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Posts posted by Star

  1. Great job!
    I've seen this test done multiple times now. It still peaks interest however
    This test log has a decent length to it, and the log has some detail to it.
    I spotted minor grammatical / spelling errors within the document. Make sure you're looking over your log before posting it.
    This test follows lore well. No discrepancies were spotted.
    I would recommend you take what is listed above as constructive criticism and use it to better your future logs.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. Good evening.
    With little to no detail being present in this log, it is extremely hard to critique you to enhance your future logs.
    I would recommend posting logs like this in the #activity_log channel in our Discord.

  3. Heya!
    There isn't much to critique you on. Barely anything is present!
    I would recommend posting something like this in the #activity_log channel in our Discord. There is no need to make a forum post for a log this short.

  4. Good job!
    I've never seen this test conducted before, and it is rather creative.
    I would recommend adding pictures. Colors were included.
    The document has a rather decent length to it. I spotted some grammatical and spelling errors within the document.
    This test would be extremely hard to conduct in lore. You would have to time everything all together making it near impossible.

  5. Nice job!
    This is extremely late, however at least someone got to it.
    The test log is rather nice. It has a decent length to it. Colors, pictures, and formatting were included.
    I would recommend typing out the important details from the wiki rather then pasting the link (cited of course).
    I've never seen this test conducted before, but it ISN'T the most creative test.
    Improve on what is listed above, and you will be able to make an even better test log!

  6. Nice job!
    The test log has a decent length to it. Extremely minor grammatical errors were spotted.
    The font looks rather nice, colors, pictures, and bold areas could've been included.
    Lore is followed rather well. I could possibly see this being used.
    More detail could've been added. It has more length then other test logs, however I could see more.
    Improve on what is listed above! You can make fantastic test logs!

  7. This log needs some improvement.
    Grammatical errors were spotted within the document; a lot of missing punctuation.
    As stated above, this isn't the most creative log, and it has a short length to it. Spend more time writing your logs! It makes it better for you in the long run.
    A format was followed. I would recommend changing it up a bit. Give it a hint of your own taste.
    No colors, pictures, or formatting are present. I would recommend adding bold, italics, etc. to your future logs.
    If what is listed above is improved, you will make a nice log!

  8. Great job!
    The test idea is extremely creative; never seen on my end.
    The document has a nice length to it. You changed up the format slightly too.
    I would recommend adding colors, pictures, or formatting of some sort to your future test logs. It makes the log look nicer.
    I spotted some grammatical errors. Many run-on sentences were noticed.
    Would recommend running it through a grammar checker; It makes the log nicer to the reader.

  9. Fantastic job!
    I love the way the log looks. I believe pictures could've been included.
    The test idea is rather creative. I have not seen this test done before.
    This follows lore; no discrepancies.
    I spotted some grammatical issues within the document. I would run it through a grammar checker of some sort before the final product.
    Overall, you did an amazing job! Well done.

    • Thanks 1
  10. This test log needs improvement.
    The test idea isn't too creative; seen it done.
    Multiple grammatical errors were spotted. A lot of run-on sentences were present.
    The SCP itself doesn't find a way to kill its subjects. It is a cognitive hazard that makes the subjects bleed out.
    The document has some length to it. Adding more detail would make it a lot nicer.
    No colors, pictures, or formatting were present. Please add some in the future.
    Take what is listed above as constructive criticism. I believe you could improve your test logs to a whole new level.

  11. Fantastic job!
    This test log is rather lengthy. It makes the log more intriguing to read.
    I spotted some grammatical / spelling errors; missing punctuation, random capitalization.
    I like the test, and it is nice to see that you are testing on event SCPs.
    It would be nice if you included colors or pictures of some sort in the future. It really adds on to the log.
    It's nice to see that you are working alongside our other Researchers. From my encounters with you, you are a friendly person.
    Great job though! Improve on what is listed above. You are capable of making an incredible log!

  12. Nice job!
    This test log follows lore very well.
    It is nice to see that you changed up the format a bit. The log could use more detail to it.
    I spotted minor grammatical errors. You are missing articles and some punctuation.
    You should add colors, pictures, and formatting in your next logs i.e. bold, italics, etc..
    I like the test idea. It is rather creative.
    I would like to see more test logs that improve with what is listed above.

  13. Great job!
    This document follows the format rather well.
    No colors or pictures are present; decent length however.
    In lore, SCP-714 would be able to nullify the symptoms of appendicitis along with the disease as well. In the game, the disease revokes your ability to jump as it would cause a horrible pain in your abdomen. SCP-714 restricts jumping as well. It leads to sleepiness. Since you get more tired, the addon restricts jumping.
    I spotted some grammatical errors within the document.
    Other then that, you did an amazing job.

  14. Nice job!
    The test log is rather short. No colors, pictures, or formatting were implemented.
    The format is followed well. No discrepancies were found there.
    From a lore stand-point, I'm pretty sure SCP-999 is un-capable of completing mathematical equations.
    I spotted some grammatical / spelling errors within the document. I would recommend re-reading your log before you post it.
    If you improve on what is above, you will be able to write a nice log.

  15. Great job!
    It is nice to see that you and your fellow researchers are actively doing tests together. I applaud you guys on that.
    The test log has a very nice length to it. It is very intriguing to read and creative. I did spot some grammatical issues however.
    I like the idea of putting multiple tests in one log. I'm going to start using this system of logging for my future documenting.
    The document looks rather nice on a format stand-point. Colors and pictures were included.
    You guys did an amazing job overall!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  16. Fantastic Job!
    I like the idea of the test. It is rather creative, and I have not seen it done in the past.
    Pictures were included. You could enhance the document by formatting it nicely i.e adding colors or bold areas.
    The document has an incredible length to it. It is extremely detailed and imaginative.
    It's nice to see that you're using the scientific method. Amazing job!
    The document is very interesting to read too. I spotted a lot of grammatical / spelling errors in the article.

  17. You did an amazing job with this log!
    I spotted minor grammatical / spelling errors; missing punctuation, typos.
    The document looks rather nice. Pictures could've been included.
    The test idea is rather intriguing. I got hooked into reading it from the start.
    This log is lore friendly and creative.
    Nice job!

    • Thanks 1
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