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Posts posted by MiniLeopard

  1. 2 hours ago, th3 said:

    Was at work before but basically here is what happened.

    I was cloaked watching d block after causing chaos for security I took a break as there were a lot of D class Custom classes so I figured they had a chance without extra aid. I see 3 giant cube props get spawned in in a cluster of d class, and immediately they disappear. I saw the name of the person who spawned them in but figured it was a "mistake" and didn't do anything. During this time there were no rdm sits being called and the only issue seemed to be prop minging. I then saw him spawn the same 3 cubes along with an airplane before immediately removing them. Since I identified who it was I knew it was being done on purpose and since there were no staff sits being called about the supposed rdmer he allegedly was trying to stop I issued a warning for prop minging. He immediately disconnected after I issued the warning and having checked I knew he had a total of 3 warns for prop minging so he knew what not to do with props but still did it.

    I decided to ban him for 3 days because of the 3 prop minge warnings along with the instantaneous dc.


    Just wait the ban out

    No way you spawned 6 cubes and a plane by mistake 

  2. You didn't let anyone done expect me! I AM NOT INACTIVE  😡 but you was a great HOS. Forever number 1 in my heart 😉



    Also Rust is still cringe

    I am keeping the done part ):<

  3. +Support

    Sinnik has been working hard ever since he became command and when he got senior command he worked even harder by trying to do things to make the branch better. "He was the one that made the recent security update" He is also the most active command in security so I 100% believe Sinnik will make gensec a better branch.

  4. +/-Support

    I think it should be lower but like Rang said.

    6 hours ago, Rangiatea said:

    Its not meant to be given frequently thats why its a JMT+ requirement

    when mustard gas is supplied its a instant killer for a riot, its JMT+ because we wont give it out willy nilly and are not on all the time so it cant be requested every time 1 d class doesnt put his hands up 


  5. 1 hour ago, Rektify said:

    Perhaps it is my charitable nature I'm in but I think we should give him a chance. Perhaps reducing his ban to a few months. If he can wait that out, I think that would be fine. However, if SMT goes by staff handbook, then so be it.


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