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Posts posted by CanOBeanz

  1. On 12/1/2019 at 1:22 AM, Doggo0 said:

    Okay, I'll point some things wrong with this application:

     - If you read the requirements for trial mod, you should know that you need to have at least 1 week on the community.

     - You should be known in the community.

     - Q15 has a lot of text that's not needed, also we need to know what you could bring to the staff team. You can meet people in RP, you don't need to be staff for that.

     - Q16 is not that good, you should write down what you would do in more detail like jail times, what rank you would call for the jail/ban and stuff like that.

    Now a few good things:

     - No warns (well, you started playing today).

     - Timezone is right for when the server is most active.

     - Q15 has 194 words.

    Overall I think you could join the staff team if you wait a little and get known in the community.


    You seem nice and I can tell you have passion, but we usually wanna make sure that the people joining staff are actually established community members. Stick around for awhile and get a little more reputation and i'm sure you'd have a good shot at a staff position in the future 🙂

  2. On 12/1/2019 at 7:52 AM, BadAim said:

    +/- Support

    +I like the idea of requiring negotiations to be attempted, I think this would make RP more enjoyable.

    - foundation personnel just got self breaching, so I think we should hold off on this addition until they are ready for a new system

    I'd like to see some of our FearRP scenarios get expanded on a little bit more too. Getting kidnapped is exciting, but getting shot just because you're foundation staff in custody of hostile parties is pretty lame.

    I've actually been sniped by MTF out of the center of a group of D class that was holding me hostage before, that felt kind of like a unsatisfying way to deal with the situation (for me anyway).

    Do agree though that we kind of need to get the self breaching stuff fully in order before considering any more substantial RP rule changes like this.


  3. 2 hours ago, Bread said:

    SCP 096  - SCP-096's doors will begin to malfunction, which technicians would have to repair.

    • Can be stopped by Technical successfully fixing the door malfunction.
    • SCP-096 must advert that its door is malfunctioning in 50% increments every 5 minutes, and the same goes for its outer door.
    • MTF/RCF must roll to restrain SCP-096 if it has breached out of its main containment.
    • Technicians must fix the doors if they are broken open, or damaged.

    ^ Big +Support from me if we do it this way ^

    I have a feeling Technicians currently need a little more "preventative" maintenance tasks that we can do to keep SCPs from self-breaching / reset breach timers. 

    A lot of what we Technicians do with self breaching right now seems to be fixing doors AFTER the breach has happened, rather than helping do stuff to keep the thing in before it breaks out. This change would potentially let Technical take some more of the SCP maintenance pressure off other branches (less manic D-class wrangling for Researchers & MTF) and also give us more RP prompts to react to during the prime self-breach RP hours.

  4. Proxy Rolecall Response filled out for Fear, due to technical difficulties with the forum (Approved by Pure):

    In-Game Name: Fear

    Rank: JR Tech

    Are you an FTO/CE: No

    Concerns for Tech Branch: None

  5. Hey all,

    I recently bought a new CC for the technical branch which is a robot character. I was interested in using a voice changer app to use a robotic voice while playing on this job.

    I've seen a few people running around with robot voices on various robotic jobs, and I'm just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a good software to use for this which is confirmed to not be sketchy/ malware. 

    Thanks! 🙂

  6. I think it probably has to do a lot with the fact that Dr Bright tends to be a mingy job and there would be too much risk of Dr Bright players running around and  releasing HCZ skips on purpose if the job had a level 3 keycard.

    Just try to get permission to test on heavy containment stuff while playing as Dr Bright

  7. 7 hours ago, Susel said:

    Propably faced the same fate as city worker

    Wait we actually had city worker installed for a brief time at one point? I never knew that, lol

    Are they just too laggy or somethin?

  8. Proxy Rolecall Response filled out for Ploopster due to technical difficulties with the forum. (Requested & Approved by Pure)

    In-game Name: Ploopster

    Rank: Senior Technician / CE

    Are you an FTO/Containment Engineer: Yes/Yes

    Concerns or ideas for technical branch: None at this time

  9. In-game Name: Beanz

    Rank: Engineer

    Are you an FTO/Containment Engineer: Yes/Yes

    Concerns or ideas for technical branch: At this point, my main concern for Technical is player retention-- Keeping people playing in the branch long enough to get promoted, enjoy privileges associated with those promotions, and enjoy a sense of accomplishment with reaching various ranks of technician. Two questions that keeps knocking around in my head related to this are as follows:

    1. "How do we make Technical RP/events more enticing for juniors and other low ranking techs so that we stop hearing comments such as "there isn't much to do", and how do we inspire people to stick around and stay active long enough to become Senior techs as well as unlock access to Containment Engineer?"

    2.  "How do we make promotions feel like they have more accomplishment associated with them, so that people want to keep playing on the branch and earn more promotions?"

    I've been mulling over in my head lately some ideas on how to incentivize people to not only join technical, but stay on and playing it regularly with the same dedication that gets seen in the janitorial & medical branches. I am diligently working to brainstorm ways to improve this aspect of Technical, and will likely be speaking with my fellow command members soon about some of the ideas I've been thinking of  to potentially increase activity for us.

    I think the SCP self-breaching mechanics have the potential to tremendously boost our activity & overall RP allure when they are implemented, but i'd still like to continue brainstorming on ways we can personally influence these concerns in the meantime.

  10. Name: Beanz

    Rank: Engineer / Jr Surgeon

    Branch (Medical, Technician, Janitorial): Technical & Medical

    Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD): 11/14 - 11/18

    Reason (If private that's fine): Got a friend visiting from out of town for a few days, will be back Monday

  11. In-Game Name: Beanz

    Current Rank: Jr. Surgeon

    Current subdivision (If not in one, respond with N/A): Surgical

    Rate your activity on a 1-10 scale (1 being bad, 10 being very good): 6-7

    Are there any changes you wish to see in medical: None at the moment! I very much enjoy the current established mechanics of surgery RP.

  12. +Support on model #2

    I've seen the 'Zeus' model get used for 343 on other servers in the past and it looks great. Definitely fitting of 'god'.

    The current Jesus model has a special place in my heart, i'll admit, but I wouldn't mind seeing it go for something more epic looking

  13. Might wanna check your facts there, I don't think it's mentioned anywhere that 105 is part of O5. Her article states she's allowed level 3 (restricted) socializing privileges, which likely means she's still treated as a typical "safe" sentient containment subject.

    Also, format needed

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