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ZeferGaming last won the day on January 9 2023

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  1. so, this has been kind of in the making since about 3 weeks ago my life has kind of started picking up I have Classes 3-4 times a week now I can start looking for a job now which is huge for me. and I also have been going on. dates with a girl who I am becoming really close to with everything that is going on. I think fr it's time to leave Gaminglight but not before a big ass list of shoutouts because there is a lot spanning two servers and a lot of SMT. Zeeptin: it's no wonder gaminglight is at the spot that it is today the amount of Patient's you have for everyone in the community especially towards me i can't thank you. enough for this experience i have had for these 3 years of being part of the community. Snar: this guy dose god work trying to keep everyone happy well also keeping his own work ethic. the amount of Deals he given me for CCs over the years is crazy the DR strange wouldn't have even happen if it wasn't for his massive discount that he gave me on top of the free Playermodel so thank you. Bop: man, you were the best to happen to me in this community the day you left was the true down fall of myself it wasn't the same without you Bon: i might not agree with how you are running Imperial right now, but you are still a good friend regardless and i hope you take care. Frog: one of the most Chill SMT alive and one of my last remaining supporters from the good old days good luck on FiveM Ghost: one of my last best friends too have left the community honestly when you did i knew it was a matter of time before I went to thank you for being awesome ghost Starch: my old Nova commander the reason why I even got a Vice commander spot in Imperial thank you for the support and I hope one day you get Darth Vader. Goat: Truly is 100% Spixe: got you the reason why I wanted to make it to high command in Medical. one of the kindness high commands of all servers. Shadow: you were like a little brother to me you looked up to me like a little brother as well hope you're doing well Grub: I know in due time you will get Medical High command just hang in there and don't lose yourself on the way there. Wassabi: you should have been the next Medical high command. the signs were all there but thank you for all your help and support in Medical and the little time I was in Research. Elevate: thank you for being so kind to me even at the last moment when writing this you stop to say hello, I hope one day you get AHOM for Maintenace Bub: so glad you got SMT especially after your app for next rank in High command was Denied I always Enjoyed being around you in Imperial you were so kind and joyful Zabuza: always said hello to me in the Hallways of the ISD you were strict in character but kind in Heart. thank you. Jeager: Fun guy to be around love rping with him in SCPRP you were a good friend for what it was. Lookatthatface: goofiest guy I know in SCPRP it made being in D-block that much more Fun just to hear you being silly Congrats on LTCOL in Secuity Talilla: good guy good friend you and bop were amazing thank you for being awesome. if I have forgotten anyone over the course of 3 years, I am really sorry I tried to get everyone I could think of off the top of my head who made an impact in my life in the time I was here in Gaminglight my Discord DMs are always open so feel free to shoot me a DM but yeah i hope you all have a wonderful life and thank you.
  2. Can we have it to where this SCP and 1424 don't get along? Have a Cat dog fight once in a while.
  3. Why is snoop dog asking to give penus inspections that's fail rp and ERP + support
  4. What are you suggesting? - bring back the /Demote System or something like it How would this change better the server? - idk about y'all but it's really annoying for Research when you have 3 or 4 Trainees in the Research training room just AFK. Well, your training those who are not ark a /demote command would be excellent to help clear up AFK people, heck even SCP offers a /demote would help big time Are there any disadvantages to making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It would mean playing with the code a bit but that's a SMT thing to consider Who would this mainly benefit? - the server Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  5. + support Please we need some new SCPs to test on Message by the newly made Researcher
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kNV__rQU0DS1zGF_vvNfN8ujB_gH9l9r5tCGFwtQkBM/edit?usp=sharing this was a nightmare cause my grammar program screwed up and wouldn't work for me so forgive the bad grammar i couldn't fix it but it took over an hour to make this doc so hopefully it turns out alright.
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1smaD_tfdmrk9xxd8U6qpZk4HP-jy0p2_XmX7zQSVVsE/edit?usp=drivesdk I did some important using a grammar site so at the very least it should be Grammarly accurate at lest.
  8. So originally I was planning on Transferring to Reaserch in hopes I could help them out. But after thinking about it idk what I want tbh What I might end up on doing is joining Research cold cut and if I get far cool if not then Ill come to that story when I come to it. As for Medical you guys have been the best litterlly the best but my drive to do this anymore has plummeted I don't have the time nore the will to continue the way I have so this is good bye. Spixe: one of my all time favorite High command his kindness was the reason I stick with this for as long as I did. I always felt like I could go to you when I needed help even when I was an Enlisted you were the guy who trained me for Truama engineer. Ezekiel: I hope one day you get to the level of that of Spixe Wassabi: kind determined and willing to succeed I know you will get AHOMs soon. Incinerate: haven't known you all that long but from what I have seen you are easily one of the best. Avalon: if it wasn't for you I wouldn't even be in Medical command you pushed me to stick with it I'll see you in Research soon. Grub: best fucking FTO in SCP guy dose god work Deputy heads of Field work: both cream and vintage thank you for being by my side in field work one of you will be my successor to the Sub branch If I forgot ppl I'm really sorry my memory is shit. See ya medical and thank you. I may be back in the future!
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