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Posts posted by Star

  1. Grade: 51% (F)

    Test Quality: Sub-Standard

    Lore: 0/20
    This does not follow lore at all. You are attempting to make a SCP that has no signs brain activity brain dead? Then they just vanished out of the facility? If it were to follow your depiction of lore, it could cause a XK-Class Scenario.

    Creativity: 3/20
    While I've never seen this test done before, It wouldn't work whatsoever...

    Presentation: 18/20
    I believe you could've added a few pictures here and there, however the overall presentation of the document was rather nice.

    Writing: 30/40
    The log has some length to it, however I'd like to see some more. I don't count "I have read multiple logs/articles about how 035 could leave his targets braindead." as background research.

    Overall, this test needs a lot of working on. The lore behind the log doesn't make sense whatsoever.

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  2. Grade: 98% (A+)

    Test Quality: Quality

    Lore: 20/20
    This follows lore well.

    Creativity: 19/20
    I've seen a similar test done before, but it still peaks interest.

    Presentation: 20/20
    This document looks nice. Some pictures are included, and the document looks like it could be an actual document in a SCP Foundation. Well done.

    Writing: 39/40
    I believe the log could use a bit more writing. Most of it is padded down by the formatting and the entry. Try to write a bit more and use less space with the login.

  3. Grade: 58% (F)

    Test Quality: Sub-Standard

    Lore: 18/20
    While I agree SCP-500 shouldn't cure the effects of SCP-513, I do not think it would allow you to get readings of SCP-513-1.

    Creativity: 18/20
    I've seen a similar test done before, but not this exact test. Along with that, this isn't the most creative test.

    Presentation: 4/20
    Plain, white, boring text with no pictures. Add more detail next time.

    Writing: 18/40
    This test log is extremely short and has few details. Do a lot more writing next time :).

  4. Grade: 60% (-D)

    Test Quality: Standard

    Lore: 12/20
    If SCP-076-2 isn't able to remember anything from previous lives, how would it know that it can't remember things from previous lives?

    Creativity: 16/20
    While I have not seen this test done before, I don't think it is the most creative test.

    Presentation: 4/20
    Plain, white, boring text with no pictures. Add more detail next time.

    Writing: 28/40
    This log has a decent length, however I believe it has a lack in detail. It could use more detail.

  5. Unknown user please enter login code

    User: Starstep

    Password: ****************

    Login code accepted welcome user  Starstep!

    Enter command: Access file SCP-682

    Accessing SCP-682

    Enter command: Open SCP-682 Termination Attempt

    Termination Attempt requires level 3 clearance. Input level 3 credentials to access.

    Input clearance code: Epsilon-11Helper

    Password:  Epsilon-11Helper

    File: SCP-682 Termination Attempt

  6. 1 hour ago, Zone said:


    Jay was just following orders, and he was asked to stay in, so he did. And if anyone should be getting punished, it should be Kilo (sorry). 

    +/-Support  While I personally do agree that a punishment will likely be put in place, the STF was following orders to stay within the facility. A quote from Rang's signature, "A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt." That being said, I do not believe the STF should receive a punishment, but the Omi9 should due to their bad order (sorry).

    • Like 1
    • Heart-Eyes 1
  7. -Support  From the way I am perceiving this, I do not believe that a punishment should be handed out, but rather the MOTD should be cleared up to cause less confusion and problems. Adding on to that, there was truly no attempt to break any of the rules, therefore I believe that no punishment should be given out.

  8. +/-Support  While I do agree that a Toolgun may benefit roleplaying scenarios, I believe that they should be given at a certain rank in these branches (such as Experienced Researcher+). I believe that there will also need to be a system to remove a certain person's toolgun if it is abused. I think that we should give it a shot though.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Grade: 87% (B+)

    Test Quality: Quality

    Lore: 20/20
    This log is lore-friendly

    Creativity: 16/20
    While I have not seen this test done before, I don't think it is the most creative test.

    Presentation: 18/20
    While this document looks more pleasing to the eye than others, I believe it could use more than just color changes to the text and centering.

    Writing: 33/40
    I believe there could be an extent to the writing in this document. It is quite short, but it is nice to see pictures of the actual test.

  10. In Game Name: Starstep

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:158218293

    Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + |  Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Research

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: N/A

    How many Strikes do you have: Zero.

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I would like to join the O5 staff team to better Research and technology for the foundation. Studying SCPs with a high ranking Object Class to better know such SCPs for newer ways to contain and/or recontain them would be very entertaining as it is a way to make said SCPs less dangerous, and harder for them to breach. It would be awesome to be able to nullify the effects of any SCP, or over-study it to know almost everything about it. A new clearance level would enhance my projects as it allows me to test on any SCPs to better mankind. It would be nice to be able to gather more information for future projects, so I can [DATA EXPUNGED] and equally conduct more tests for the Research Division.

    Why should we accept you: I believe you should accept me into the O5 staff team solely due to my dedication. I do my work proudly, and I do it with all my effort. I will interact with others kindly, and I will ensure mine and everyone else's safety while possibly conducting any tests with high priority viewers. I love the Research Division, and I believe I can better it simply with a higher clearance level and more authority. I believe that the O5 Council will enjoy my work, and I will proudly present it to them in a fancy style.

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