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Posts posted by MiniLeopard

  1. +Support

    I have seen mods use their psygun before -_- it's annoying

    But yeah this is 100% wrong you did nothing wrong and he just froze you and by the looks of it he would of left you there if you didn't make a ticket

  2. Name: Mini

    Rank: 1LT

    FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+): SFTO

    Why should you retain your rank (WO+ must respond | 150+ words): I believe I should keep my rank because I am pretty active for a command member and I try my best to make gensec a better branch. I also know the SOP very well and the server rules very well, I treat everyone the same no matter what rank they are. I am very loyal to gensec it's the only branch I play on now, I also have a very good reputation on the server because I treat everyone fairly. I am also hoping to climb up the ranks and try to help anyone I can if they have questions I am always happy to answer them to the best of my ability. If I ever do anything wrong I am more then happy for someone to tell me what I did wrong and how I could improve myself and being a command member, I will also accept anything I did wrong. 

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: I am bad at writing 150 words 😭 

    Rust = Cringe

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, pixelated pancakes said:

    +/- support leaning + support
    Greetings stabby,
    I believe That you have what it takes to become an event team member, you have previous experience and seem to have a pretty good reason for why they should allow you to be event team. with a knowledge of the SCP World as you have put as a 9, you can greatly use that knowledge to make interesting and great events that are fun to users and are lore friendly
    5 Warns seems like a bit much, and your event idea could be better but it is still decent. Sometimes when I interact with you ingame you appear mingy at times but this is only occasionally and is usually in good fun and pretty tame.

    All in all, I believe you have what it takes to be a member of the Event team.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Good Luck, Pixel


    I think stabby would make a great ETM

  4. On 3/21/2020 at 12:17 AM, APE said:


    The people who still play and add onto the CC shouldn’t have their slots removed all because their owner can’t play. If the owner is still capable of accepting additions to the CC, there should be no removal of the cc. Generally speaking, the owner of the CC let those who use it onto the class in the first place. So it would be against the owners desire to have people that paid to join their class get kicked off of it all because they aren’t playing. 


  5. +/-Support I might of missed it but in the video I don't see him tranq d class or letting them in bunks (People leaving bunks open is common sadly)

    Maybe not a blacklist but I do think he needs a warning for 1xRDM, FailRP.

    He killed a researcher for no reason and he is breaking the security SOP (Not listening to a higher ups, leaving d block and killing non d class/CI also clearly NITRP)  

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