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Posts posted by Star

  1. -Support  Let's get this straight. 1.  The screenshots don't prove anything.  2.  You admitted to going into D-Block as SCP-106.  3.  You were camping your cc, in fact, you were camping the control panel.  4. 

    15 minutes ago, Ritz said:

    So from what i see here, You admit to breaking a rule and make a large, baseless, accusation that he screamed down his mic, and you didn't even take the time to grab his steam name

    additional info: I believe I saw CPL Hope showed you that the femur sound doesn't play when sound transmission isn't on several times along with you being a problem a good chink of the night.


    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    The last question doesn’t go into detail on what to do. It just says you would give them the punishment not specifying what you would do in the sit or the specific punishment you are to give alongside the warn.

    You have been disrespectful and you still are and have been blacklisted from E11 for the second time and have been removed from countless branches for the same.

    You have a big attitude problem and command people who you shouldn’t be and have an argument problem.

    14 warns is a bit too much 

    The one improvement is your suggestions but the negatives eclipse this one positive 




  3. 1 hour ago, Jakub said:


    Mega toxic and two faced would never trust you with any moderation powers.



    1 hour ago, Giovanni said:


    Extremely Toxic (I have screenshots)

    Has been blacklisted from E11 multiple times

    Has been staff restricted

    Would not be a fit member of ET

    -Support  Also, who are you? I've been extremely active these past few weeks, and I have not seen you once. Also 14 warnings over a year? That's ~1 warning a month for a whole year..

  4. 46 minutes ago, Kumandant said:

     However, I'd like to see the pictures more organically integrated, rather than it just being placed inside of paragraphs.

    Thanks for you criticism. The test log is going for the looks of a SCP:CB documents, and the pictures are just put in the paragraphs. That's why it was done like that.
    I will however take your criticism and use it to make my future logs better. Thank you for it.

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  5. 46 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    If you shoot and move, 939 won't be able to sense the new direction and position of the said shooter. Therefore if this clip proves anything, it shows you failrping and staff dissing


    -Support  Not to mention that you didn't go the other way, and attempted to have a conversation with me when you were 939, and I was 682 earlier today.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Propane said:


    Hmm there are buttons here. I'll press one, ooh it made a noise let me press all of them. Why are people in ooc talking about buttons in a staff room?


  7. +Support  Two things to consider. You typically deal 300 HP at the tops to 682 before dying as MTF making you wait the NLR (3 minutes), and if you do die, you can't report back that you tranq'ed him and where he was last seen. Second, they can just run away and go invisible until they are able to move again.

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