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About lucious_wulf

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  1. Name: Pork Rind Warden Name: Clemens Rank LT COL Length of LOA: 7/2/23 - 7/29/23 Reason for LOA: Taking care of Sick animals.
  2. Name: Pork Rind Rank: Maj Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:705983049 Discord ID (Example: Gucci Bucket Hat#9588 OR "ceyx." if discord updated your username to the new format): Crazy_Viking_92#4955 Current Sub-Branches you're in: FTO, Wardens, Juggernauts, RIG, CCU. Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 100+ words): I would like to keep doing the good work of security, lead by example and teach new Security how it's done. I would also like to keep helping new command that comes in by showing them the ropes and guiding them to do and be better. Another thing is behavior. I want to ensure that future security, especially future security command act with the professionalism and respect required and befitting of the job. I believe by doing this, we can make sure not to stress relations with other branches and instead improve them. Lastly, I'd like to keep assisting my HCMD in their endeavors of improving Security as a whole. By this I mean, helping with scouting new potential Command, Upholding the rules and guidelines of Security, Giving some ideas for changes that could possibly benefit security. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Congrats to our new DoRS, and DHOS.
  3. We're gonna miss this man! He was such an inspiration to us all and made things super fun! Mind will always be MY LCZ Manager. #Mind4Ever
  4. +Support Incredible DHFTO, Warden NCO and Command member. Super Based
  5. +Support Always on task and never strays from doing a job himself. Always willing to help FTO with training and equally just as good at giving tips and advice on how to do better.
  6. ++Support Incredibly nice and helpful. Always down to get his hands dirty for the betterment of Security.
  7. 1. Steam Name?: lucious_wulf 2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:705983049 3. Roster Name?: Pork Rind 4. Current Rank?: CPT 5. When were you promoted?: 12/31/22 6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: 4 months going on 5 7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: Absolutely, yes. 8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: I would be a terrible example to low command and the rest of security if I did not. I promise I will. 9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?: Of course I will. They know more than me and can see the bigger picture. 10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I want to put my skills to use, in order to further Security's reputation in a positive manner. To increase the relations within the Security branch as well as relations with other Branches. I want to use my position to help Security by leading by example, showing Low Command how to do things and guide them on how to handle situations more professionally. In doing so I hope to have that influence spread from Low Command to the people that look up to them, NCOs and Enlisted. By doing so I hope to achieve a level of professionalism and prestige that will allow us to work more closely with our fellow Foundation members within other branches. My goal will include increasing relations within the branch as well, which I hope to use as a way to catch any members of Security that may have a negative impact on our image/reputation. Mainly I intend to serve as a sort of role-model for Low Command and Security as a whole, by doing so inspiring them to do/be better. 11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: If I had not spoken to him yet, I will ask him why he keeps leaving then tell him to remain in D-Block more. If he does not comply then I will most likely put him on a watchlist to make sure other command know what he has been up to in case they have problems with him in the future. 12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: I would warn them to stop messing up while putting them on a watchlist. If they do not comply I will recommend a DNP, as we do not need them rising any further in the ranks with such a behavior. 13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into D-Block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: Report to anyone higher ranked than me, if no one else is on then I will take it to E-11 command to let them handle it. 14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words: I would go over the "NCO Guide" and "Patrol and Stationing Guide", after which I would give them the guides and tell them to save it in case they need to refer to it later on down the line. At this point I would explain their new capabilities to call Hands up / Partial during Code: Yellow (Or if no SNCO+ on. Inform them that they can be trained for Sniper and FTO, recommending FTO. They can also apply for Command on the forums, lead patrols into HCZ on Orange and must fill out NCO-Activity-Logs in Discord.
  8. +Support A really dedicated individual in security and doesn't take his job TOO seriously. Knows when to lighten the mood for everyone when tensions are high.
  9. +Support He's Canadian/French. No but in all seriousness he is a pretty level headed individual with some great ideas.
  10. +Support x1000000! Always helpful, to the point where he will go out of his way to make sure someone is not struggling and things get done. Solid Security/Warden and is impressively diligent. Makes sure to add Quality to the work we do as he keeps teaching and mentoring more people.
  11. +++Support!!!! Such a wise a friendly person, incredibly helpful and always active. Not afraid to get his hands dirty and do something himself if needs be. Amazingly diligent and considerate of all others around him.
  12. +Support! This man works so hard! Was even my mentor and showed me the ropes. Incredible activity and dedication to the job.
  13. MASSIVE +Support!! Baby Arm takes the time to make sure not only his mistakes are fixed but everyone elses are fixed as well. He doesn't talk down to people but rather tries to educate them on how to do better the next time around. He's pretty active from what I've seen and willingly takes on the responsibility to lead and show others how to lead. Truly one of the best Security has to offer.
  14. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-174 2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=441280458&searchtext=scary+clown (If this does not work then any clown model would do.) 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=124875622&searchtext=butterfly+knife+swep (Or any knife swep really) 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 150 HP/100 Armor 5. Why should we add this SCP? This is a fun and balanced SCP. Easy to play as/against. Not too strong, nor is it too crazy. It will also add more RP to the server as there are tons of scenarios one can do with this SCP. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-174 "The Stalking Clown" must choose one person to stalk and advert that they are stalking that person as they flag up and SCP-174 must also advert three times over fifteen minutes. (Example: "/advert SCP-174 is stalking Zeeptin (0/3)".) At this point MTF (Or Warden/Security if no MTF are available) may bring 174 a D-Class as a sacrifice to stop him from breaching. Should 174 Breach containment they will then proceed to seek out their target, searching all areas they are allowed. Upon finding their target "The Clown" will then stalk them for 5 minutes, after which 174 can then choose to terminate his target. 7. Extra information: SCP-174 cannot choose the same target over and over regardless if they get out or not. If they terminate their target in front of foundation staff they may then call an AOS/KOS on him, however should 174 terminate their target in seclusion and is not noticed they may either run for surface or choose a new target to stalk. SCP will not be allowed to enter D-Block so obviously running into D-Block just to hide from him should be frowned upon(Unless you want to change that). If a D-Class Sacrifice is brought to 174 then he must wait ten minutes before starting his breach again. SCP-174 cannot kill anyone he is NOT stalking, and of course must ignore all other SCPs.(All of this is welcome to changes/additions/tweaks.)
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