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Posts posted by MiniLeopard

  1. 19 hours ago, Gunther said:


    The fact you have two mic spam related doesn't seem to a coincidence, however that's not part of my reasoning but it should be known.
    There's no proof provided that shows he hopped off the job to deal with you. 
    From what Gasss said, you moved your mic closer than blared into it after you died, that's mic spam.


    Also you need to add your steam-id

  2. -Support

    From what people are putting here you are known for mic spamming so I have changed it to -Support


    +/- Support leaning towards -Support

    From what I am seeing, all 4 of you was screaming like monkeys? so that is mic spamming but if you was only warned then that is weird, why wasn't all 4 of you warned?

    Also a staff member doesn't need proof for a warn but it does help.

  3. 19 hours ago, Ritz said:

    I like the idea but it should only be reserved for those that are the most trusted in senior command as it shouldn't be a wide sweeping thing

    +Support ^

    15 hours ago, Catsro said:

    The only roster I would see that might need Senior Command support would be gensec seeing as 3 people have to update over 150+ people on one roster.

    It would only make sense for GENSEC because of this ^

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