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[GL] Jack I the One & Only

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About [GL] Jack I the One & Only

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  1. Steam Name: piggie sec.ks/u/squash SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103866206 Ingame Name: TCM Jack - CI SVR Heinz - CI CPL J03 Ban Length: Permanent Admin that Banned you: [GL] Rangiatea (for the ban) - Zeus (handling the "sit"/informing me of ban reason in-game beforehand) Reason for Ban: Attempting to crash the server. Dispute: Hello again, so last time you saw or heard from me I have been banned. Perma-banned actually, and I want to say I apologize for what I have done. At the time I saw it as harmless fun, however, it went to conduct that was above the regular. I understand the punishment given to me, but I want to be given a second chance to redeem myself, I never meant any harm to those around me. At the time, I had no means to attempt to crash the server, again just harmless fun from my perspective, and I am deeply sorry that my actions were perceived as malicious. Me getting banned has opened up my eyes to this, this community is amazing and I want to continue contributing to it. Again, I am deeply sorry if it affected anyone whilst I was breaking this rule. If given a second chance I will guarantee I won't break it again. I hope you understand. This is the second ban appeal I have made.
  2. @Dak/Marty bro just make a new mob fonzo dipped and boss spot open so just hop up an invite the boys
  3. @Squash is such a cool guy he's really nice but squash smells like updog @aclark4278 is really cool too he owns a discord server it's cool he wants to be on spider job
  4. Not to argue, but nowhere in my application did I try to imply the staff handbook was a hard guideline. As quoted above, I understand the staff handbook does not apply nearly as much to the HoS, but still should be generally followed for issues that fall under it. Also, while I do admit to it, I believe the punishment does not fit the crime, and neither does the reason. Attempting to crash the server implies intent and ability, and while there is a tiny, miniscule chance I had the ability to do so with props (being exceptionally unlikely due to the props I was spawning being commonly spawned on the server, with no history of crashing the server from their spawn), I did not have the intent. I did not wish harm onto the server, and was simply having fun. This was not an attempt to crash the server, and I do not believe it should be treated as such. I understand rang can make his own punishments freely and without practically any restriction, but this punishment does not make sense to me, so I appealed.
  5. Sure remove my donor rank, 100x better to me than not playing at all
  6. I did not try to crash it, nor did it actually crash? Attempting to crash the server would involve me placing the props in 457's cc and asking him to burn them all, spawning like 1k fire particles (or something like that lol). At no point was there intent to crash, I was just minging, it was 2am and I was playing around :v
  7. Steam Name: piggie sec.ks/u/squash SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103866206 ( Jackie Cheng#0949 (ID: 703703559790788641) on discord, banned from the SCP:RP discord too ) Ingame Name: TCM Jack - CI SVR Heinz - CI CPL J03 Ban Length: Permanent Admin that Banned you: [GL] Rangiatea (for the ban) - Zeus (handling the "sit"/informing me of ban reason in-game beforehand) Reason for Ban: Attempting to crash the server. Dispute: To start off and give context, as a bronze donator of the server, my prop limit is capped at 10. Ten props at a single time at maximum. Next, at the time at which I was banned (Around 2-4am), there were roughly 50 people on the server. I find it hard to believe in any stretch of the mind that spamming up to 10 props at 50 players would impact the server's preformance, or even remotely possibly crash the server. Yes, I was certainly propspamming and minging, but at no point was there intent nor ability to cause a server crash. The props I was spawning (for the most part, I did spawn up to my 10 a few times in a row during my PT, but that was *for* the PT) were the SLAM (models/weapons/w_slam.mdl) hazmat (models/mishka/models/hazmat.mdl) and possibly egg (models/props_phx/misc/egg.mdl) if it isn't on the prop blacklist. As for my dispute, there are only three issues (according to staff handbook, which I get doesn't apply as much to HoS) that would warrant a permanent ban- #1- Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, ETC #2- DDOS Threats, Advertisement of Other Servers, Attempting to Crash Server #3- Warning Threshold Bans I am completely unsure how my mass spawning of up to 10 props at a single time would fall under any of these, as I am completely unsure how 10 props could crash the server at all, rather it would more likely be labelled as "Prop Abuse/Prop Block" I was also informed by a friend that they were told I had gone beyond the "certain limit of props", of which is not in MOTD nor Staff Handbook, and had not recieved any warning covering such info from a staff member any time beforehand. (Somewhat relevant: I had previously PMed Rang why I was removed from the O5 Staff branch, never got a response back from him, and instead had to contact a friend once again who claims rang told them that I was removed for"dragging 682 around as a pet" (false, but understandable how he came to that impression, as I was taking him to a test- contacted O5 about this), and "prop minging" - both with an extra warning from the friend to not do either again.) I am not trying to claim I did nothing wrong, rather that the punishment in this case is excessive.
  8. Rank: CPL Discord ID: Jackie Cheng#0949 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:103866206 Ideas for CI: N/A How do you think command is doing; if you are command how do you think you are performing? Command are cute, doing good
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iAZoflNevQUKJNQ_DrnkhCRlA6oH58H_1RbyoKUOGmM/edit?usp=sharing i spent long time make this @Squashhelped me make he told me how to spell scpee
  10. +support on both, if both are even possible
  11. Niro? More like stinky Anyway what he said, -support (Also, why can't you just strike them? You're a former FD + current TCM?)
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