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Everything posted by Sixx

  1. +Support I mean, It should've been updated when the DMG was changed.
  2. +Support Not sure what the models look like however everything seems fine!
  3. We dont need another doorstop.
  4. +/-Support How its currently proposed, it'd be better than the Platinum and Diamond job. If it would be lowered in HP/AP and a little worst weapon arsenal I could +Support it.
  5. o7 Eem, You were a great CMD member and an amazing person to talk to. GL With what you do in the future!
  6. LOA Has been ended early.
  7. +/- Support The thing needs a buff but not an RPM buff imo. Probaly a DMG and Recoil reduction buff.
  8. I've kinda seen this coming for awhile man but I hate to see that you've finally done it :(. GL In Nu-7 Williams, you were a great CPT and an even better person.
  9. Sad to see that you got burnt out of Security, you were a cool guy.
  10. Its sad to see you leave, come back one day will ya?
  11. Man, I hate the people who take being an "SF" in fucking garrys mod to their head.
  12. Name: Sixx Warden Name (If Applicable): Caesar SteamID (If Resigning): STEAM_0:1:174348602 Rank: HOS | WDC | OFTO What needs to be updated (Rank, FTO, Wardens, Strikes, Activity, Promotion date, or notes): LOA | 12/13 - 12/19 Reason: Taking a small break, Going back to the gym since I got a car, The 5 Week report of school is ending this week, and I just wanna play some other games. Ill be able to host the CMD Meeting and Main Meeting if necessary and Ill be available on discord! Just need a small break for a week.
  13. Accepted! Thank you for your application and interest in Security Juggernaut. You are now able to join the Security Juggernaut job! Please refer to #security-requesting-tags in Discord, and request tags for Security Juggernaut.
  14. Iri is a great member of Security, They'll do great as an event team member
  15. Sixx

    Sprink's Christmas LOA

    Scar is coming to Tarkov man cmon
  16. Changing to a +Support Looking back at suggestions, there has been alot of changes attempted to be made to 912 and people still want it gone so I agree with it getting removed.
  17. +Support This isn't a thing? Imagine a Sarkic just coming to a huge test and suicide bombing it lmaooo.
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