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Droz(Fish) last won the day on June 16 2020

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About Droz(Fish)

  • Birthday May 18

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  1. I remain neutral Active Does complete quota knows what he is doing Needs some more experience leading
  2. +Support -Active NCO -Knows what he is doing -Does his quota on time
  3. What is your in game name? Vacander Jax/Triko What is your in game rank? SHGO VI Are you in shadow guard? Yes How long have you been in Royal Guard? 3 Weeks Why do you want to become a Trial Senior? [150+ words] For those in the unaware, the Officer core is failing due to there being 3 officers and 1 is on ROA. To help bring stability to the battalion I want to join the officer ranks and help train the enlisted and NCO's when command and other officers cannot be online. I also want to help with disciplinary issues when command and other officers are not online when only NCO's are. Since NCO's cannot handle punishments I would like to assist with that as while Royal Guards going out of line is a rarity, the times it does happen there has been issues with other regiments. I would also like to become a Trial Senior Guard for the fact that I can help with promotions. Without any officers online, enlisted and NCO personnel will slowly die out, seeing an officer online will also keep the hopes up and give them a reason to hop onto the Royal Guard jobs. How could you assist Royal Guard command with this rank? [100+ words] With there being only 3 officers, a fourth active officer could help bring stability to the regiment, showing that there are people who care about the people and doing so would give a break to the Command Team who likely need to work on more important things. I can also assist with disciplinary issues as mentioned above, with there being only 3 active officers there are times where no one who can punish a mingey CDT or keep the NCOs in line. Recently I have also heard that there is a possibility of one of those 3 officers resigning, making those who can handle disciplinary issue more valuable. How many strikes do you have? 0 Do you have any prior experience in being an Officer? (If yes, explain) I was a IC LTCOL a long time ago whilst also being DML, I was also former Nova Vice Commander under Starch when he was a Nova Commander. What Qualifications could you bring too the Royal Guard Officer Team? How many of the other branches view RG as a whole and how they work, both with RG and on their own. This is due to me being in every regiment at some point, reaching NCO for most and Officers for some. Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period? (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes.
  4. -Support -Advertised to staff via making a report. -Used incorrect rank application. -Very short.
  5. +Support -High activity -Knowledgeable -Actually wishes to make a difference -Keeps people in line I support this promotion almost as much as Weebe's promotion to Vice Sovereign
  6. Massive +1. Has been nothing but kind to me and other RG members Plays an active role in teaching new RG Knows what he is doing very well I have no downsides to him and support the promotion
  7. Denied The Nova Command Team has not seen you fit for this position at this moment
  8. Accepted! Please speak to a 2LT+ For training!
  9. Accepted Please speak to a MAJ+ in game or in TS to get trained!
  10. What is your In-Game Rank: Lord II What is your STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:429529912 Are you Purge or IQ: IQ What SIM's or Mission's do you want see in the future: No specifics, just more of them Any Improvement's or suggestion you wish to see the Executive command Team's do: More promotions, there are times ive seen a feww apprentices off cooldown and not promoted
  11. In-game name: Caliber/Droz SteamID: STEAM_0:0:429529912 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Lord I/Nova 1LT Have you donated to the server?: Yes Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: Yes, x2 RDM, Player diss, NLR, and FailRP on SCP, RDM on PRP, although all are old and none are active. In total, 5 How much time do you have on the server?: 7 weeks How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I know a lot of bits and pieces here and there, such being IQ lore, what Vader and Palpatine did in there spare time, certain fights, overall a lot but all being spread out and random. Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: To help with SIMs, Missions, and overall try and make IMPrp a more enjoyable experience to try and encourage new players to stay with the server Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: Due to my ranks i have listed for current it shows how i can deal with certain people and difficult actors, as well as how to deal with mingey players Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Yes, I have been on multiple small servers Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: On-ship: An ambassador for a planet known as Krieg has come aboard to negotiate a deal for the benefit of his own planet and the Empire, when he explains the deal it is accepted/rejected by the highest on and then the ship is suddenly attacked by rebels and their elites, after interrogation it seems that no correlation between the two factions and the ambassador is let go. All be it there is still justifiable suspicion on Krieg. Off-Ship(Assuming its on map just on Endor or Hoth): A rebel training facility has been found on Hoth for their elite students from basic training with reasonable suspicion that some Jedi also train there, IQ, Havoc, Nova, and Purge are dispatched to the area to get rid of said Jedi and the elites currently training there. Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give @ rw_sw_tl40 Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model @ models/delta/bad_batch/hunter_001.mdl Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes
  12. +/- support + Nova need the officers + Genuinely wants to help - Have never seen you on (Although that may be due to time zone difference) - App could use some work, If you need tips talk to me 2LT Bravo
  13. What is your In-Game Name: Caliber What is your In-Game Rank: App I What is your STEAMID: On phone, will edit when I get home Are you Purge or IQ: IQ What SIM's or Mission's do you want see in the future: Ones with more cooperation with purge Any Improvement's or suggestion you wish to see the Executive command Team's do: call flag ups a bit more, I rarely see purge enlisted on unless its already high numbers
  14. What is your in game name? For Nova: Redacted name is Droz, Codename is Bravo What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:429529912 What is your current rank? CPL How much time do you currently have on the server? 6 weeks How long have you been in Nova? 6 days How will you assist Nova with this rank? Tryouts, active patrols often, giving advice to enlisted, and over being a role model. Why do you want to become an NCO? I have assisted the majority of battalions on this server with the exception of Nova, I want to add nova to this list. Do you have any experience leading / being an NCO? Former IC LTCOL, Purge SSGT, IF Senior Agent (Before the original rework, was equal to CSM) LT in Naval (CEO as well, i helped the 31st who are now Havoc). What is the purpose/duty of an NCO? The NCOs job is to assist the officers in leading and leading when the officers are not on, to give a role model for enlisted, and act as a go between for the officers and enlisted.
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