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About Lannie

  • Birthday 06/08/2004

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  1. Your name on the roster: Lannie Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): MSGT You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no: Yes Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: No, evidenced by photo below. Questions Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): I should be trusted as a command member in Nu7 based upon past experiences and current ones. I have held several past positions that require a critical amount of trust within their holders, those positions being: E11 CPT, GENSEC CPT, D4 Senior Coldsilver. I was also apart of D5 and Maintenance command, but admittedly these periods were rather short-lived due to changes within GL or my life. Within each of these positions, I have maintained confidential information, and refrained from breaking rules or cutting corners when it comes to following them. Alongside my past experience, I believe I hold my overall reputation as a member of the community as someone who presents themselves as trustworthy, and has shown no signs or intent to perform illicit actions whether on the job, on the discord, or while speaking to members of the community through TeamSpeak, or Discord. I will note however, that I was removed from D4 during the purge due to inactivity.This was due to a general lack of motivation in E11. I will also note, that I did leave E11 during a trial period enforced by quotas, due to me no longer enjoying the branch. With the two points presented above, I believe I am able to be entrusted with the position of Nu7 WO, and any other future positions that may be present to me. Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words): I may deserve this position due to my work and dedication to not only contribute to this branch from my current position as an NCO and FTO, but through my attempts to familiarize and make friends with not only the members of Nu7 and its subdivisions, but throughout the community as a whole. If I were granted the position of Nu7 WO, I would be able to further my contributions to the branch and the community as a whole, with future positions giving me the possibility to assist the branch through the creation of documents, maintaining and upholding the reputation of Nu7 as a whole, and communicating with other members in the several diverse branches our community holds to form a positive relationship with Nu7, myself, and the overall community. My goals are to see this branch succeed not only on its own, but with every other current and future branch along with their individual unique members. Given my previous statements above, I feel as a person with these goals in mind such as myself and my peers are deserving of such a position. Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words): I do not feel as I am the best option for the position of WO, but rather an effective choice. Each and every one of my fellow applicants applying for such a position vary far and wide with their sets of skills and traits, but it is my personal belief that such variations do not cause us to be above or below one another, but rather equal yet different on a similar, if not the same level. We all have our own ups or downs, and I am not one to make the conclusion of whether those flaws outweigh our skills. I can only speak for myself, and while I can state that I believe I am a good choice, I simply cannot state that I am the best. Scenarios You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: I would speak to the PFC about their disrespect, in a private TS channel if necessary. If the PFC is simply having a bad day, or a frustrating moment, I would listen to their complaints, forward them if necessary, and ask for them to remember to not disrespect others when frustrated, but to back away from their computer for a moment, and take a short break, or speak to someone if necessary. If they continue with disrespect afterwards or initially begin disrespecting me, I would advise the PFC to stop their actions or they may face punishment. If they continue, I would apply a punishment to them depending on the severity of the situation. If they cease, I would inquire what occurred if they would like to speak about it. In all cases, depending on the severity of what was initially said, the situation may escalate immediately to staff, or a immediate punishment. You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?: I would speak to the person I am having a problem with, and would attempt to find a solution or the reason as to why they are causing problems with the intent of reaching a resolution or compromise. If the situation escalated further or I was ignored, I would eventually contact a higher ranking member for advice to avoid a biased punishment, and inform them of the entirety of the situation and the initial issue I had with the member. If the situation warrants it however, I may immediately forward the situation to Staff, or issue an immediate punishment depending on the severity of what occurred. If the situation is purely a personal dispute between me and the other member, I would ask for advice from a higher ranking member on how to handle the situation properly, or for possible resolutions I may not have previously seen to be possible or existent.
  2. +support im fine with everything as long as there’s no future friction when it comes to medical also using the medic gun if necessary. -support for the new D4 model however, it looks very plain and not robotic whatsoever, which could lead to confusion. (Edit) After some though and Insights offered by other posts, I’ve decided to also -support the addition of a Medi-gun. There are other ways to change RCU on a smaller degree, but one that won’t level the playing field. Also for those asking about compression, I’m about 90% sure one of our SCMD members worked with SMT to compress the larger chunks of the branch update, as they were of concern while being decided upon.
  3. I was unaware of the 5 minutes max, that pretty much invalidates this entire post lol, but thanks for telling me This would be a much better alternative If it wasn't an hour, I know it was at least beyond 20-30 minutes. He was breached for a very extensive period of time, enough to mobilize MTF and figure out the set teleport positions. Otherwise I wouldn't have made this post.
  4. General Suggestions What are you suggesting? - Implement a rule so that when the level 100 job for research is spotted (and being hunted) by 096, they cannot teleport away. How would this change better the server? - When 096 spots a target who is facing them for longer than 3 seconds, he is technically "Enraged" and will hunt the person until they are dead. They cannot be recontained as they are enraged during this state, so when a target spots 096 but teleports away, the 096 in-RP is still enraged until the target they sought after is terminated, preventing recontainment. This occurred yesterday when a player on the Level 100 research job (which can teleport), saw 096's face, triggered it, and teleported away before being killed. This resulted in a near hour long chase and the calling of a KOS to terminate the researcher so that MTF could contain 096. The prolonged time to carry out the KOS was due to the constant teleporting, and was eventually completed ONLY when Nu7, D5, and E11 sat around at each teleport location (they are pre-determined) and waited for the researcher to teleport there. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It could cause several sits due to this being a new MOTD rule. Who would this change mostly benefit? - MTF Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  5. While I believe the HP/AP changes were necessary due to stat bloat, a whopping 40% weapon damage nerf is quite the blow. However, I do also believe in giving people time to adjust things is necessary. It hasn’t even been a full week yet. Let the managers have their time. For the time being, I’m going to give this a -support.
  6. Update: Changed "Name:" Section to accommodate my E11 name and my current D5 name. Everything else has been left untouched. Change date: 10/15/2021
  7. Your In-Game Name: Lannie (On E11/Femboy on D5) STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:73656222 How long have you been playing on the server for?: 6/11/2020 to 10/9/2021 (Actual time via Scoreboard: 5 weeks) List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server. (MTF, Gensec, Etc.): E11: WO. E11 Rapid Care Unit: CM. E11 Recon Division: MRK. D4: Frostbitten What Command position are you applying for? (list two): 1LT, 2LT Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words): Delta-5 is a new branch coming fresh out of the oven. This caused me to be very interested in seeing if I had what it would take to lead a part of a branch right from the start. I want to be a part of Delta-5 CMD to help this new branch gain the proper attention and quality work it needs to join the current 2 MTF Branches and be on par with them, if not, better. I want to see this branch become something great, and want to help in any way possible. I also want to put my current experience to the test. I've been in a few low-ranking command positions before, and I see this as an opportunity to sharpen my own skills so I may better utilize myself not only in Delta-5, but across the server as a whole if I choose to move to another branch. Possibly being a part of and learning alongside future command members in a new fresh branch is a one in a blue moon opportunity to truly test myself and expand my ability to lead. While this will be a very new and odd experience for me, with several hurdles and possible struggles I have never dealt with before, I cannot pass up a possible great learning experience such as this one. Being a part of Delta-5 command would truly be a testament to myself and my ability to learn and adapt. I believe I'm ready to tackle a new experience on GL-SCPRP, no matter what obstacles lie in my path. In conclusion, Delta-5 is offering a chance for me to prove myself and my abilities while sharpening them in the process, and I'm more than willing to try for a position in its ranks. Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): I stand out from others applying for Delta-5 command due to my nature of doing everything by the books as much as possible. I have zero officially documented/recorded warnings on the server whatsoever, no bans, and no blacklists from any branch or job. I have never received a strike in any of my branches. The only incident I can recall that involved me receiving some form of warn, was a verbal warning back in the summer of 2020 when I turned off the lights as D-class, unaware that you had to roll for the lights to be disabled. I avoid bias and personal issues in favor of the way things are meant to be done through rules and regulations. Alongside my previous statements, I also try to treat everyone equally, without any form of bias or hatred to any branch, person, or job. While people have frustrated me in the past, I absolutely do not and never have let that get in the way of my duties. Instead, I try to work my best with those who frustrate me, or calmly inform them that whatever they are doing is bothering me or my peers. I value treating every branch and its members the way I would want to be treated. I do not discriminate against people for simply being a part of a branch they chose to be a part of. Every branch deserves the same care and kindness as any other branch or any other person, no matter previous incidents, or personal issues with their members. I believe the aforementioned reasons cause me to stand out against other applicants, but in no way makes me better or worse than them. Everyone has their unique advantages and disadvantages that come with them. Why should we trust you for this position?: I have zero officially recorded warns, bans, strikes, or blacklists as of 10/9/2021. I only have a singular verbal warning from staff in 2020 for turning off lights as class D. I have never abused any job or rank for my own personal gain or for the gain of others. I am against bias and letting my personal issues/frustrations with others disrupt my duties, or give unfair advantages or disadvantages to others. I have previous history as a GENSEC CPT, an OS in Janitorial (Before maintenance was introduced) and a current-in-progress training as a WO in E11. I have no feuds or known drama between anyone on the server currently, or in the past. I avoid drama with other members, no matter what branch they are from. I value the rules greatly, and do my best to abide by every single one. I believe the aforementioned reasons could prove myself as a trust-worthy member of SCP-RP. Do you have past leadership / command experience? If so please list them. (Limit it to Gmod only please): Janitorial (Before Maintenance was introduced): OS. GENSEC: CPT. You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking a SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?: In this situation, there are a multitude of ways to respond. If the CI were taking a high value SCP, the immediate priority would be the SCP. If it was a low value SCP such as 066, and there was a risk of other SCP's being breached due to D-block rioting, allowing CI to obtain more SCP's or even allowing the SCP's to escape to surface, maintaining D-block would be a priority. If there was enough members or MTF Personnel online, I would co-operate with my fellow Delta-5 and if possible fellow MTF Branches to split their forces to have some maintain D-block, and others maintain focus on the SCP. If the SCP within CI's custody is unknown, the priority would be the SCP, as an unknown threat is worse than a known one. What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?: I would inform those who are breaking the SOP that they are breaking rules/guidelines listed within the SOP, and specify exactly what rule(s) they are breaking. If they refuse to co-operate and refuse my orders, I would warn them a final time to abide by the rules and if they continue to break them, that punishment will be enforced. If they continue, I would punish them appropriately if possible, and inform higher ranking command of their actions and punishment if necessary beyond general recording. If I required assistance from higher ranking command, I would immediately contact the appropriate member and inform them of my situation. If the situation became one that Staff would take over due to a Server rule being broken, I would inform staff of the situation and make a sit, then provide staff with all necessary information and/or proof I have available. How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?: I would inform them that no matter who they are, or what experience they have, they must be put through the tryout and standard promotion procedures like anyone else. Bias towards a member does not only gives an advantage to that member, but a disadvantage to everyone else. Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group: If the tip followed all RP guidelines and was within RP, I would utilize the information given and share it amongst my peers, but if any higher ranking command are present, share it with higher ranking command first, incase the information is meant to stay in the hands of higher ranking command. If the information was given an all-clear to be informed to the rest of the branch, and possible other MTF Branches, I would distribute the information accordingly and utilize it as much as possible. Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?: Yes, I promise.
  8. wow this yupdate is really cool ui hopppe it get +suproty many time to sthat it go thogubh very epic i cant wait i cant belive wanted singlehandledly stoppex 682 and made hima goob boty i am very happy mayne mi kop0in nu7 now sems veryuu epiuc cannot wait
  9. Lannie

    Lantards LOA

    Extending LOA to 3/21/2021, as ill be quite busy during spring break and wanna spend time with my friends & family
  10. Lannie

    Lantards LOA

    Name: Lantard Rank: MSGT Duration: 5 days (3/10/2021 to 3/14/2021, including today) Reason (If Private That Is Fine): Taking a small break, wanna play some other games for a bit. I’ll miss you guys.
  11. Lannie

    Lantards LOA

    Name: Lantard Rank: PFC Callsign: XX19 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 1/26/2021 - 2/4/2021 Reason (if private write N/A): I have an important test coming up, (TSI) that will determine if I need to take certain college classes in my future. I'm taking this LOA so I can focus on studying, and to take an overall break.
  12. Name: Lantard Rank: PFC Call Sign: XX19 Discord#1234: Lantard#7867 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: Less unnecessary talk during raids, I've had issues with RnD or others discussing in TS during a active raid which can be very distracting. Do you wish to remain apart of Military?: Yes
  13. In-game Name: Lantard SteamID: STEAM_1:0:73656222 DiscordID: Lantard#7867 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? On a scale of 1-10, about a 5, I get the idea and certain properties, but no where near could I write my own SCP's or even draft SCP's without breaking 1-10 lore-based rules. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): I believe I would be an effective member of CI military due to my previous experience in Gensec as a CPT, Omi9/Nu7 as a SSGT. I have no strikes or warns, (1 verbal, turned off lights as D-class a few months ago) which show’s I'm not a minge, and can be trusted. Combat has always interested me, and after the unfortunate removal of Omi9, Nu7 just didn't fit my needs. The idea of planning a raid and executing said raid intrigues me as well. In CI, I think combat is more intensive due to the fact that during a raid if you die, there’s no coming back till the next one, which should provide a new insight in how I balance the death of the enemy and my own life at hand. In the end, CI military looks like the right place for me, and I believe my history with combat branches will allow me to be effective and grow further inside the chaos-loving heart that is CI. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? Compared to being fresh off the rack, I have previous history with other combat branches and as a previous command member of Gensec, I know how to treat my fellow CI as my own. How active can you be? My activity is limited, I will most likely flip flop my days (Get on one day get off the next & Repeat) and even then my time is strained to about 4-3 Hours a day. I also work on weekends Bi-weekly (Sometimes ill be at home, Sometimes I wont. I will attempt to make meetings nonetheless.) Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes, I have both.
  14. Aw Fallout, not only is this out of the blue, but it makes me feel down in da blues. You were a very kind and understanding command member in my eyes, and I was very VERY happy to be your mentor (and have you be my only mentee) during your 2nd run as a WO. Please, spread your kindness to other communities, as they could definitely use the smiles you provide. Feel free to talk to me about anything at all, your always welcome to talk to me. Big huggies UwU from Omi9, I hope your future bodes well!
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