Apollyon, Senior Moderator in Diverse, Trial Moderator in Nameless, and Head of Staff in Rogue. I believe there are more but I don't remember all of them. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 6/27/2020 What date did you make your forums account? September 17, 2020 How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 2 (Warns were from 2020-2021) What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) Gold Are you a staff member in another community? Currently, no Have you read the staff handbook? Yes Timezone: EST What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I have a bunch of experience as a staff member and I am well familiar with the commands necessary for taking a staff sit. I can take both sides of a story and use evidence to find out who is in the wrong. I would also like to expand my experience pallet and see if I can meet the standards of a popular server. There are people who keep on complaining that there are no admins on to take tickets, and I would like to change that. I am very active so I will be able to take sits. I am familiar with Gmodadminsuite and the ticket system that we are using. I am also capable of being friendly to people and can de-escalate heated situations. I am familiar with the rules and if there is something that I am not sure of, I have my trusty !motd. Overall I believe I should become staff because I am very familiar with the commands and how to handle a sit, I want to take sits and improve other people's gameplay overall, I'm very active, and I can use my common sense to figure out situations. Scenario questions: Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Please note, in the scenario questions we are not expecting perfect answers. We are assessing your critical thinking skills, your ability to use the staff handbook, and come to reasonable conclusions. Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: I would first ask the person who is cursing at me to calm down and ask what the reason was for killing those people. If they continue cursing at me I would mute / gag them for 300 seconds. I would bring in the people who were RDM'd and ask them each individually what they were doing and if they were doing anything wrong that would trigger the murder. If the evidence checks out then depending on the amount of people killed (I think MRDM is 4+ people) then Warn them for MRDM, Staff Disrespect, and get an admin to ban them for 5 days. Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation? Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving? Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?: If there is evidence of the bug being abused then I would punish according to the severity of the glitch. If it is severe like finding a way to kill through walls / kill a bunch of people then I would warn them for exploit abuse and try to get admin approval to ban them for 1-3 days. If it is not severe then give them a formal warning and say that if they do it again, they'll be banned.
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