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Everything posted by sbk_doll

  1. In the application it says that all keter SCP's would breach and have clones On our guidelines it says "Breach a max of 2 Keters, and 4 Euclids." Also 106 and 682 could not be breached -Support
  2. Great application +Support Hope to see you in ET
  3. From past experience with spring I think they'd be a great ET +Support
  4. sbk_doll

    Bye bye -J0LT

    Can't believe jolt is resigning goodnight
  5. Lore Name: Tea Rose Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:57549878 Rank: R Activity Level: 8/10
  6. In-Game Name: Coffee Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:1:57549878 Discord Name (Bread#0001): sbkdoll / Coffee#3472 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): I was warned because I didn't follow the 1048 cooldown, I do not know when I got this warn When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): Around 2 Years ago Why do you want to join Nu-7? (125word minimum): I would play on the MTF Job Pack and have worked with a few Nu7 & I wanted to do more with Nu7 as I couldn't do much as was just using the MTF job pack. This also would bring some more RP to me & I would enjoy the server more. I have seen some Nu7 in action & I feel they would like to have another member helping with the SCP's and CI. I want to join Nu7 to give myself some more opportunities to assist the facility and the personnel working there. Another reason I want to join this branch is that I want to meet more people on the server, & I've heard that there are some nice people in Nu7. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): CI PVT | 501st CPL | ST JTLO SSGT | Havoc PFC | Nu7 PVT | E11 MSGT | Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yes I understand Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7? (If nobody did, exclude this from your application.): ALEX 1 I apologize for any grammar mistakes I may have made in this application.
  7. Name: Sbk Rank: MSGT Specialties (CE,FTO,Ranger):JFTO CE SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57549878 How Active are you (1-10) 9 Any suggestions For Epsilon?: N/A
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