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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. 11 hours ago, Diz said:

    - Support

    Still pretty new to the server, I’d suggest playing for 1 or 2 more months before applying

    App could be a bit better

    Doesn’t meet word requirement, although it’s only by 10 words

    Normally, we don’t ban anyone for glitch abusing (Btw only Senior Mod+ can ban)

    No idea who you are, might be due to my time zone though


    yeah what this guy said

  2. -support.

    listen i'd be all for this, but A: as people have said if you have like 3 lives there's no pheasable way to be dedicated to every branch without never going outside.

    secondly: do you really need to join that many branches? like... seriously... one non combatant and one combatant is plenty enough to get both sides of GL.

    • Like 1
  3. Name- Jummy
    Steam ID- STEAM_0:0:199425262
    Discord Name- Jummy#5693

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)- No combatant branches currently, only AR in research.

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, ect)- 2 Warns, all over a year ago. Along with a few strikes, also over a year ago. all of the details are in the images below. image.thumb.png.5fa4584f17b6d24c5e0ce6a4b876031e.pngimage.png.e23044c59cb6e6b043b8de93dd9dd382.png

    Why do you want to join Delta-5? To start off, I want to help the foundation, yes it's a generic reasoning but hear me out for a second-

    When I see those poor souls in LCZ getting ripped apart by some SCP, or the 1 millionth D-Class CC, a small piece of me dies knowing that a pure innocent enlisted is getting their ass handed to them over and over again by these threats. I want to help re-establish balance and restore peace for the poor, innocent, sweet enlisted.

    Second of all I love working in teams to complete common goals, and as a TASK FORCE, you need a FORCE for the tasks. I feel building bonds through combat is important, along with being fun.

    Finally, it's just fun to play in. Combat branches are fun! Simple as that.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? Well as I said, I think I work great in teams. I may not have been in many combat branches but I certainly have a decent bit of experience with GL combat. I believe I have the will and dedication to the foundation that is needed for such a branch. And I'm calm under pressure.

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes.

  4. I'm sick of High Command pushing their dedicated workers, no, their own fucking friends under the bus for issues outside of GL/Spending time on personal life.

    This shit has happened alot recently, even to myself partly, bullshit, utter bullshit, all of it!

    Give my man the thing he earned, don't take it away like so many have before.

    Fuck, man.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. -Support.

    Yeah, Sprink shouldn't have taunted you like that in DMs.

    Everyone else has made a pretty good point about how problematic you have been in the community, minging and saying shit that should never be said.

    From experience, all I can say:

    Get a filter.

  6. 2 hours ago, Right Twix Bar said:

    Due to your rejection of Medical's "spectacular" health care, we will stop treating your researchers.

    Good luck with your strike if a single bullet will kill you. 

    Based, yet BluePilled.

    or whatever the fuck the kids would respond to this with.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Starstep said:

    All individuals whom have decided to join in on this so called "strike" are hereby designated for termination.

    Any knowledge of this incident will be [REDACTED], and individuals with knowledge of this incident will be [REDACTED].


    Long Live the Foundation.






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  8. 5 hours ago, Hoovy said:

    D, you've put a mark on research that wont soon be forgotten. You will be heavily missed, and are of course welcome back anytime. 

    (Side Note: I never found out what D stood for and I'm frankly fuming)


    deez nuts lmao

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