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Posts posted by MiniLeopard

  1. Your in game name: Mini

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47644701

    The player's in game name: Exp Tech Chimeiric

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:39073395

    What did the player do: I was just walking in the LCZ and he killed me and then tried to kill someone else for no reason.

    Evidence (required): Video/Screenshot

    What do you believe should happen to the player: a warn for 1xRDM 1xARDM or a demotion in tech (I don't really mind)

    Any extra information: I tried making a sit but no-one would take it

    Proof1: https://i.gyazo.com/ddd9a4b725cc16f32dc9bddfe0de53eb.jpg
    Proof2: https://streamable.com/8sljy

  2. -/+Support leaning towards -Support

    You past behaviour has not been the best and your proof isn't good it doesn't prove or deny anything.

    Also like Dr Shaw said  "Gensec has the right to demote and blacklist you for your past behaviour."

    but I would like to hear sinnik's side

  3. 1 minute ago, MalfunctioningTurnip said:


    For those who don't know, 662 is a small silver handbell that, when rung, summons Mr. Deeds. Mr. Deeds is a short well dressed Caucasian butler of British heritage. Basically, you ask him to perform a simple task, he does it. For example, washing your car or retrieving an item. He cannot perform exceedingly complex tasks such as retrieving a sports car or a completely pure bar of gold.

    I would love to see 662 on the server, although how it would exactly work would probably be complex. Either way, I think it would be a good addition to SCP-RP. 


  4. Your in game name: Mini

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47644701

    The player's in game name: MTF Nu7 MSGT Atherea

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:159026262

    What did the player do: Was shooting another class d at the back but didn't care he was shooting me. (Looked like it)

    Evidence (required): https://streamable.com/zsx8e

    Evidence2: 09a466f077b65310816accbfb06ab4fb.jpg

    What do you believe should happen to the player: Warned - 1xRDM

    Any extra information: I was going to ask the other staff members what did they think about the video but he went off so I will leave it here and see what you guys think. Also I know "Cross fire" is a thing but in the video you will see that's a bit of a stretch.

  5. +Support

    He only said it once and didn't mention a person's name so isn't that a bit much, if we all warned for something like that everyone would have a warning. (But I guess it's down to the staff member)

    22 minutes ago, JesusFetus said:

    'If my warn appeal doesnt get accepted i swear im going to do everything i can to be as annoying as possible to staff. By calling the most mundane sits all the time'
    ^^ was said earlier in TS by nanachi

    If you don't have proof it is kinda useless saying that.

    • Like 1
  6. Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47644701

    The player's in game name: scp 049 dark

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:125427388

    What did the player do: Came into d-block as 049 and turned me into 049-2

    Evidence (required): https://streamable.com/jmcpd

    What do you believe should happen to the player: Warned for FailRP - In d block as 049

    Any extra information: I don't know who the 2 zombies where.

  7. What you want to see? - A command to get people unstuck

    Why should we add it? - Because people get stuck on stuff all the time

    What are the advantages of having this? - It will make it so people don't need to wait for staff/die to get unstuck (Unless they are outside of the map)

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone that can't noclip

    Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1144956657 (There could be a better addon out there but this one seems good)

  8. Your in game name: Mini

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47644701

    The player's in game name: Jr Bill

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:196157317

    What did the player do: Come into d block as 173 and RDM around 9 people, after that he left

    Evidence (required):

    Proof1: 99807aa3dfafa5069c127f591086ff92.jpg

    Proof2: https://streamable.com/fqoae

    What do you believe should happen to the player: Warned for 9xRDM/FailRP/LTAP and banned for 2 weeks (But it can be more or less I don't mind)

    Any extra information:

  9. In-Game Name: Mini

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47644701

    What is your ULX Rank?: Mod

    What is your RP Rank?: GENSEC: SFTO WO / Research: AR / Utility: Tech

    What is your timezone?: GMT

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 7

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Nope

    How Active are you? (1/10): 7

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 1 "FailRP - Went into d block as 1048"

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I have around 2 weeks in-game time now so I have seen a lot of events, some good and some bad. All the time I think of event ideas which I would love to see in-game or have seen a past event that I want to happen again. I also have great activity on this server I am almost on every day, I also want to make the server a more fun place to go to and have a good time or maybe make some friend along the way. I also want to help with the event because that sounds fun also if I get in the event team I will try my best and learn everything I can because I want to make great events and greater memories with the community. I also want to get more involved in this community and meet great people which doing events seems like a good idea to be able to achieve that goal.

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): My event idea would be about a mass 049-2 breach, somehow 049 has been able to make X amount of 049-2's and is trying to get more subjects to study on and then turn into 049-2. Because of this the O5 Council has decide to attempt to terminate 049-2 and has made a special team of MTF named Beta-7 and it is there job to recover the site with the help of other MTF branches. 

    More advanced version: 049 Event Idea (WIP) Please read if you like 😀 but don't steal/copy it please 😅

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes

    What is your favorite SCP? Why?: My favorite SCP is 106 because I love how hard he is to keep contained and I like his "ability" being able to go through matter is amazing, I also like the way he "plays" with his prey and has his own realm that he has full control over and I also like the way he looks and is able to easily jump scare someone. I also like the way he has to be re-contained, it is pretty unique for a SCP.

  10. I really want to +Support this but I can't, because kids play on the server and can be easily addicted to gambling.

    The only way I will +Support it is if you can't buy in-game money with real money so that kids don't waste irl money, or have some limit (Or something)


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