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Posts posted by CanOBeanz

  1. +/- Support

    I think I like Propane's version of this idea the most.

    MMF is supposed to be the elite janitorial staff that are responsible for the more dangerous parts of the facility such as EZ & HCZ, but not having them be able to help with 173 is obviously detrimental.

    I'd +Support letting them to into LCZ strictly to help with 173 breaches before returning to HCZ/EZ. 

    As for full reign of the facility, we might have to discuss more what the implications of seeing MMF regularly in LCZ would be. I mean sure, they're functionally the same as regular janitors, but they also look a lot more like MTF and may cause some confusion during shootouts / escape attempts by D Class. 

  2. Hello!

    It was recently brought to my attention that there is an issue with the incinerators in LCZ where multiple instances of the incinerator prop will spawn and overlap in the same space. This creates the following issues for janitors:

    • Inability to successfully burn trash, due to the 'activate' button being on a 'different' incinerator prop than the one trash is placed into, out of the multiple 'stacked' incinerators
    • Frustration for newer janitors being unable to burn their trash on their own
    • Jan command often has to take janitors to HCZ just to burn trash

    Here's a screenshot of the multiple incinerator props stacked in the same space, here you can see the multiple incinerator doors opening and closing:



  3. +Support

    Given the level of seemingly justifiable frustration caused by the sheer quantity of D class that have guns now, it might be a good idea to at least restrict the basic, no-level-requirement "d class" job from having access to donator guns, since there can be any number of players on this job at one time.

  4. Not sure what this thread is actually suggesting, but people should not be shooting at 106 either way.

    +Support adding a rule clarifying this in the MOTD if one doesn't exist already.

  5. -support

    • People will likely use this to get places they shouldn't, or use it to exploit, which would potentially lead to more serious staff sits being put in that require more time & investigation effort to resolve than would be spent just dealing with the sits that come in for stuck players.

    I suppose it depends on how the thing is configured and how far it teleports you, if you can go through props with it, etc

  6. Hello there! As many of you know, we've been looking for a long time to give our technicians a more attractive look. Fingers crossed, I think we might've finally found the perfect model pack to use so we can finally toss out Ol' creepygrin Mario.

    The current planned usage for this model pack is as follows: Green = Junior Technicians, Orange = Regular & Exp Technicians, Red = Senior Technicians.

    Also, this model pack comes at a nice, tidy little size of 0.537 MB!


    (Job Update)

    Name of Job: Technician

    Job Model (Model Paths): 

    • Green: models/eng_bio/pm_coruscant_eng_bio.mdl
    • Orange: models/eng_gen/pm_coruscant_eng_gen.mdl
    • Red: models/eng_fixer/pm_coruscant_eng_fixer.mdl

    Job Description: Staying same

    Job Weapons: Staying same

    Job Salary: Staying same

    Job HP: Staying same

    Job Armor: Staying same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1780241525


    I've fully tested these models in single player, and they look great!

    Here's a screenshot of what they look like in Site 05:


  7. I think i'm +/-Support on this, leaning +Support if only to make it fair to D class players that own this gun and not the titanfall ones

    I only see two potential headaches with allowing the Falcon on D Class:

    • D class trying to snipe up at gensec from lower d block (mostly only a risk if standing by the fence)
    • D class trying to hide in the upper d block area near gensec bunks to snipe at gensec from all the way on the other side of upper d block (Can be annoying but this spot has little cover & can be wiped by gensec coming out of bunks)

    Others with more experience in D block may be able to contribute other examples of possible problems with a scoped pistol in the hands of d class, but given the falcon's accuracy and damage compared to these newer guns, I don't think it would make the situation that much worse

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