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Posts posted by MiniLeopard

  1. Name of Job: Security Riot Control
    Job Model (Model Paths): Staying the same

    Job Description: Staying the same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): remove tfa_dbarrel add tfa_ithicam37 <------ This is missing from the job
    Job Salary: Staying the same

    Job HP: Staying the same

    Job Armor: Staying the same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): Staying the same.

  2. -Support Like this man said

    5 hours ago, Rangiatea said:

    You had to use the noclip to get out to a area that was quite obviously not meant to be reached by normal players and saw some buttons, why would you think we would let anyone press them.

    It also says 343 should not leave the foundation and you went to a room with no doors/windows inside it which is pretty far away from anything in the map.

  3. +/-Support

    A ban is a bit much, just because he is an admin doesn't mean he gets a worse punishment. If a normal player did this it would just be a warn not a ban "Unless he has been warned multiple times"

    So +Support on a warn but -Support on a ban


    I am changing it to a -Support because of what Kuma said, aka need more context.

    When I watched the videos again it does look like you caught him off guard and he wasn't doing it on purpose because why would you pull out a melee and not a gun?

  4. +Support, He should be unbanned but still keep the warn for teaming

    I checked the logs and it said he timed out not disconnect by user

    Screenshot e0f7563d9705b333c9bf7c69a6050209.png

  5. 51 minutes ago, Jakub said:

    if you posted this on the day that it happened i would be able to post a video of him walking out of bunks looking at ci and start walking back into bunks, but since i don't keep the 10-20 recordings i make a day for more than a day later because of storage.

    As you can clearly see on the screenshot he doesn't have a keycard in his hands which he need to open/close the door but rather a ump and is aiming down the hallway to the armory, idk about you but normal people don't walk sideways but forwards.

    pretty convenient that you posted a screenshot and make a report of it multiple days after the issue

    also I would like to point out that in this screenshot you can see that he broke nlr, at "9minutes ago" he died to d class and then at "8minutes ago" he is in the doorway of his bunks as seen in the screenshot.

    I don't want to fight so I am only going to reply once.

    - In the screenshot that is when the first bullet hits him, pretty much in his bunks/If he did use the bunks as a safe zone you should've got an admin.

    - He does have his gun out but a lot of enlisted don't shut bunks and you still killed him right before he left bunks which is against the rules.

    - He isn't looking down the hall, he is looking at the floor "You can see where he is looking"

    - You are right he did break NLR, I didn't see that my bad

    - I understand if this does get denied because it was 2 days ago, that is my fault I did really forget

    • Like 1
  6. Your in game name: 

    Your Steam ID:

    The player's in game name: 
    CI 2LT Azius SB76

    The player's steam ID (required): 

    What did the player do: 
    Spawn kill

    Evidence (required): 

    What do you believe should happen to the player: 

    Any extra information: 
    - When this happen I was off duty but wanted to look more it and I didn't handle it because I believe it was a little close to "home"
    - Just to add no one took his ticket
    - Another thing to add, this happen two days ago but I forgot about it until now "My bad"


    In the screenshot that is when he shot the first bullet. 


    • Like 1
    • Dislike 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Sinnik said:


    I get it. You paid for something, you want it to be good. I totally understand that feeling, 100%. I bought two knives myself. Part of me wants them to be great too. But numbers don't lie, and server activity / server longevity, in my opinion, is far more important than a strong weapon. 

    Apologies to SMT if I overstep any sort of boundary by saying and posting this, but I think this is irrefutable proof that the knives were not good for us, and that nerfing them was a great decision from SMT. Here is a chart taken from SCPRP's gametracker site. It tracks our server rank over the last 30 days. 


    Knives were released on 4/24/20, approximately 32 days ago. That's when the server began to take a dip in rank. It continued on a downward trend until approximately six days ago. The knives were nerfed seven days ago, on 5/19.  The server is coming back to it's original activity, and I think we need to celebrate that. Not go back to what caused the dip in the first place. 


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