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Posts posted by Star

  1. This is a very nice test log!
    I spotted little to no grammatical or spelling errors within the log.
    A lot of the documenting of the test was padded down with the background research though. It would be nice if your observations had more length than the background research.
    I like how the document looks like something you would find in an actual SCP Foundation.
    This test is extremely creative, and it's nice how you made mixtures of beverages.

    Good job! I hope to see more logs like this one!

  2. This test log needs a lot of improvement.
    There are no colors, boldness, or even pictures within the test log. Putting some here and there would be nice.
    The format is filled out decently though. It uses the default formatting.
    Putting SCP-012 in blood and feces wouldn't destroy the paper. Along with that, SCP-173 wouldn't be able to write as it's a statue without blood or anything. It wouldn't have the temptations to finish SCP-012.
    There are a decent amount of grammatical issues within the document. They can be easily fixed with more time and effort.
    The log is extremely short, and it can use a lot more writing.
    Evidence / Visual Stimuli is basically evidence of the testing. You can put the name of personnel that attended, or you can place a screenshot / drawing of what had happened.
    Lore Name: This is where you put YOUR lore name i.e. Starstep would be mine.

    If you take it upon yourself and fix what is stated above, you will be able to write a nice test log.

  3. This test log is rather decent.
    I don't know what a Level D Personnel is. If you could explain in a PM. That would be nice.
    The log follows the default formatting. Some color, pictures, boldness, etc. would make the  test log nicer to read.
    I spotted a lot of grammatical and spelling errors within the log. There are a lot of run-on sentences along with capitalized characters that shouldn't be capitalized.
    Please take this criticism as constructive criticism, and use it to better your future logs.

    In the end though, nice job!

  4. Nice job!
    I like how the test log has some formatting; Colors, pictures, and less open space would be appreciated next time.
    I do believe SCP-049 would be affected by SCP-1025. On the server, after a bit of time, the blindness does wear away, so I'm assuming that's what happened on the 049's end.
    The idea of cross-testing between SCP-049 and SCP-1025 is pretty creative. I've seen the test done multiple times in the past though.
    Lore Name: This is where you put YOUR name in lore i.e. Starstep would be mine.
    The document has a shorter length, and I spotted many grammatical errors throughout the log; fixable easily.

    Overall, good job! If you could improve on what I stated above, you could make an amazing test log!

  5. Nice job!
    The log has a decent length to it. However, I believe it could be much nicer if you put some formatting on it.
    I spotted minor grammatical and spelling issues throughout the document.
    Figuring out all that SCP-1025 actually has would take a really long time in lore, so you got some discrepancies there. It would take a lot of Class-D as well.
    Overall though, you did a good job! I believe the minor errors could easily be fixed if you put more effort to your logs.

    Type logs and happy testing!

  6. This is a very nice log! The test-log follows lore very well. The test idea is rather decent. Putting Class-D in SCP-173s chamber. SCP-173 won't kill the Class-D unless viewed.
    I spotted few grammatical issues within the log. I believe you can fix them easily though.
    Overall though, the log is pretty good!

    Good Job!

  7. In-Game Name: Starstep

    SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789): STEAM_0:0:158218293

    What is your ULX Rank?: moderator

    What is your RP Rank?: Research Assistant Manager, O5 Research Team, Epsilon-11 Sergeant Major (Former 2nd Lieutenant).

    What is your timezone?: Central Daylight Time (CDT), UTC -5

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 7/10: I know everything about SCP, other then a lot the addendum's and such.

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I've never been a Gamemaster or Event Planner.

    How Active are you? (1/10): 9/10

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): Zero (0) image.thumb.png.18bc1a3b7e91f4e8efac4143b697b638.png

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I want to be a part of the Event Team. I am needing another chance to guarantee the players and staff individuals are making amazing memories on the server, and I simply love to favor individuals' countenances. I think the event team is a solid match for me, since I am tied in with doing events and ensuring they run easily. I do comprehend that I will be working with the Event Team to ensure events run easily, ensure the events we will put out are fun, and make it so the individuals in it are making the most of their time on the server. I for one know a great amount of the event team members personally, and I have discussed what their desires are as an event team member. As well as the advantages of joining the event team. I want to join the event team for one more opportunity at demonstrating my commitment, time, and dependability to the community, and I accept that this is a decent method of doing so. As such, I will be dynamic in-game doing events for the community to appreciate. I truly would like to join the Team just to have another method of communicating with the community and demonstrate my value to the community. I will climb the positions to however high I may get, and I will guarantee that I am doing events in the game when I have the opportunity to.

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): I would create an event similar to the events that occurred within the game “SCP: Containment Breach”. Doctor George Maynard will communicate with SCP-079 (me or another ET member) via adverts i.e. “[Unknown>Cont_SCP_079] No need for further instructions. I am already in control.”. I would have a good friend of mine conduct a SCP-173 test and fail to shut the door. SCP-173 will breach killing everyone in the vicinity of the containment chamber. SCP-049 will then be breached and let into the Light Containment Zone to build an army of instances of SCP-049-2. Eventually SCP-939 and SCP-035 will be breached causing keter breaches. They will be kept within the HCZ. Nine-Tailed Fox will be called in like usual to deal with the threats. Dr. Maynard will be killed by SCP-939; ragdoll lying there and all. Hopefully a few Class-D will be able to escape; similar to the game.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes, I have.

    What is your favorite SCP? Why? I would have to say SCP-939 is my favorite SCP. It is a predator that completely relies on its insane hearing ability. It is capable of hearing your heartbeat! It is a big red creature that has a similar body structure to a giant lizard, with the rest of it being similar to a dog.


  8. +Support  Your application is rather decent. Question 16 is rather decent. I spotted a lot of minor grammatical errors within the application. You are a former ET member, and I've seen you a bit in game.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Rektify said:


    -Q15 barely hits the required length but that's alright
    -Q16: You cannot kick or ban as a trial-moderator which brings up a concern on whether you read the staff handbook fully.
    -I have never seen or had the chance to interact with you yet so I'm unsure.
    -The fact that you have been trial-moderator on multiple different servers raises a concern as to whether you would make a good, long-term staff member.

    -Only 1 forum count



  10. 43 minutes ago, Gordan said:


    You are a good guy but for Q16 there are some things wrong.  First thing is you cant just skip a warning. Second thing is you also can not ban as a trial mod. You need to get an Admin+ to ban him. If there are no Admin+ on then you get a senior mod to issue a temp ban. I do not think you are ready for staff at this time.

    +Support  Mateo, you have gone through a lot of change within the past month or so.
    Your application is rather decent other than Question 16, which is wrong.
    You do well during stressful situations, and you tend to help anyone that needs help.
    Overall, I say give Mateo a shot at staffing.

  11. -Support Squash, you are a nice guy. However, I do not believe you are fit for a position within the Event Team at this time.
    You typically tend to minge. For example: The other day, you were randomly cuffing a Research Command.
    Your application is rather decent. I spotted some grammatical issues, but your event idea is an extremely detailed SCP-035 containment breach event. it would be nice to have a divider of some sort between the event and why you should be apart of the Event Team. You don't have too many warns, but being warned for "Harassment" doesn't look too good.
    Overall, you've been getting better recently. There is still a lot of room for improvement.

  12. On 7/2/2020 at 8:34 PM, MiniLeopard said:


    It has been on the sniper job for a long time, ever since enlisted got the umps which was a while ago -_-

    I think there is a better way then just "Remove it/Change it"

    +Support  Yes, give GenSec the strongest sniper in the game. General Security have it, but Mobile Task Forces don't have it. If Gensec get to keep the Barrett M82, I think MTF should get MicroHIDs.

  13. 1 hour ago, Rookieblue said:

    - Support

    Despite your competency as a previous staff member, I don't feel that someone who has a documented history of toxicity in our community, as well as the low community support that's been shown thus far in this application would be a good fit on the staff team.


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