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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 57 minutes ago, Zeeptin said:

    Well I was just  gonna make a timer of like 10 seconds and that starts when you look at them for the first time then it goes away after 10 seconds

    What I meant by "bugged out and we could see their HP when we aren’t even looking at them" is that some SCPs have a massive hitbox. SCP-096 can go into a rage state without even having looking at him and you don't even know where he is because his hitbox is weird like that. Like, if the timer as tied to the hitbox, you could see their HP without even knowing where the SCP is, or if the SCP was behind a cover and someone would metagame off that.

  2. 1. Name: Mary

    2. Current and former RP ranks: Current: RnD SIN/Head of Apollo/PHYS/CI Mil LCPL | D5 PFC (Former SGT) | E11 LCPL (Former 1ST) | Former(NOT ON GL): DT CMDR, SOBDE Reg CMDR and SOBDE CMDR (SF Overseer), Rear Admiral, many 2LT and Major spots

    3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:519066521

    4. DiscordID: Valltony#0095

    5. Why do you want to be Nu7 command: Some people would know that I used to heavily be against Nu7, mostly because of the past CMD that used to be there. However, I have matured since then and Nu7 is now one of the coolest branches. I want to be Nu7 CMD because I want to help in grow past just 5 members online a day and maybe 8 during meeting. I see so much potential in this branch and I have a few ideas that I will get into down below for the last question. I also want to be Nu7 CMD because for the last few days, I have heard so many bad things happen between Nu7 and other branches and, if given the chance to be a CMD member, I would make sure to not be basis during stuff like that and make sure to punish those who did wrong. I want this branch to do good and be as active as D5 or even Security but that takes work, and I am willing to put in that work. I have solo ran Death Troopers on another server that has since been closed down, but I worked my ass off to make it active and what is was. I was very proud of it, and I have no doubt I would do the same here and HCMD/SA thinks I would also do good for Nu7. Nu7 is currently the only branch I have never been apart of, and I would like to change that by helping out now when the branch really needs it.

    6. What can you offer as a member of Nu7 command: What can you offer as a member of Nu7 command: Firstly, I have a few sub-branch ideas that I have already told Jolt about (But she smells and forgot about them.) First being would be to make a new SCP for Nu7 that would help RC other SCPs and be able to kill them. This would give something new to the server that would honestly unseen until now. It would allow new enlisted, NCOs, and CMD to play as an SCP but still play as Nu7 and get activity in. I would also like to rewrite some of the sub-branches we have now, like CBRN Unit because I have never seen anyone use it. I would also be strict with the rules for Nu7 and the MOTD while also having fun and hosting as many PTs as I could for Nu7 to better their skills for combat and RCing SCPs. 

    7. What is something you would improve upon in Nu7: I did say some of this above, but I would love to fix around the Nu7 sub-branches to make them more active and give Nu7 something different and unique. MTF E11 has ambush, CI have deadshot, D5 has raptor, and I feel like if I gave them more SCP classes that would be cool as well. I would even try to rework MTF Omega-7 "Pandora's Box" into being an actual and cool sub-branch and maybe even include SCP-076 in an RP type thing. I would also love to improve other branch relations with Nu7 as they have not been the best as of late. I want to show the server that Nu7 is not a toxic branch, but is a branch that is actually friendly with everyone. At the end of the day, this is just a game and everyone wants to have fun. Some people in an MTF branch couldn't be ruining that for others. I would also love to rework CBRN and Covert Agents if given the chance so that they would be more unique and catch peoples eyes. I would also like to work around their SF as well, if I am even able to at that point. because HTF is just the same as the old HSU and I feel like this SF could be reworked into something actually cool and worth grinding the ranks for to get.

    8. How are you able to help manage Nu7 as a branch: My time as a DT CMDR was the most semi-stressful thing as I did solo run it by myself without many other CMD members for a while. I did most of the tryouts, did every SOP, and talked with other branch heads to ensure relations were the best they could be. I even stopped something bad from happening between DT and Medical because I talked with my DT and the Medical Head at the time to stop it from happening again. I would bring everything I learned from and did when I was DT CMDR here to that I can ensure that the branch is organized and handled properly. I was also an SOBDE Reg CMDR/CMDR, which would be an SF Overseer/CMDR here if the ranks were the same. I handled, RSB, Republic Commandos, and ARC Troopers at the same time so I know how to multitask when I need to. I know how to remove people in a good and fast way as well as give punishments and strikes when they are needed.

    NOTE: I will resign from RnD if this gets accepted if my A1 app does as well.

  3. Name: Mary

    Rank: PFC

    Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:519066521

    Discord ID (Example: wXc GameHunter#2435): Valltony#0095

    Current Sub-Branches your in: RO

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 75+ words): N/A

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: didnt have access to my laptop so i could not fill this out beforehand

  4. Grade: 85/100


    Efficiency: 25/25


    Insight: 25/25


    Presentation: 15/25


    Writing: 20/25


    Additional comment: Reading the log made my eyes hurt, try using gray instead of white.


    Overall: B


    Test quality: 

    75%-100%=Exceeds Expectations


    Extra Notes: Do not rush CMD to grade your logs, don't matter how short they are. We will get to them when we get to them.

  5. Grade: 100/100


    Efficiency: 25/25


    Insight: 25/25


    Presentation: 25/25


    Writing: 25/25


    Additional comment: N/A


    Overall: A+


    Test quality: 

    Meets Expectations 100%=Exceeds Expectations


    Extra Notes: In all my 3 years of being on the server and looking at tests logs, this might be the best one I have seen and read. The level of work and detail is going above and beyond EVERYTHING! Amazing work, keep it up.

  6. 8 hours ago, Tazza said:


    there is already 0 fucking balance in D-block so why not add more shit to the pile that can just be removed later?, until D-block becomes less security bias and equal for both sides im giving d-class buffs +supports

    With the new map, I feel like D-Class need some sort of edge over whatever the new layout will be. Maybe raise the price a bit to balance it out some more but I don’t see an issue.

    And if you can’t kill someone with 100 HP or kill them as soon as you see the smoke, that’s on you. It’s boring sitting there waiting for CI and if D-Class riot more it’s fun for everyone.

  7. 2 hours ago, Some Weeb said:


    Out of all the applicants at the time of this message Scooty is one that I see the most fit and capable of serving as a Commander. He is a great leader, great person and is someone I think will bring the necessary additions to A1 to make it better then ever. 


  8. 1. Name:Mary

    2. Current and former RP ranks: Current: E11 LCPL, D5 PFC, CI CPL, RnD IIN. Former: RRH, RnD CMD, E11 1LT, SGT or higher in most branches. Former(NOT ON GL): I used to be a Death Trooper CMDR, SOBDE REG CMDR, and many other high ranks.

    3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:519066521

    4. DiscordID: Valltony#0095

    5. Why do you want to be an Officer?: Firstly, I would like to be an Officer because it would help me explore new things on the server, as I was not around when RRH was a branch a few years ago. Being an Officer would allow me to help start up everything and have active CMD members right from the start. I have always wanted to join RRH again, as I do enjoy it very much, both on the server and within Lore. If given the chance, I would also want to make sure RRH is active and doing good this time around. As RRH before was full of minges and barely active most days. I want to be able to help out a somewhat new branch and bring it up, and make it look amazing to want to job or get handpicked for it.

    6. What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?: I was once a Death Trooper CMDR for another server a while back, I solo made all the SOPs, did tryouts, and mostly everything for the branch. This shows that I was once already in a branch that does the same thing as RRH, guarding VIPs and being Special Forces. I was also past CMD and a Senior Moderator for GL, which shows that I would not minge on these jobs, taking everything in a serious way if needed. I know how to listen to orders given to me as I cam do them easily, but I also know how to give orders and manage people so that everything goes well. I am also fairly okay in combat, having been in CI for a bit now and also been in D5, the 2 most heavy combat branches that we have. I would also say I am pretty good at RPing, I love doing interros as I do them for RnD and have been a few happen on my E11/D5 life. I love when RP happens as it is normally refreshing to see and watch or be apart of. I believe I would be the perfect fit for any Officer spot as I have the experience needed for RRH. I know how to not be toxic towards others and just go with the flow most of the time.  

    7. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: I would make sure to talk with other branches if something goes wrong, as I had to do a lot of communication as a Death Trooper CMDR to make sure nothing bad happened. I would make sure to go to that branches CMD if something had happened to find out everything and do what was needed. I would also do PTs with other branches to ensure good blood with everyone as lots of people enjoy doing and taking part in PTs most of the time. I am also almost in TS, either in a random RP channel, or down in my own private one. If I am not in TS then I can always in contacts on Discord as my DMs are always open to anyone.


    NOTE: If given the spot, I would step down from CI RnD so that this takes a FULL LIFE.

  9. Honestly, I kinda agree with this. As MTF, I do see D-Block a mess most times because GENSEC gets spawn camped outside the door. And I have been it happen as CI as well when the poor GENSEC OFC gets rushed by 3 BIOs and an E4 right as he opens the door. Honestly, if the door was moved towards the left side (where the safe SCPs have their spawn), I feel like it would give them a fighting chance to group up and rush it instead of being spawn camped. I want them to be more around the site, I love seeing NCOs take people out of D-Block, as it was very fun on the old site-O5 map.

    While I do not think D-Class are strong, as they only have 100 hp, at the most 100 - 100, I do think GENSEC should be able to have a fighting chance against them. I do not want MTF to just sit there, as I have done it was MTF because we have to something which causes CI to sneak in and kill us. If MTF didn't have to sit there all the time, we would be able to patrol more and find CI before they can get too deep. I want MTF to be able to do what they are supposed to do and not just sit in a small intersection waiting for either CI to raid or D-Class to finally push with CCs and modsters. 

    I do like the idea of an airlock, maybe a level 2 gate going into a room from intersection that has a medbay to the left and an armor station to the right, or maybe a place for research to line up D-Class and get their escort. In the front would be 2 airlocks, 2 on each side with the sniper tower door in the middle for easy access. This way, it gives GENSEC access to the tower without having to face D-Class. It gives them a chance to regroup and get together before rushing on both sides. It would make things better for everyone.

    I will +Support this.

  10. What is your in-game name?: 

    What is your steam name?:

    What is your steam ID?:

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667):

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)
    Yes, I was once a Senior Moderator for GL back in 2020-2021 and then later a Moderator after returning for some time then leaving again. I have also been a Staff Director and a Lead Admin for a few other servers in the past. I know ULX pretty well and the commands are easy to learn and remember.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)
    Roughly around July of 2020.

    What date did you make your forums account?
    July 8, 2020.

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers?
    0 warns on all GL GMOD servers and 1 for the forums.

    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc)

    Are you a staff member in another community?
    I am not.

    Have you read the staff handbook?
    Yes, I have.


    What rank are you applying for?
    Trial Moderator.

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    I deserve the rank of Trial Moderator because I am usually around every day and all day. I get on the server fairly early on most days. I also enjoy staying on during the late night hours when everyone is AFK or just enjoying life on the server. I am not a very hard person to get in contact with. I am reachable on discord at any time of the day and very responsive. I know the difference of when to be serious and when to be laid back. I was previously staff as well on the server, and during my time, I enjoyed being staff during my previous time here. Due to being staff here previously, I am already familiar with the commands and how to handle sits. Since I am a late-night individual, I want to be able to handle sits during the late off-peak hours, as only a few staff are around during that time. I have been in command in E-11, Medical, CI RND, I am also currently RND Command. With this previous and current knowledge, I am well-versed in the rules between the different branches and what each branch is allowed to do in regard to the MOTD and SOPs.

    Scenario questions:

    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    Firstly, I would try to calm them down or let them calm down for 5 minutes while I check the logs to see how many people they RDMed. If they calmed down in that time, I would calmy explain to them what they did wrong and that they would be getting a ban, I would also tell them their ban length would be 5 days and that they would apply on the forums if they wish. If they did not calm down and continued to curse at me, I would just !gag them then explain what they did and their ban/length. I would then ask an admin+ to ban the person as a Trial Moderator cannot ban what so ever.

    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?
    Firstly, I would pull all the people away and put them in different corners. I would then talk to each of them one by one to get all the sides of the story. I would then talk with another staff or review everything by myself. I would then !gag all of them and bring them back to the center and explain everything and what I think would be fair. Depending on what happened and what punishment is needed, I would call a higher up to help hand out of the punishments.



  11. Name

    Steam ID

    Discord Name

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc)
    1 warn on the forums, and a few strikes for missing meetings, etc in the past.

    Why do you want to join Delta-5?
    Well, when I first joined D5 it was to get better at combat and get better skills in doing so. After I had gotten to the rank of SGT and SRO, I feel like I had gotten what I needed so I went to CI to see if I could better my skills there. After becoming RnD IIN and being a LCPL, I feel like I would like to return to be able to climb the ranks once again to see what I can do in D5. I would also like to be able to teach some of the D5 how to properly fight CI when it comes to combat and out smarting them.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words)
    Honestly, because I was in D5 before leaving and everyone knows me that is currently either CMD or an NCO. I have proven myself both in combat and it basic RP situations. I want to be able to come back and help out again like I did, and also to be able to get my combat skills even better than what they are now. I also miss hanging around most of the people in D5, being friendly and just having a good time. I would be a great pick because I am mature, I can be strict when I need to be, and I can also give and listen to orders when the time is right. I have been on this server for years now, so I will not minge when I need to be serious and get the job done.

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?
    Yes. (I totally WILL NOT sell Marcus to CI when he is on G9!)

    • Like 1
  12. Grade: 75/100


    Efficiency: 15/25


    Insight: 15/25


    Presentation: 20/25


    Writing: 25/25


    Additional comment:
    First test log I have done in a while so bare with me. The idea for the test is pretty okay, try to come up with more test ideas though, I love to see new and interesting ones. Also try to make your log longer if you can, if not it is fine.


    Overall: B

    Test quality: 

    75%=Meets Expectations

    • Like 1
  13. Name- Mary

    Discord name: Valltony#0095

    Rank- Elite Medic, D5 CPL, CI RnD JA/PVT, and whatever else I am.

    Subdivision- RO, BIO.

    Length of LOA - 2/10/23 - 2/13/23

    Reason- Need to recharge, been grinding for the past few weeks and need some time to myself.

  14. Name - Mary

    Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:519066521

    Discord Name - Valltony#0095

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  - None right now but I used to be past RnD CMD, Medical CMD, and E11 CMD back in 2021.

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - For server warns, the SS below and maybe a few strikes for missing meetings a long time ago.

    Why do you want to join Delta-5? - Mostly because I like the PvP that is on the server and I know like to get better at it. I like the way the models look and I feel like being able to join D5 would help me get back into the server after leaving for 2-3 years.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) - Firstly, I am not really a stranger on the server. I used to be around during 2021-2022 but lost interest in GMOD and left a bit later. I have had many CMD roles and been in almost very branch. I know how to listen to orders well, I know how to shoot and not crossfire (that is if the server doesn't lag me), and I can do pretty well in player combat. I know how to give callouts to my other D5/MTF to ensure that we win the fight and destroy all the enemies around us. I also know how to lead people in times that need it, I can give orders where they are needed and I know how to get the job at hand finished. If I were accepted into D5, I would 100% try to climb the ranks just to be able to help the branch grow and help out others. I know how to do trainings/tryouts and I can be trusted with such ranks.

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? - Yes.


  15. -Support

    I believe this is your second appeal (I could be wrong here) as you have been blacklisted before (could be wrong on this as well), and I personally do not believe that you want to be on the server to RP. You have not shown yourself to be trustworthy, which leads to me just not trusting you back in MTF.

    As from I can see, you have not been on the server to show that you have changed (could ALSO be wrong here, but when i was active a month ago, you were not around). If you REALLY cared and wanted to come back as a new person you would be playing on the server being friendly and everything.

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