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Everything posted by 0din

  1. Accepted! Please speak to Tenn Graneet for further instructions.
  2. Accepted! Please speak with CAO Mando for further instructions.
  3. As of the 11th of April, 2021 I will hereby be resigning from my position as a general in the imperial army high command and taking my leave from this community as a whole. I've spent a great deal of months here at this point and the amount of memories, friends & acquaintances I've made throughout my time in this server is enough to supply you with a lifetime of fun and great stories to tell. I'm thankful for having been part of this community & gotten to know its players. I still remember the day I joined as a purge private not expecting a great deal to come my way and that I wouldn't get far yet only a few weeks later I saw myself in the position as a NCO in death troopers and from there and an extensive service within the regiment I landed myself in the position of the senior commander which is something that isn't just given out to anyone. What matters the most to me now that I'm at the end of it all was the people I encountered & made friends with. I've realized that to be in a regiment you're not just playing with a bunch of Randoms on the internet, to some they see it as a genuine brotherhood and I can see why. However today brings an end to the "Corpse" and "Radio man" jokes. I have a lot to fix up in my life and to fully balance out my time in achieving my goals, dreams and ambitions I will have to resign as it simply takes up too much of my time right now. I wish things could have been different but life isn't perfect and It took me a lot of time and consideration to come to this conclusion and go through with it. Needless to say I am still thankful for being given the opportunity to help the community out & its according regiments as a army high command. ~Special thanks~ Oddshot/RR1 You were by far the most influential member of this community to me personally, you showed me that it takes to be a good leader and that you shouldn't be afraid to step up and make yourself heard when something is wrong. You showed me that you have to be strict but also compassionate and understanding as a leader. I wouldn't have gotten to where I was if it wasn't for you. Thank you for everything, Oddshot. Alex/XH7 You were my recruiter in death troopers but also a good friend of mine. You always rooted for me even when I didn't believe in myself, you always told me how I was gonna get far and I really didn't believe you. Thank you for being such great support in my earlier days on the server, you were a great moral boost. Jess/JL8 You have a great deal of potential, and the fact that you've gotten to the point you are in right now says a lot about who you are as not just a person but a leader. Death troopers may be in your hands one day so you better treat her well. Mute I don't even need to describe what you've done for me, thank you for everything. Can't wait for summer break. And thanks to the gaminglight community, thank you for everything.
  4. -Support -Current ties are fine as they are
  5. Accepted Speak with RR7 or EL7 for further instructions.
  6. Accepted Speak with RR7 or EL7 for further instructions.
  7. What would you like to see: An improved door system for the new map, where instead of them automatically opening upon getting close to them which can cause issues. They'll just use a button system where you have to press on a button or the door to open them. How would it help the server and/or the player base: I think it will help especially when there's a great deal of people that need to pass by and the door can stay open instead of shutting in peoples faces and getting stuck. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Yes.
  8. Accepted Speak with a VCMDR+ for further instructions.
  9. -Support Absolutely despicable, I usually don't get myself involved in ban appeals or give my opinion on it but this is an exception because it's disgusting to even insinuate things like that as it's a very real and ongoing problem in our modern society. Feeling sorry for your actions doesn't warrant an unban in most situations. For the sake of the moral integrity in this community I hope you stay banned.
  10. -Support It feels like you didn't even attempt to put genuine effort into this application, I read through it about 3 - 4 times because I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and while you do have a somewhat good grasp of what's expected of a vice commander taking care of minges and leading is only half of the job. Being a vice commander, commander or any leadership figure requires a defined maturity and the role has a set of disciplinary expectations that you simply do not meet. I don't really care for your reputation in the community, rather your actual ability to lead which is exactly what I'm critiquing. I'd suggest you take some more time, follow in the footsteps of previous commanders and your current higher ups and learn what it truly takes to be a good leader because as for now I personally don't think you realize the weight and importance that a role like this holds. I digress, I still hold a ground set of respect for you as an individual regardless of ability to lead, and I wish you the best of luck with your application.
  11. +Support He's an absolutely tremendous naval with good activity & a serious attitude, not much more to say. He'd be a perfect fit for it.
  12. I still remember the day you recruited me into DT, O7.
  13. Questions 1. Your In-game: Odin/AX1 2. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73380204 3. The player's name in-game: ST PVT RED 9034 4. The player's steam name (If you know it): Red man STEAM_0:0:243939716 5. What did the player do: Use homophobic slurs. 6. Evidence (REQUIRED): Evidence2 (1).mp4 7. What do you believe should happen to the player: If I'm correct the standard ban length for homophobia is 1 week, so give them that. However they did say it on numerous occasions as seen in the video so I'm unsure if that warrants a perma-ban instead. 8. Any extra information: N/A
  14. 0din

    Turds gm Application

    -Support Turd, I fully respect you as a person and I don't dislike you. However you do indulge in mingy behavior almost every single time you are on and every time I've seen you on. And to add to this, you were previously removed from the gamemaster team which can mean it decreases your chances of being let back in, my best advice is that you can prove that you can change from your current behavior. If you can really put in the effort to change your behavior and stick with it, that would benefit you greatly. I digress, best of luck on your application.
  15. +Support I can say with confidence that RR7 has earned my trust throughout his time in Death Troopers, he's a good officer that I commonly have discussions about Death Troopers with. He's an excellent leader and is overall competent for the role. For someone to earn my trust like this isn't common, so I do hold him to a high regard. Best of luck.
  16. Good to see you, A LOT has changed ever since you left.
  17. 1.What is your IGN (IN Game Name): My in-game name is AX1 in my primary life, however in out of character contexts I’m usually referred to as Odin. 2.What Regiment are you applying for?: I’m applying for the role of the commander position of Death Troopers. 3.Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?: The reason why I want to become the commander of Death Troopers is because I believe they not only need but deserve good leadership figures. I know for an elite regiment like Death Troopers to thrive & operate with the utmost efficiency they require the proper authority figures to enforce that factor & the regiments ideals and standards which is why I’m applying, I know exactly what must be done for this regiment and I have a great deal of plans, ideas, suggestions and improvements at the ready for Death Troopers that’ll help contribute into making it exceedingly organized & coordinated, which is one of the primary objectives for a regiment like this because having a small set of organized troops can outmatch a greater number of unorganized troops. I’ve grown comfortable with the idea of leading a full sized battalion throughout my time in Death Troopers, I’ve developed and grown more in regards to leadership and I think I’m to do whatever it takes to ensure that this battalion stays on top of every category and in every situation. 4. How much game time do you have on the server?: I have approximately ~7 weeks on the server. 5.What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?: The main purpose of a commander of a branch is to help their subordinates and ensuring that the day to day operations of the regiments are going accordingly and without any major or even slight issues, they help solve internal affairs/problems within their regiment but they should also be maintaining good communications with other battalion leaders to ensure that they can all work accordingly with each other. Commanders should above all else be the ones to handle regimental bonds and ensure that one battalion doesn’t have an issue or conflict with another, the reason for this is because regardless of what branch you’re in, on the server we’re all a collective team and it’s very important that all members are able to work with each other and not start any issues just because of regimental or ranking status. The commander should also be the figure that makes major changes, improvements, and suggestions for a regiment that helps contribute to either the server or battalion as a whole, this being things such as necessary SOP updates, posting new documents or guidelines and making suggestions on the forums for things such as weapon changes or a complete regimental overhaul, the reason why this is the role of a commander of a regiment and not any other rank is because the commander is a figure of seniority and they ultimately know what’s best for the regiment, they are your best person to go for when you have a major concern or question that only they can give a good answer to, or solve with the best foreseeable outcome. 6.Why should we trust you to be a commander?: I can be trusted with the commander position because I have been in commanding positions before, I used to serve as the captain of Alpha-1 'Red right hand' in a different community where I commanded a squad of dedicated individuals for around a few months before my departure from that server. I've also been extending my leadership capabilities to assist other regiments like stormtroopers where I serve as an NCO currently where I help provide a positive experience to not just the stormtroopers but also other regiments so they can form a better opinion of the regiment as a whole. My ultimate goal is to do what those before me in this position have done, and that is to contribute something special to the regiment and really help stick out. I’m planning on making Death Troopers more disciplined, serious but also more easy to work with. I understand the conflicts that Death Troopers face with other regiments and battalions at times and I will work on correcting that to the point where Death Troopers are seen as a reliability rather than just an annoyance or a bother, this will not only help make it easier for Death troopers to go about their daily operations but it will also open up communication opportunities with said other regiments and regimental leaders where we positive experiences can be created. I will ensure that the officers are fully prepared to do their job and are able to perform their expected duties so that their subordinates(NCO’s) may go about theirs with the utmost efficiency, to have a functional regiment you need every cog in the machine to work, if one fails the entire thing goes down. It is extremely important to enforce the SOP, solve drama/issues and I know exactly what must be done when those kinds of situations occur. I’m nothing short of completely dedicated to this regiment, I’ve made a great deal of documents for it such as marksman & heavy training, SOP suggestions, guides for the different ranks and much more, and with that said I care about this regiment and it’s members. I wanna be able to ensure that the day I resign this regiment can still proceed to operate with complete functionality, self sufficiency is a very useful skill and if that can be applied to a regiment then you can do anything with it. 7.How often can you be Online?: I can be online almost every single day for approximately ~5 - 6 hours, however If I'm on I'm usually on for the entirety of the day. i 8. Do you have any warnings?(What for?): I have 7 warnings on other servers, 1 warning on imperial rp for ltap, none of these warns are active.
  18. +Support Dedication is a key factor in every good leader, commanding officer and any leadership position in general. Understand that it's not the only factor, of course. However from what I have personally seen you have shown your skills in leadership. In the application you did give good examples of your role as a vice Marshall and you seem to have a good general understanding of the role, which granted is something anyone should have when making an application however that doesn't discourage the fact that this does make it a good application overall. Best of luck.
  19. +Support I was originally gonna make this a neutral support however upon reading a few comments and taking into consideration of what I've seen from you in an in-game and out of game perspective I do believe that you could perform well in this position, shock is one of the core regiments where a good leader is a vital factor in the performance, stability & integrity of the overall group. An application is only half of the process to being a vice commander and as Rupert put it "You don't need to write a whole Britannica encyclopedia." While I do believe your application could use some work, if your actions outweigh said application in positive terms then you have rightfully earned this position.
  20. +Support You seem to have a considerably good understanding of the position of an aviation officer, knowing their purpose and what their primary function on the ISD should be in accordance to naval & SF. You not only have the experience of being a leader and commanding officer but you also show general competence in this application, you put great effort into all sections instead of making it sub-par which shows that you're a dedicated naval member overall. I wish you the best of luck in getting this position, and I hope to see you perform with excellency if or when you get it.
  21. "TK-5678, reporting for duty!" - Eric in the imperial academy on his final day before graduation. Height: 5'9 Full name: Eric Vancil Alias: Loki Designation number: TK-5678 Unit: Stormtrooper corps Eric Vancil was a human male that worked as a mechanic, technician and a scavenger on the planet of Tatooine, he ran a small business alongside Tarrik Hence in Tatooine. Tarrik Hence was a male Besalisk who lived on the planet Tatooine, he was the co-owner of the repair shop "Stop N drop" where they'd make a living out of taking in either scrapped vessels, tech and vehicles or repairing damaged or crash landed ships. His relationship with Eric Vancil was comparable to that of a fatherly bond as Tarrik had taken him in at a young age when he found him wandering the streets unaccompanied. He lived a simple life and made a stable income from scavenging old or abandoned ship tech & scraps and repairing ships. It didn't take long before the imperial rule took a noticeable effect on his business, he received fewer customers as most of them were either smugglers, bandits or bounty hunters. He stopped by an imperial recruitment poster one day and considered his options, his business was slowly yet surely failing and if he didn't make a decision soon he would be out of business and back on the streets. He hopped on his personal cruiser and went to the nearest imperial recruitment center where he would undergo basic stormtrooper training, eventually receiving the specialization training to become a heavy gunner. He now proudly serves the empire and deems it a noticeable upgrade to his old life on Tatooine., although he does miss Tarrik because he was one of his closet and only friends. Eric secretly hopes to be deployed on Tatooine one day so he could meet back up with his old friend in that familiar shop.
  22. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : AX1 / Odin 2. What Regiment are you applying for? I'm applying for the vice commander position of DT. 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? The primary reason I'm applying for the position of a vice commander is so I can further extend my leadership and operational capabilities within Death Troopers. becoming a vice commander would allow me to ensure that not only the overall rank integrity and internal structure is stable and not problematic but it would also allow me to better help the overall branch out with a variety of things such as roster updates, strong communications with other command members from different battalions to ensure that the bond of Death Troopers and other regiments stay good and that we can always work alongside each other. It would simply put make my job a great deal easier when not only handling issues but also making new ideas to benefit the regiment as a whole. I care about Death Troopers, because if I didn't I would have left a long time ago, I would not be writing this vice commander application if I didn't truly hold a burning passion for this regiment, it's members and the community it works in accordance with, I wanna see this branch grow and stay at the top as one of the best performing regiments ever, that's something I've always reinforced and will continue to reinforce and make sure everybody is aware of. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? In-game on the scoreboard menu it says I have ~6 to 7 weeks on the server. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of the commanding officer in any branch of regiment is to serve as a head figure of authority that makes final decisions, corrections and important changes to their battalion. They of course also serve as a overall leadership figure that ensures that the internal relationship with their subordinates is maintained at a functional level, they should always be ready to not only lead their subordinates into battle but to also serve as a teacher for them. A commander and vice commander is a position of seniority and is one that is not to be treated lightly or with anything but the upmost serious and professional attitude. A commander should always be one to lead with their subordinates, and to not have them lead for you. The commander is the only position and figure within a battalion that has the complete final say in any situation, with the exception of higher ups in the chain. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : The reason I should be trusted with the position of a vice-commander is because I not only have a great deal of experience with leading and serving as a commanding and leadership figure in other servers, communities, regiments and games but also because I know very well what it takes to be one. To be a good commander it takes dedication, and a passion that cannot in any regard be replicated for self gain. I'm always ready to step in and help anyone that's in need on the server, that needs guidance or leadership advice, I'm compassionate when the situation requires me to be. I've been serving as a officer within Death Troopers for long enough at this point that I know exactly how the regiment functions both in the aspects of social relations but also overall combat prowess. I know not only what I must do as a vice commander within Death Troopers but also when it comes to serving as a figure of leadership in the overall server, to be a vice commander or a commander means to have people look up to you and have great expectations of you, and if those expectations cannot be met great consequences both can and will follow immediately after. So, to put it simply the reason why I can be trusted as a vice commander is because I know the exact expectations of one, I have a good deal of leadership experience, and I'm always one to stand up and take the initiative if something is going wrong or a situation is getting out of hand and nothing is being done about it, that's because I always wanna make sure things are running smoothly and as efficiently as possible. 7. How often can you be Online? : I'm online almost every single day, if not then it's for a good reason. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have 7 warnings on police-rp, 1 on Imperial rp last I checked, most of them are over a year old.
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