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Jaeger. last won the day on August 15

Jaeger. had the most liked content!


About Jaeger.

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  1. + Support + Active + Nice + Very Cool Guy
  2. " Treat people with respect don't talk bad about people behind there backs " Says the person who has a private DT Discord and talks bad about people. What a hypocrite
  3. +Support - Active - Gets work done - Has a lot of experience in commanding roles - Always does quota Steeley in every battalion always puts a lot of work in, and I don't see that changing if he were to get IC VCMDR. He's competent, knows how to keep people entertained, and wanting to come back. He's not afraid to share his opinion, and that's something we need more of on the server. Easily one of the best options for IC Command.
  4. I suggest browsing through some previous IQ applications to obtain ideas for the structure and size of your own application. Never heard of a ninth sister 2 years ago called William
  5. + support + Active + Great answer to the situational question
  6. +Support + bro had no intention to advertise ( He was only asking for advise no harm done ) + Active + Seems chill Could Improve the application little but SF needs NCO as they literally have none
  7. - Support - Rude - delusional - Immature - Bro isn't even ready be a officer - Talking about his application in discord - Bro had a meltdown because he failed an tryouts
  8. + Support + Good guy + Experienced + Very Chill + Good fit for lead
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